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Feedback Message Center Changes


Thanks for the changes in the Message Center, they have been successful.
A suggestion from my side for further changes: a tab with all messages would be nice, especially in the app I miss such a feature.
At least with all not hidden guildmessages + favorite messages + new threads


I like the new one, the only problem is that they flash also when nothing is changed.
For me this is a good change.


Just Made all Guild Channels new. Nice Idea to Auto update New members!
and helps to sort all those messages.
but there is a Problem: you cant Click on ones Avatar to Go to His GBs (Or write PM) ... this would absolutely be necessary!

edit: problem only on mobile version (ipad)
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yes, it keeps flashing all the time. That's very annoying.


Once we get use to the new message center it will work out great. Really like the idea that official messages are not tied into the regular messages.


Allow messages in Guild tab to be deleted by recipients. It is annoying that I can't delete guild messages that do not need to be kept.


Allow messages in Guild tab to be deleted by recipients. It is annoying that I can't delete guild messages that do not need to be kept.
you can hide them, but looks like the hidden messages also make it blink, not sure if that's intended.


The message center, like all message centers since the actual beta, has its pros and cons.
Here is the skinny-
In the Guild Tab-
allow the Officers and founders to create the thread and allow no responses- WITH added thread admins-
be it for GbG orders, or updates on things- ALSO- allow them to have multiple Admins- This is not good if only the founder can do that- and that I cannot figure that one out yet- as they are not on.

We should also Have the ability to SHUT off replies as Thread ADMIN; be able to update thread without turning on and off.
No one uses the Guild forums- you created a terrible mess there. since day one.
Other than that- you have something going on. Please don't take years to make a proper change.

One more thing- allow the officer's or admins migration rights to move the already working threads from social to Guild with a swipe or a click-
this would take away all the negative responses from people.
and turn them to plus.


Question: If you mark a message as a favorite, does it still get deleted after a certain amount of time with no new posts?
This is important,,, this is why I suggested they go to the Guild threads and me managed there.


Hopefully Inno is working on the constantly flashing message indicator when there are no new messages and the current messages have been marked as read.


1- l agree with most all the post the new message system is a joke.

2- What happened to the championship battle tower's l want to know where I'm at in the placings.

3- l still can't message all my neighborhood with 1 message on PC


Please leave any feedback for the Message Center Changes here.
You can find all the details here
Please report any bugs in our bug section here.
I know some will love it but, I'm the founder/leader of a +60 guild in another browser and it takes me long enough now without having to change from social to official to favorites to..... to be able to answer questions, help some, do some negotiations, having a conversation to help the threads. etc. It's crazy. Really terrible for me and almost sure, my guilders won't like it at all. It would take to long to jump from one to other. The way is now, the answers and new things are in the top of one page and you open what you want and don't open what you don't want to open. In here I have to go dancing from 1 place to another.

Heinrich IV

In General I like the new message center. Of course it requires new "rules" for personal and guild message handling but it offers better options for good overview than before. However are some important points:
- Also in guild message it is required to have the option to open/start personal conversation in player context menu.
- The message flashing problem needs to get fixed (only flash on new NOT hidden messages)
- The new message marker on the tabs should be bigger (not easy to see).
- Another line for leaders may be helpful.


Don't like is the background colors of the new message window. Especially the editor is messing with my eyes.


It would be also helpful if you could add other players to guild messages.
Especially smaller guilds have sometimes external helpers with big arcs for the GB-contributor groups. Otherwise the the Guild-Groups must stay in social and new members must still be added manually...