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Search results

  1. Fixed on Beta: Hidden messages appear #Hidden not selected.

    I have a few threads in the Social Tab that are hidden. If I have the Social tab open and looking at all the thread headers and someone posts to a hidden thread, the thread pops to the top of the message center and the little circle with a number appears, indicating that a new message has...
  2. Fixed on Beta: Guild/Social Category, New message, Initial post has reduced limit to size of post

    When creating a new message in the Guild or Social Category, the initial input field has a limitation on the size of the post that is drastically smaller than any follow on post. Prior to change and currently in any follow on post to a thread in the Guild or Social Category - The limitation is...
  3. Cannot Reproduce: On Mobile - message input field - 3rd or more last line not visible

    When typing a message on mobile in either the Guild or Social Tab, if you get to the third line, you can no longer see the text you are typing. If you continue to type, and get to the fourth line, then the third line is visible and you cant see the fourth line,
  4. Not A Bug: Daily Challenge / Other Quest giver same req not auto complete for both

    Reproduction Steps: 1. Have a "Pay coin" req in Daily Challenge 2. Have a "Pay coin" req in another quest giver(Mine was Event window) 3. Issue Description (10/10): Please include the following information: - What you were expecting to happen : When I paid the Event req (57k coin), I...
  5. Rejected [Suggestion] - Exclude Guild selection in Market

    Just as title says, add a selection that would make trades you are putting up to NOT show in your Guild. Right now we have Guild only or Everyone. Many guilds are fair trade and don't want to see members doing unfair trades. While this is nice and helpful for younger members or newbies...
  6. Rejected [Suggestion] - Extra Turn timer on GE map

    When you buy the extra turn in the Friends Tavern, the timer shows on the tavern on your city map. Can we get the timer to also appear on the GE map? Maybe next to the Attempts bar? Doesn't have to be fancy, just functional. I personally like to fight as far as I can. Up to the point that...
  7. Fixed on Beta: FP timer MIA on PC

    Reproduction Steps: 1. Have at least 1 FP on bar and Hover cursor over FP bar 2. Get the timer box : Dark Grey with light grey surround 3. Timer box empty - no text Issue Description (10/10): Please include the following information: - What you were expecting to happen: expect to see the timer...
  8. Rejected Suggestion - Options for Threads

    Suggestion. A couple of options for messages. 1. Add an Leader selectable option to make a message thread mutable. No reply unless leader or above. There are times when Guild admins may want to put some info out and not have everyone add their commentary to it. 2. Add an Leader...
  9. Fixed on Beta: Mobile App - Incidents - pic not in right spot [43432]

    Found the "SOS" incident on the beach in PC. Went to Mobile to locate it and found it in the water. Location just a bit off. Edit: NormaJeane - 2017-07-21 - Too large image(s), spoiler tags were added. Max size allowed is: 600x480 pixels.
  10. Rejected Friends Tavern - Chat Window

    There was a discussion in my guild about the friends tavern and how it could be expanded. The overall thought was that it many of the people in the guild are very social and like to chat. and the Tavern screen was a bit boring. They were wondering if there could be a chat feature in the...
  11. Rejected [Suggestion] - Replace Silver and Gold Extra Turn Timer

    Currently there is a 30minute and 1hour +1 extra turn. In three worlds I know of no one who has used one more then once, other than to just to see what happens. Suggestion is to change these to a +2 @15min for 2500 silver and +3 at either 15 or 30min for 4000 silver
  12. Will Not Fix: message center page number error

    Reproduction Steps: 1.on PC only // open message center 2.go to any page but #1 3.click the settings menu in upper left of window 4.select "mark all as read" and OK to confirmation popup. 5.meaasge center resets to first page messages Issue Description (10/10): Please include the following...