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Feedback Guild Expedition Update


Community Manager

Dear Kings and Queens,
On Tuesday, March 14th, the first Guild Expedition including level 5 will begin!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one or two short sentences like "What was the name of the Temple again? I forgot." is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team


If you finish the Guild Expedition level 5, you will be able to build the Forgotten Temple once the old one degraded.
if I understand correct:
only one can be active at the same time in the city ?

or can I collect them and then use all at once ?



New versions of existing buildings​

But what of the existing buildings, you ask? We've expanded the range for two of these to bring them up to date. Introducing: the Divine Sky Watch and the Greater Ritual Flame!

Please note that these are brand new versions of these buildings, but you can't upgrade your existing Sky Watches and Ritual Flames to this version.
funny joke
new versions of existing buildings
but then: brand new versions can't upgrade your existing

so actually that are different buildings just with the same name / look

just like: The King / The King Statue


if I understand correct:
only one can be active at the same time in the city ?

or can I collect them and then use all at once ?
Atleast you quoted with 'build', but the quote says,
If you finish the Guild Expedition level 5, you will be able to receive a new Forgotten Temple in time when the old one to degrade.
which is even more confusing.


I "read" that: If you finish the Guild Expedition level 5, you will be able to receive a new Forgotten Temple in time when the old one to degrade.

as... You do GE 5 for 4 weeks successfully, you've accrued enough frags to get a drop in new one. It's timed for 30 28 days, so that's 4 full GE adventures, each 5 deep...
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Try to give some fragments for ritual flame level 3 upgrade kit in GE 5 rewards to make the existing level 2 ritual flames to push for level 3.
If you think very cheap, increase the fragments count to 300 to complete one ritual flame level 3 upgrade kit.


I "read" that: If you finish the Guild Expedition level 5, you will be able to receive a new Forgotten Temple in time when the old one to degrade.

as... You do GE 5 for 4 weeks successfully, you've accrued enough frags to get a drop in new one. It's timed for 30 days, so that's 4 full GE adventures, each 5 deep...
but back to my actual question
can I use all at the same time (after long enough time collecting)

or only one at the same time ?

reason for the question:
1 FP + 20% = 1 FP
but 1 FP + 60% = 2 FP

so to get the most effective amount you need more than one active
the perfect value would be 50% (so 2 times 20% + 10% from the fountain of the premium pass in the past)
but if not 50% then 60% is still much better than 20% three times in a row
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Here's another kinda "horrid" thought. We use all the extra Gate of SUN Gods, and Face of the Ancient buildings from GE in our FoE MAJOR events questing to quickly address event quests that require large happiness adds to solve the quest.

So when your current quantity of these now valuable items runs out (and it will be a lot faster than you think...even with hundreds of them...), you will be forced to possibly WIN them back now in a new way:

Check the table below to see what kind of buildings you will be able to choose from upon assembling a Selection Kit from Guild Expedition levels 1-4:

Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4
  • Gate of the Sun God
  • Gate of the Sun God Upgrade Kit
  • Face of the Ancient
  • Face of the Ancient Upgrade Kit
  • Ritual Flame
  • Ritual Flame Upgrade Kit
  • Tribal Square
  • Tribal Square Upgrade Kit
  • Sacred Sky Watch
  • Sacred Sky Watch Upgrade Kit
  • Terrace Farm
  • Terrace Farm Upgrade Kit
  • Fountain of Youth
  • Fountain of Youth Shrink Kit
The rewards for the smaller encounters will also change to match the difficulty of the encounter and the overall reward balancing of the feature.

So... hmmm. How much of this stuff shown above is of ANY use to someone in even COLONIAL era, let alone SAJM? Maybe only RF + Upgrade or the FoY + Upgrade.


as... You do GE 5 for 4 weeks successfully, you've accrued enough frags to get a drop in new one. It's timed for 30 days, so that's 4 full GE adventures, each 5 deep...
Says 28 days

The primary reward for the Guild Expedition is the Forgotten Temple. It is a powerful limited building which provides impressive boosts for your attacking and defending army, as well as a bonus to Forge Point production. It will last for 28 days before succumbing to the jungle's heat and degrading
@Juber any idea if it’s expected we’ll be able to obtain enough fragments to replace it within those 4 weeks? What kind of time frame are we looking at in expected time to gather the fragments?


I was hoping 5th level will be made purely as a bonus level and not count towards GE victory. Defense stat being involved will make players who are still new to the game have a tough time with it which will make them unable to join higher level guilds that will require completion of GE when going for the first place. Should have been thought trough much better.