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Feedback Guild Expedition Update


Spoiler Poster
While I think the introduction to live is rushed, let's be fair here, things have changed after our complaints. We complained about the new selection kits taking way too long to complete, and they were improved to give out one per week (which is an improvement over old system, with the exception of FoY). We complained about difficulty of fighting, and it was reduced by up to 31%.

Yes there are plenty of other things I'd like to see changed as well, but to say nothing has changed at all is just wrong.


At least Inno did not decide make the level 5 a level that you can complete by only spending diamonds xD only diamond farmers would success in that situation xD


Perk Creator
It is now much harder for a new player to collect BPs for ToR by doing GE
Before we had 75% of gaining 1 BP of ToR at quest 4, 30% at quest 17, 25% at quest 25, 25% at quest 34, 20% at quest 40 and 25% of gaining 2 BP at quest 52.
That is overall, 2.25 BP on average over the 4 levels.
Currently we have 34% of gaining 1 BP and 33% of gaining two also at quests 33, 37 and 41.
That is overall, 3 BP at each EG.


A new video? There are no possible explanations for the lack of vision and lack of knowledge of the game itself.
I've always heard the saying "the customer is always right". I've never heard: "We're the ones in charge here, we do what we want and you eat and shut up"


I think the problem here is that the changes they want to make shouldn't even be considered on older worlds. They want radical changes so apply them only and only in new worlds, just opened.


A new video? There are no possible explanations for the lack of vision and lack of knowledge of the game itself.
I've always heard the saying "the customer is always right". I've never heard: "We're the ones in charge here, we do what we want and you eat and shut up"

The full saying you’re trying to quote is “the customer is always right in matters of taste.”

It only means if the customer likes something then don’t tell them to not like it. The saying has nothing to do with who is right for what direction a business should take.

I think the problem here is that the changes they want to make shouldn't even be considered on older worlds. They want radical changes so apply them only and only in new worlds, just opened.

Japan just opened.
Japan opened? Japan : it means you can now play FoE in a "new language", but this does not mean a "new world" ! ;-)

This week I got for the very first time the "thought" : Well, why should I play Guild Expedition ? The real "fever" to get something in GE flowed away ...I lost the fever for gettting something I like, because fp's and good and units I get also from buildings in my city...
I can really live with the current rewards, but playing GE do NOT bring me real joy anymore !! :(
And a real Guild competition will also get lost I'm afraid ! This is the biggest mistake of all mistakes Inno did so far !!

I can agree that Inno don't like it to read thousand of complains and gave up to read them all ...but they just can look at how many pages this thread already contains (!!) and .... they've Juber who filtered out the suggestions for the developers, so it's easy work for Inno to just only read all of the given suggestion, bringing them together to create 1 or more greater plans and bring that as new feature or implement in the feature they wish to bring out !

Like I wrote earlier : like GE currently is, players get punished because for some players, me included, GE is (was?) one of the parts in FoE that I really liked to play each week ! Both for myself as for the guild and the competition between guilds.


Perk Creator
I think it was rushed to live server for a couple of reasons:
1.) Devs' vision is in contrast with (Beta) player feedback, thus Beta feedback having nothing to offer left
2.) GE changes appeared to be effective and working as intended now. So, it might've been deemed "successfully" passed Beta testing
3.) Diamonds farming in GE is effectively cut, Inno might be motivated to accelerate rolling out this patch for obvious reasons
While I still believe it to be flawed and a bit lacklustre overhaul, I think the above 3 reasons have largely contributed to the rush.

LMAO because of the selection kits if GE. The changes feel especially rushed cause the GE selection kits are called GE lvl X, even though most selection kits contain only 1 base building and its respective upgrade. Only the FoY selection kit didn't feel in name rushed. Overall it's a messy and rushed change. With the only good thing the farming patch and the slight increase of valuable resources. Overall dissatisfying and disappointing update. I guess only the GbF farming and existing WW/FoY are waiting to be patched eventually. Both could be easily patched in the way RQ diamond farming abuse is prevented: 1-drop per age /fixed limited drops per season.


Before we had 75% of gaining 1 BP of ToR at quest 4, 30% at quest 17, 25% at quest 25, 25% at quest 34, 20% at quest 40 and 25% of gaining 2 BP at quest 52.
That is overall, 2.25 BP on average over the 4 levels.
Currently we have 34% of gaining 1 BP and 33% of gaining two also at quests 33, 37 and 41.
That is overall, 3 BP at each EG.
Actually wrong. You say that a player gets more but the new player loses out. THEY DO NOT DO PHASE 3


The reduction of the ammount of diamonds that you can obtain is disappointing, but understandable. Innogames is a private company with the intent of making as much money as possible, so it's obvious they would want to reduce the ammount of diamonds you could obtain for free. Personally I think it would have been better to add more incentives to spend diamonds (which would then incentivize players to spend money) like making some sort of special paid pass where you can obtain special rewards by spending diamonds. I think that would be more effective into motivating f2ps to spend money. Now because of these changes I believe many f2ps like myself won't do so because they believe inno is going to make Forge progressively more and more p2w.

Also, please modify the chances of getting diamonds. I would prefer if the 3 diamond chests in level 4 had a 50% chance of obtaining 55 diamonds rather than the current 90 diamonds for just 30%, as I find very disappointing doing the expedition and not getting a single diamond.

To me though the worst thing about the reward changes are the inclusion of even more fragments. I think most people here have already pointed out how sick they are of fragments, but for some reason Inno wants to keep adding more and more useless fragments. Also, 800 fragments for a FoY is just laughable. I also do not understand why there was a nerf on the attempts, it's not like people are going to spend diamonds on that.

In regards to the level 5: why is there a beta server and a beta forum if Inno is going to ingore almost every criticism we make? I think most people here have already pointed out that the level 5 is too dificult and just not worth it, yet Inno decided it was a good idea to release the update just 3 weeks after it came out on beta. I like the fact that you have to use city defense, as I think it's better to make old mechanics useful rather than creating new ones, the problem is that not only did Inno fail in doing so, but they also created a new completely useless mechanic (fortifications)!

I really liked the new anniversary event, but Inno of course had to release a god awful update to balance things out. Afterall it was the same thing last year with the 2022 anniversary event and space age jupiter (aka space age mars 4.0).
What's the point of losing space in your city with a ToR if you limit yourself to level 1 expeditions?
I believe here's a missunderstanding ...
Yekk probably mean "they actually can't do GEL3 in the beginning, later they can ...
@DEADPOOL : even getting a ToR when you can only do GE L1 is worth it ... having the luck to get a Golden Relic with 100 fp's is for a low age player just an excisting moment! Plus : ToR can also give Units (most beginners don't have Alcatraz), bp's for other GB's, Goods, etc ... Even if you only CAN play GE L1, ToR is a must have (my opinion, of course!) ... Later on, when a player start to gather more boost for attacking army or gathering more Good (to negotiate), he/shecan probably rahter sooner than later also play GE L2 and later L3, etc ...


but why do you need attempts as reward ?

the GEx is running 144 hours + 8 attempts at start

but there are only 80 encounters

that are almost 2 attempts per encounter

I don't like using diamonds in GE5, since it have no diamond rewards,
And fully negotiating required me like 40 attempts for 16 encounters.

104 attempts needed in total for 152 tickets.

It means like I have to do GE right after it get started,
do GE right after I get up in the morning (if I go for work, then I would lose quite a bit of attempts by overflowing),
if there were no attempt bonus in the boxes.

I would be very happy if they made the bar start with 8/12 instead of 8/8.
i think that if the attack/defend percentages are lowered by a *third*, it should be enough to still be very hard to finish, yet still be possible (with some effort) to complete it with just "attacking" (ehm defending :p), but not impossible. oh and this goes for the good amounts needed for negotiating as well.

some people may be screaming for halving the values though, but cutting by a third pretty much does it imho :p