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Vikings Arriving in FoE?


Tried to make my baby brother go, but he's being a pain:( trying to find a live stream..if I do will post the link..well I found one, but not sure they will be live streaming the interviews or just the competition itself..and I dont know the time and can't watch it all day(( real life always getting in the way:D


Every new feature they bring in, I secretly hope they will figure out a way to utilize (in a big way, not like GE amount) FE+ era guild goods


this what i got from the German server but can make it out as well as I would like.

"In short there will be a Culture Settlement, it's about eras and the first culture that can be played will be the Vikings, and when this part of the game is activated, a ship will appear in the water of the current city Schiff, changed the game interface and you begin parallel to the original world the structure of the Viking City.This city changes with every logon, it is like a puzzle that prevents an orderly construction of the city.You have 21 days to build this world that the task is fulfilled and there are mega strong event buildings for the main world in a row, which can be upgraded by further culture settlements, and the event buildings are many times stronger than they used to be.Additionally, the town halls of the crops can be harvested via a rider managed in the town hall of the main world.

Fairy Lily

That clears up things but now I'm even more curious as to how this will function....and as to how many more hours a day I will be playing


This city changes with every logon, it is like a puzzle that prevents an orderly construction of the city
can I have that for my regular city too

sounds funny

only condition: all building still have road connection


More info on the german forum..and it looks like we dont have to wait that much longer)) if I understood correctly it will be launched here on the 5th of November...


this what i got from the German server but can make it out as well as I would like.

"In short there will be a Culture Settlement, it's about eras and the first culture that can be played will be the Vikings, and when this part of the game is activated, a ship will appear in the water of the current city Schiff, changed the game interface and you begin parallel to the original world the structure of the Viking City.This city changes with every logon, it is like a puzzle that prevents an orderly construction of the city.You have 21 days to build this world that the task is fulfilled and there are mega strong event buildings for the main world in a row, which can be upgraded by further culture settlements, and the event buildings are many times stronger than they used to be.Additionally, the town halls of the crops can be harvested via a rider managed in the town hall of the main world.

According to the german forum, this statement is quite inaccurate and partly wrong:

Quote from FalkeNr1 in the German Forum:
Sehr sehr oberflächlich und teilweise falsch beschrieben...
Damit es nicht zu Verwirrungen kommt, möchte ich wenigstens einige Sachen korrigieren...

1. Um auch die Story etwas richtig zu stellen: man spielt nicht „als“ Wikinger sondern „für“ die Wikinger. Die Story dahinter ist, dass man den Wikingern hilft ein Dorf aufzubauen. Man baut natürlich schon selber, genau wie in der Hauptstadt, aber dass macht die ganze Story vielleicht auch etwas klarer! Bedeutet: ihr verwendet, neben Dingen, die ihr bei den Wikingern produziert, auch Münzen und Vorräte aus eurer Hauptstadt, um dort Gebäude bauen zu können.

2. die Stadt verändert sich nicht bei jedem einloggen. Euch werden wortwörtlich Steine in den Weg gelegt, die ihr nicht abreißen oder verschieben könnt, die bei jedem neuen Start einer Wikingersiedlung neu zufällig verteilt werden. Diese bleiben aber logischerweise über die ganze Lebenszeit der Siedlung an der selben Stelle.

3. man hat beliebig lange Zeit die Siedlung aufzubauen und erhält bei Fertigstellung trotzdem die Abschlussbelohnung. Es gibt allerdings zusätzliche Zeitbelohnungen, die ihr erhaltet, wenn ihr die Siedlung innerhalb von beispielsweise 21 Tagen abschließt. Dies ist aber die niedrigste Zeitbelohnung, wo ihr logischerweise auch am meisten erhaltet. Es gibt jedoch noch weitere, die ihr erhaltet, solltet ihr etwas länger als 21 Tage brauchen und unter anderen Zeitgrenzen bleiben. Schafft ihr keine der Zeitbelohnungen, erhaltet ihr TROTZDEM beim Abschluss der Siedlung den Hauptpreis.

4. Der Hauptpreis variiert je Nummer der abgeschlossenen Siedlung. Ihr könnt also mehrmals den Wikingern helfen. Es gibt 15 voreingestellte Hauptgewinne. Habt ihr den Wikingern also 15 Mal erfolgreich geholfen, habt ihr eines der beiden neues Hauptgebäude auf voller Stufe. Danach könnt ihr natürlich gerne weiterhin neue Siedlungen aufbauen, jedoch erhaltet ihr als Abschlussbelohnung nur noch 50 Forgepunkte.

5. das mit dem Rathaus ist wirklich seeeehr ungenau beschrieben. Weder kann man das Rathaus der Wikinger „verwalten“, noch „einsammeln“... unter den Abschlussbelohnungen der Wikinger befinden sich einige kleine „Helferchen“ für euch, die ihr in eurem Rathaus der Hauptstadt auswählen könnt und mit denen ihr den Output eures Rathauses individualisiert.

Da es für euch aber noch etwas spannend bleiben soll, möchte ich nicht mehr verraten. Wie andere das handhaben überbleibt natürlich Ihnen. Wollte nur einiges klarstellen, damit es nicht zu Verwirrungen oder falschen Annahmen kommt. Da die obige Beschreibung bereits im englischen das BETA WIKI erreicht hat, könnt ihr auch die mit dieser Beschreibung gerne nochmal etwas korrigieren, falls jemand Lust hat.

Genaueres zu dem Feature erfahrt ihr am 05. November auf dem BETA Server oder in meinem Video auf dem YouTube-Kanal „ZockIt“, wo zeitgleich ein Video mit einer ausführlichen Erklärung und noch ein paar Background-Infos erscheinen wird ;-)

"[The info above] is very superficial and partly wrong.
To avoid confusion, at least a few things are corrected in the following:

1.) to correct the story - one does not play "as the Vikings", but "For the Vikings". The story is, that one helps the Vikings to build a village. Of course you build yourself, like in the main City, but this should also clarify the story! That means: For the things, which you build in the Viking village your coins and supplies from the main city.

2.) The village does NOT change at every login. Stones appear in the village at every start of a Viging village. These stones can neither be moved, nor destroyed - and of course the stones will stay there as long as the Viking village exists.

3.) You have time "forever" to build the village and get the final reward anyway. But there are additional "time rewards", which you get when you finish the village e.g. within 21 days. This is the shortest time limit, which has of couse the highest reward. There are some further time rewards, which you get if you tage a bit longer than 21 days and stay below an other time limit. If you don't finish within any time limit, you get the final reward anyway.

4.) the final reward varies depending on the number of the finished village. You can help the Vikings to build a village more than one time. There are 15 pre-defined final rewards. If you successfully help the Vikings 15 times, you have one of the new Main Buildings [Town halls??] on the highest level. You can build more Viking villages, but then you just get 50 Forgepoints as final reward.

5.) The thing with the Town Hall is described VERY inaccurate. You can neither "administer", nor "collect" the Viking Town Hall. Among the final rewards of the Vikings there are some little helpers, which you can select in the Town Hall of the Main City and which you can use to individualize the output of the Town Hall.

For sake of not spoiling everything FalkeNr1 does not want to tell more. If others want to tell more that's up to them. He just wanted to clarify some things to avoid confusion. Hence the [inaccurate] description quoted above has already reached the BETA WIKI, we can correct it with this description, if someone wants. [BTW: Can WE edit the beta WIKI, or is this only possible for the moderators?]

We will get more info to this feature on 5th of November on the BETA server, or in FalkeNr1's Video on his YouTube Channel "ZockIt", where simultaneously a video will be released with more detailed infos and some background infos."


According to the german forum, this statement is quite inaccurate and partly wrong:

Quote from FalkeNr1 in the German Forum:

"[The info above] is very superficial and partly wrong.
To avoid confusion, at least a few things are corrected in the following:

1.) to correct the story - one does not play "as the Vikings", but "For the Vikings". The story is, that one helps the Vikings to build a village. Of course you build yourself, like in the main City, but this should also clarify the story! That means: For the things, which you build in the Viking village your coins and supplies from the main city.

2.) The village does NOT change at every login. Stones appear in the village at every start of a Viging village. These stones can neither be moved, nor destroyed - and of course the stones will stay there as long as the Viking village exists.

3.) You have time "forever" to build the village and get the final reward anyway. But there are additional "time rewards", which you get when you finish the village e.g. within 21 days. This is the shortest time limit, which has of couse the highest reward. There are some further time rewards, which you get if you tage a bit longer than 21 days and stay below an other time limit. If you don't finish within any time limit, you get the final reward anyway.

4.) the final reward varies depending on the number of the finished village. You can help the Vikings to build a village more than one time. There are 15 pre-defined final rewards. If you successfully help the Vikings 15 times, you have one of the new Main Buildings [Town halls??] on the highest level. You can build more Viking villages, but then you just get 50 Forgepoints as final reward.

5.) The thing with the Town Hall is described VERY inaccurate. You can neither "administer", nor "collect" the Viking Town Hall. Among the final rewards of the Vikings there are some little helpers, which you can select in the Town Hall of the Main City and which you can use to individualize the output of the Town Hall.

For sake of not spoiling everything FalkeNr1 does not want to tell more. If others want to tell more that's up to them. He just wanted to clarify some things to avoid confusion. Hence the [inaccurate] description quoted above has already reached the BETA WIKI, we can correct it with this description, if someone wants. [BTW: Can WE edit the beta WIKI, or is this only possible for the moderators?]

We will get more info to this feature on 5th of November on the BETA server, or in FalkeNr1's Video on his YouTube Channel "ZockIt", where simultaneously a video will be released with more detailed infos and some background infos."

Thanks for helping clear that mess up!