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Hall of Fame Issue and Rebalancing Announcement


Bruic, we're aware that the terms and conditions mean the company can act like a complete jerk toward their customers - the question is why they don't care what harm that behaviour does to their relations with their customers. Compensation in the form of trophies or diamonds would cost the company nothing and would make a big difference in how they're perceived by their customers.

They screwed up major with this HoF - the concept of it, the overpowering of it, not fixing it before releasing it on regular servers, never doing an in-game announcement that it was flawed and would be nerfed, even though it's been the "featured prize" several times and people are purchasing it in good faith.

Customers who got these items for 4000 trophies should at least be offered trophies in compensation for any HoFs that they no longer feel are worth the space they take up. If Innogames can't do that, they're just going to have to (quoting the eloquent Bruic here) eat the lousy reputation they've earned by abusing players' trust this way.
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this topic is still running

who-ever doing the design new features of FoE....should now pack their stuff

whenever u design a new features / terms....
u will earn a bad name !!!

There is no perfect ....when compare with players
u have 1 brain
but each player has 1 brain, there is tons of player-brains vs designer single brain
all brains aim at obtaining benefits that they are not entitled....


Prove willful intent and gross negligence on their part. They are simply altering a building which they are entitled to. Just because you feel one way about it doesn't mean they committed any offense and owe you a refund of any kind. Keep in mind you paid money for diamonds, which you got, diamonds for cups, again which you got, and cups for hof, which you obviously got. Contractually you got what you paid for you. Beyond that alterations fall under innos discretion.

Of course REAL money has to be converted into virtual currency like diamonds, cups, eggs ... before a player receives the item he/she has purchased.
Legally diamonds, cups, ... are just the means to complete the commercial transaction of buying an ingame item like the HoF.

And no, Innogames cannot do what they want when they sell game items for REAL money, there is commercial law and since more than a decade companies are bound to E-commerce regulation/legislation worldwide (EU, USA, ...). Anno 2014, E-customers are well protected against fraud !

The facts:

- Players used REAL money to purchase a game item (HoF) for its very attractive characteristics once it was released on the life servers. Prior to the release, it was tested on beta, feedback was given by the beta community and Innogames approved it to be released (remember the ggggg guild mods/devs used to check the effect on the globalrankings).

- When released, the HoF had mega characteristics allowing players in a guild to bring their guild on top of the rankings in a blink, something which took months of hard work to achieve before !

- On Sunday Innogames started a 1 day promotion action to buy diamonds with extra shots (soccer event) bonus.
Sunday afternoon the super HoF was published as featured prize (4000 cups or 1600 diamonds). Yes, many players have purchased the Hof for its immense effect it has on the rankings !

- Next day, on Monday Innogames announced on the forum (NOT ingame), the Hof will be nerfed and will lose its effect on the rankings in next release.

IMO, yes intentional misleading customers to buy game items (super value) and then delivering something else (little value) 1 day later, is fraud.
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6.2 All games offered by InnoGames are revised and updated at InnoGames' discretion so as to keep them attractive for the largest possible circle of users.

That is a direct line from the terms and conditions you agreed to when you joined the game. As such you agreed that inno can pretty much do whatever they want to their game. Therefore no fraud was committed. The hof still gives a decent amount of power and that doesn't satisfy you then I guess you have to eat your loss.

Whatever line from the terms and conditions a customer agreed to, if it breaches/violates any national/international law (consumer protection) then it has no value and is never accepted as an argument. Terms and conditions never supersedes legislation.
Selling an item under false pretenses is fraud.
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Whatever line from the terms and conditions a customer agreed to, if it breaches/violates any national/international law (consumer protection) then it has no value and is never accepted as an argument. Terms and conditions never supersedes legislation.
Selling an item under false pretenses is fraud.

Since your so inclined to prove me wrong file a class action suit and let me
know how it turns out.


Since your so inclined to prove me wrong file a class action suit and let me
know how it turns out.

There is no need to prove evidence isnt it, "Terms and Conditions" of sales never supersedes legislation.
Well, if u think Terms and Conditions can be used as argument in court to justify fraudulent sales, thats yr problem, not mine, sorry cant help you ;)


There is no need to prove evidence isnt it, "Terms and Conditions" of sales never supersedes legislation.
Well, if u think Terms and Conditions can be used as argument in court to justify fraudulent sales, thats yr problem, not mine, sorry cant help you ;)

Except in this case the terms and conditions of the "sales" werent breached. People paid real money for diamonds. Nothing else. Trying to justify that they converted it to cups then into the hof so they didnt get what they paid real money for is a stretch. But like I said, want to prove me wrong that they didnt commit fraud then file a suit against innogames on behalf of the community and see what happens with it.


Nope, players paid for HoF's, the HoF was advertized as featured prize, to obtain such powerfull game item, they clicked on the + button which says 'buy cups', invested virtual cash (diamonds) and/or purchased more virtual cash with real money. As explained above, diamonds, cups etc are virtual currency and just a means to get game features/items like HoF(s) with real money. (virtual currency like diamonds and cups has no function in the game itself, it is not a game feature)
I have stated the facts above, wont repeat them, sorry cant help u further, up to u to prove the facts are wrong.


Nope, players paid for HoF's, the HoF was advertized as featured prize, to obtain such powerfull game item, they clicked on the + button which says 'buy cups', invested virtual cash (diamonds) and/or purchased more virtual cash with real money. As explained above, diamonds, cups etc are virtual currency and just a means to get game features/items like HoF(s) with real money. (virtual currency like diamonds and cups has no function in the game itself, it is not a game feature)
I have stated the facts above, wont repeat them, sorry cant help u further, up to u to prove the facts are wrong.

So when exactly are you going to fight this in a German court?


So when exactly are you going to fight this in a German court?

who knows, lawsuits might have been filed already... on the German live server there was an announcement that players who have purchased HoF before the nerfing will be compensated with 1000 cups.
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North Armericans love Courts and using them!! I played a game once where the owner cheated a lot ( actually he stole the game twice)
and the courtcase went on for years 'till it was settled and the ownercheat was to go to jail! But all he had to do was to move to another
state! Not that I state that Innogames cheats!!! Just makes me laugh when our US friends wanna sue Inno!!
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Let us all keep in mind that this is Beta where active players receive lots of "compensation diamonds" with each new game version...

While saying the above I have no intention to play down "paying customers" on the live servers, but let's keep in mind that every company needs a certain amount of time for decision making. My guess now is that a compensation will take place on all live servers, however keep in mind hat I am only a volunteer Forum Admin ;) and therefore have no influence on Innogame company decisons :p