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Feedback ForgePlus


There's nothing inno can do for the game that warrant 80$/mo, 80$/year is a lot more reasonable and even that is still in the range of streaming/online services.

Exactly... there is nothing that would make me pay at the current pricing structure. And if the game hid massively advantages features behind a paywall then it would put me off playing at all.

Currently I do very occasionally spend on the game, I used to buy games on disk, which I spent a lot less time playing than I play this, so hours and hours of game play every week is worth a little.

However I play the game so much because it CAN be played fully for free. I have given up on any online game where you start getting stuck if you don't pay. So making a massive gulf between players who pay and those that don't would put me off, and again there is NO advantage that would make me pay the £49.99 that is currently the 28day price in my beta game.

The current range of bonuses at a massively cheaper price would make me consider it, but still be happy that I could play the game without if I wanted to.


Everyone in my beta guild sees the Forge Plus character between the Castle and the Antiques Dealer. I do not have it. Do I need to be at a certain level before it shows? Maybe reach a certain place in the Tech tree? Or is only a select few going to get it.

Thank you


Spoiler Poster
I am EMA and have the Forge+ offer - If there is an unlock in the tech tree I could not find it or it is hidden.

It seems more likely that not everyone gets the offer currently - also there are at least two different offers that players may see


That's why they should lower the price a lot instead. Lots of us started and continues to play this game because there is a good balance for f2p. With a premium feature actually worth 80€ per month (or even 50€ for that matter) that would quite certain be gone.
Or it'd just straight up be one fully upgraded building from the Event each Event without needing to go through the minigame

However I play the game so much because it CAN be played fully for free.
Totally agreed. On RO my account is 100% Free-to-Play and I love that I can compete on a free basis. On EN I play with Diamonds. If it wasn't possible to win for free I never would have stuck with the game and wouldn't be interested in Pay to Play


There is no announcement, as there are different packages for different cash amounts at the moment and each works differently depending on how much YOU have to pay for it.
You will only see one offering as well, so as to indicate it is only one product, when it is many depending on where you are in the game.
why don't they just also include a sizable amount of diamonds in the package (say, 90% of the regular amount), then it would be much more attractive to consider imho, although i have to admit i usually only buy diamonds when there's a discount (50% or 100% extra of em) or a special (extra event currency) attached to it. time will tell if these bonuses are enough of an attached bonus to consider :p


What i can get for 650 euro's per year.
- store 1000 forgepoints in stead of 100
----- I have 1700+per day, even with 2000 storage its not worth my money
- Collect once (per day or week?) everything in your city for free, incidents included
----- Fun, but it saves only 5 diamonds per day?
- 15% attack and defend
----- HAHAHA wont notice it.
- 2600 goods and 520 forgepoints
----- Even if it was 10 times as much, i woudnt notice any difference.
- Additional timer in the AD
----- JEAH! But i have millions of coins and thousands of those purple things, there is so much junk in the AD.
- Refresh the AD once per day for free
----- Did it 6 months every day for 50 diamonds, i stopped cause it was so rare to get something i would buy.
- First 2 assigned emissaries give double = 730fp extra per year for me
----- Won't notice 2fp more per day.
- exclusive avatar
----- Hehe, you may keep it :)
- And cause i pay to much money i get 235.000 castle points.
----- The best thing there is about it?

Is it for your account for A, B, C.. or only one?


Tigertjheu asks a great question.

" Is it for your account for A, B, C.. or only one? "

Beta is limited to one world. Will Forgeplus be for all worlds on a server the player has. Or require a monthly payment for each??

He also shows that what is offered is woefully short of enticing whales to spend yet the very group you should aim at.. newer players also will see this addition poorly.


Seems like the price went down for me. 29 instead of 49. Right direction but still way too expensive imo.


Spoiler Poster
I'm in Iron Age and haven't seen anything with Forgeplus. Does this only appear for people over a certain age/era?
Although there might be some age dependence, I would assume for now that there are many test groups that get different offers and some simply do not get an offer at all


Seems like the price went down for me. 29 instead of 49. Right direction but still way too expensive imo.

Mine looks to have went down $20 a month also. But lets look at that as a buyer. It is not for your account. It is only for one world.
Buying for your newest city will get you more emissaries but that city will not have extra bonuses to put on an extra emissary...

Buying for your strongest city is just the opposite. One FP a day, even over a month's time, is meh... Some players produce 100K a month. I am at about 25K, a true slacker... 28 FP is a few battles in GBG.

Unless the buffs were account wide people will not buy this. For example an emissary for each world, Free city building collection for each world. First city visited each day only receives daily bonuses to att/def and the double first two emissary buff.

Forge plus cost is, even at $30 13 times a year, outrageous... A player will do better just buying diamonds for event prizes offered each event. Then "buying" event currency for a second or third event building. The approximate $390 a year used in events will add as much if not more attack/defense, much higher FP a year, with enough diamonds left to collect every worlds city, using a computer.

But back to the cost per month... even if it was $10 what is offered for just its one city will find few takers. It offers to little...


What I need i something that decrease the time it take maintain my City as I have 8 hours work and 3 hours driving each day and would like to quick maintain my City before and after work (12 hours between)
I don't need extra goods, FP or unfair fast fights in GbG, GE or GvG, that's something that should be the same for all players.

As I have a job, I have money to pay for timeeating task, people without work have lots of time to do but I don't want to Pay to Win.

Inno add alot new stuff to the game and FoE become more and more time eating. I have friends, who drop out of the game to get their RL back. A packet that would help them spare time from the daily task in their City and let them use their online time be active in their Guild, social as well as GBG, GE or GvG would keep them in the game.

This are what I need most:
- Store up to 1000-2000 forge points
- Collect all finished production buildings and incidents for free
- PO / MO to friends and guilds in 2 clicks
- Visite all friends Inn in one click
- Add 2 and 12 hours produktions timer also for goods buildings
- Something I had forgot that take time
- A few diamond, maybe 25 a day

Then this would be interesting for me
- 6 months subscription (about 45 euros)
- a monthly subscription (about 10 euros)
- a weekly subscription (about 3 euros)


Welp, this feature is now live... For 30$ a month (lol) (29 CHF more precisely).

They either need to massively boost the perks (although at the risk of creating a game imbalance) or cut the monthly cost down to a fifth or even a tenth of the current pricing.


Perk Creator
Welp, this feature is now live... For 30$ a month (lol) (29 CHF more precisely).

They either need to massively boost the perks (although at the risk of creating a game imbalance) or cut the monthly cost down to a fifth or even a tenth of the current pricing.

Prices are still varied as well. It's a 70C$ a month offer for me on live. Don't have it on beta.

They widened their A/B test yesterday - I caught all 3 (ForgePlus, FP purchase window, Daily Challenge) on live now. On beta I only have the new FP purchase window now (I had none of the 3, so widened there too; but I missed 2/3 of em). So clearly they're not fully released yet.


Welp, this feature is now live... For 30$ a month (lol) (29 CHF more precisely).

They either need to massively boost the perks (although at the risk of creating a game imbalance) or cut the monthly cost down to a fifth or even a tenth of the current pricing.
It's an A/B test. I have this price:



EDIT: Didn't see the reaction of @xivarmy.