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Feedback [Feedback] Great Buildings Level Up Window


Great, so we're getting the " 50-FP-button and that button donates 5 10-fp-packages (or 10 5-fp-packages if someone don't have 10-fp-packages anymore)" then?


We'll look into it. :)
Don't mind me, just realised the thing: in GBs clicking the icon brings up the small menu and clicking the icon in the menu takes to the players city. Same in the chat just by clicking on the name... It's even in the 1.93 changelog but I somehow gone over it without noticing. Thanks anyway!


THANKS: I appreciate the detail of the info. It’s not a wall of noise. We all get very involved in this game and it’s good to be told the thinking behind changes. And thanks for asking for our views directly.

GOOD IMPROVEMENT: I think the 10FP donate button is just right - I was going to ask for it. It makes a huge difference.

PACK CHOICE: I guess if donating odd amounts the system will always fill from the bottom of the inventory up. [ie using 2FP packs before 5 etc] Not being able to choose which packs are drawn from is a drawback. Currently you can be strategic.
example: I had 1FP in bar. I wanted to donate 10. I would have used a 10FP pack from inventory and used the bar 1FP later for my tech tree - but the system emptied my 2x2FP packs and then took a 5FP pack to make the total. I can see why - but would have preferred a means of choosing.
There’s evidently a link between donation screen and inventory - can that maybe be made visible?
You can load what you want on the FP bar. That’s not too arduous - but rather defeats the improvement.
I think a 2FP or 5FP button would be a bit fiddly. see the following:

KEEP IT CLEAN: Whilst trying to accommodate people’s needs I would like to keep the screen clean.
In terms of display I think the screen is a bit busy - I find the decoration attached to the castles that hold the Level info too much [the part that looks like fast forward and rewind symbols] It’s unnecessary and distracting from the important information you need to see. [on both the overview and Level Up screen]

SIZE MATTERS: I think that the reduction in size of contributor names / totals is a negative. They are the important bit. I think this matters a lot and needs adjustment. The decoration and progress dominates over the information at present.


I had the unpleasant surprise by clicking on the button spend 10 fp that it did not directly spend the 10 fp package but that it also used the fp of the bar it would be nice to let me choose which fp or fp package I would have wanted to spend


More with this picture I see that there is enough room for 2 more button (in red on the picture) which allows to put 2 more button
I would therefore recomend the 3 button up the spending of the packages 2, 5 and 10 fp with the number of packages it stays next to (in green on the picture)
The 3 possible button down would be the button in order to set its bar fp the fp buying button with coins and then the button complete instantly with diamonds


Here's my 2 cents:

- it's nice that you've made the next level bonus more visible (without having to hover)
- we can't spend an arbitrary number of FPs -- like i want to spend 152 FPs (this is not really a must-have, but i have heard of players donating a little over a thousand points a day, so it might still be a problem, in a select few cases)
- i believe that separating the info over 2 tabs wasn't a good move. i personally at least, always want to see both at the same time (progress and next level benefits). i think there's still lots of space if you just split the one screen into 2 parts (left and right), make the table smaller (there's tons of extra space in the "Player Name" column anyway), make the picture and progressbar of the GB smaller, and i don't think that will cram things up
- it's nice that the list of players who donated are not longer paginated
- it might be better for you guys to find a different text rather than "Available FP: 541". personally that makes me thing that that's how many FPs are still left to complete the level, rather than the total amount of FPs in my inventory
- i know i'm a perfectionist on this one, but the 3 buttons are not perfectly aligned to the center. you can compare it both to the progressbar and to the "Complete instantly" (diamonds) button. i honestly don't like the overall design of the whole thing, but maybe that's just me (first time this was released i checked my calendar to see if it's april 1st -- i kid you not)


Sure sounds like this is a meaningful discussion, thanks ^^


OK so I was one of the testers, apparently. I have given it a little time to see how I liked it and to see if I could spot any immediate bugs. I have seen no bugs, that's the good news, The negative is that I do dislike the choose to donate format, Well I do at first use anyway. I would prefer that the middle button said "use FP from Inventory" rather than as it is. As it stands I find it unclear as to where you will use the FP from. Fine otherwise just different (So be ready for criticism because it is)


Might have been answered already. If you use a 10 from packs, what's the priority? 1x10, 2x5, then 5x2? Or is it the reverse order?


Just to point out a disadvantage of the FP bar using an example:

A few minutes ago a guildmate announced that his level 3 CDM (with the owner as only contributor) is about to level up.

I checked and had to do the following to spend my FP in a controlled way:
1.) I opened his GB list from the context menu of the message
2.) opened his CDM and saw that the owner was the only contributor
3.) closed all windows to buy a FP with coins (my FP bar has been empty at this time; I did not want to open a FP package)
4.) opened the message again and opened his CDM via context menu and GB list
5.) spent 1 FP from the bar
6.) saw that I would get 25 FP without regarding my Arc bonus
7.) used my excelfile to do the maths. Result "use 28 FP to go safe at #1, get 36 FP back"
8.) clicked the 10 FP twice
9.) closed all windows
10.) clicked the + button next to the FP bar and opened 4 small FP packages (so I KNOW that 2 FP packages are opened, and nothing else)
11.) opened the message again and opened his CDM via context menu and GB list
12.) spent 8 FP from the bar

Having buttons for 2 FP and 5 FP would have saved steps 9 to 12 - I would have just clicked the 2 FP button 4 times.

BTW: It seems that I have missed the info somewhere: In which order are FP packages opened?
When clicking the 10 FP button I assume that it openes "biggest first" - correct?

When I click the 1 FP button: How should it know whether I want to spend an even number of FP (better open a 2 FP package), or e.g. 7 FP (Here it would be best to open a 2 FP and a 5 FP package; If I want to do this, I MUST do steps 9 to 12, with opening a "2" and a "5" in step 10 when I don't want to end up with points going to my FP bar)


Just to point out a disadvantage of the FP bar using an example:

A few minutes ago a guildmate announced that his level 3 CDM (with the owner as only contributor) is about to level up.

I checked and had to do the following to spend my FP in a controlled way:
1.) I opened his GB list from the context menu of the message
2.) opened his CDM and saw that the owner was the only contributor
3.) closed all windows to buy a FP with coins (my FP bar has been empty at this time; I did not want to open a FP package)
4.) opened the message again and opened his CDM via context menu and GB list
5.) spent 1 FP from the bar
6.) saw that I would get 25 FP without regarding my Arc bonus
7.) used my excelfile to do the maths. Result "use 28 FP to go safe at #1, get 36 FP back"
8.) clicked the 10 FP twice
9.) closed all windows
10.) clicked the + button next to the FP bar and opened 4 small FP packages (so I KNOW that 2 FP packages are opened, and nothing else)
11.) opened the message again and opened his CDM via context menu and GB list
12.) spent 8 FP from the bar

Having buttons for 2 FP and 5 FP would have saved steps 9 to 12 - I would have just clicked the 2 FP button 4 times.

BTW: It seems that I have missed the info somewhere: In which order are FP packages opened?
When clicking the 10 FP button I assume that it openes "biggest first" - correct?

When I click the 1 FP button: How should it know whether I want to spend an even number of FP (better open a 2 FP package), or e.g. 7 FP (Here it would be best to open a 2 FP and a 5 FP package; If I want to do this, I MUST do steps 9 to 12, with opening a "2" and a "5" in step 10 when I don't want to end up with points going to my FP bar)
:) I pointed this out earlier as well.


The new interface is greate and 90% of all i wanted, witch is a good percent.
Still wait for it, i have the old interface.

I need to send ticket for activation?
reask... i don't receive a answear... i still have the old interface.


Personally I think they should have just improved the old system but because we know this will never happen I can only suggest what I would consider improvements.

In the overview it should also display the FP bar showing how many FB have been used and are still needed to reach the next level.

All FP packages should be indicated separately. If I prefer to use 2FP packages I should be able to select it. I have many coins and would like to buy FP with coins especially when I don't need many. Why don't I have the option to buy FP with coins?
On the level up screen all the FP packages (2,5 and 10) should be indicated with the amounts of FP packages left. For example if the 10FP x 14 packages left.

Don't use the amount of times you click on something to loose all the other options.

With this new change that Inno have made, I feel this is just another method to make players use there forge point packages faster so they will buy more with diamonds. I wonder in the distant future if Inno will reduce the amount of FP packages you will receive through GB etcetera so you will consider using more diamonds.


Just to point out a disadvantage of the FP bar using an example:

A few minutes ago a guildmate announced that his level 3 CDM (with the owner as only contributor) is about to level up.

I checked and had to do the following to spend my FP in a controlled way:
1.) I opened his GB list from the context menu of the message
2.) opened his CDM and saw that the owner was the only contributor
3.) closed all windows to buy a FP with coins (my FP bar has been empty at this time; I did not want to open a FP package)
4.) opened the message again and opened his CDM via context menu and GB list
5.) spent 1 FP from the bar
6.) saw that I would get 25 FP without regarding my Arc bonus
7.) used my excelfile to do the maths. Result "use 28 FP to go safe at #1, get 36 FP back"
8.) clicked the 10 FP twice
9.) closed all windows
10.) clicked the + button next to the FP bar and opened 4 small FP packages (so I KNOW that 2 FP packages are opened, and nothing else)
11.) opened the message again and opened his CDM via context menu and GB list
12.) spent 8 FP from the bar

Having buttons for 2 FP and 5 FP would have saved steps 9 to 12 - I would have just clicked the 2 FP button 4 times.

BTW: It seems that I have missed the info somewhere: In which order are FP packages opened?
When clicking the 10 FP button I assume that it openes "biggest first" - correct?

When I click the 1 FP button: How should it know whether I want to spend an even number of FP (better open a 2 FP package), or e.g. 7 FP (Here it would be best to open a 2 FP and a 5 FP package; If I want to do this, I MUST do steps 9 to 12, with opening a "2" and a "5" in step 10 when I don't want to end up with points going to my FP bar)

It seems when you are out of FP in bar and click add 10 FP it opens 10 FP package, when clicked 1 FP it always open 2 FP and puts 1 FP back to bar.
5 FP packages are not used until you spend all 10 FP packages.
If you have 5 FP chain and you want to donate 5 FP you cannot do it from new GB window - you need to open 5 FP package manually, or you will end up with 1 FP in bar from 3x 2 FP packages. It needs to be changed.

Needed changes:
1) add button to donate 5 FP
2) when bar is empty change button "donate X from bar" into "buy 1 FP for coins and donate 1 FP"
3) for high level GB it would be very useful to have button "add 50 FP"

There is a lot of space in new window so adding 2 more buttons (5 FP and 50 FP) shoudnt be problem.


Okay, so I have a rather big one. Look in the picture below and tell me how many total donators you think this GB has? 4 (plus the owner), right? Wrong. Turns out that there's no indication that there are still players to show, except for the scrollbar, which indeed I've hidden in this pic, because it's very easy to oversee it.

This is happening because there is space between the last donor and the "Level 15" paginator, where another player would fit, but since there's nothing there, you assume the table ends there.

What I'm suggesting is one of 2 things:
- add a nice border right at the end of the table, to show that that's where the table ends, and there might be additional people below
- make the scrollbar wider (not sure if this will make it pop up more, but it's worth a try if #1 is too much work)


Edit: NormaJeane - 2017-02-13 - Too large image, spoiler tags were added.
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And this image explains why I am saying, please show the first FIVE contributors (meaning: the first five who receive a reward) on the first page. I see only FOUR, because the owner is in the list with his 144 FP. There is enough space in this image to add
* the FIFTH contributor on the first page
* buttons for "use 2 FP (package)", "use 5 FP (package)" and "buy FP (with coins symbol and costs)"


Just by looking at this picture you notice that the new lg level up screen has a lot of wasted space that can be improved. Why is the amount of forge points invested so far away from the players' name? It would be a lot more practical to move the last 2 columns right next to the maximum allowed name length. By doing that you suddenly gain a lot of space on the right side that is rougly 50% of the entire width of the level up screen. This space can be used to imrove the gameplay for arc players by adding a fourth column that shows the actual amount of rewards you get.

The current window gets the job done but by looking at it with the eyes of a designer it's unsatisfying.
Current version: In order to see the player name and the amount of forge points you have to move your eyes quite a bit and it's possible to mistakingly "arrive" at a wrong row.
Proposed version: Player names and Forge points invested are directly next to each other so there is no way to make the mistake mentioned earlier. It's also much more pleasing for your eyes.

I personally only see improvements with my proposed change so I hope it makes it into the final version.