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Spoiler Endless Tower


As long as it remains possible to loot it's OK.
After all, we have 2 LBs built for the sole purpose of giving rewards for looting (plunder), it would not be OK to reduce their actions.
On the other hand, Inno did it with Virgo, with Oracle, with CdM, Aachen & Zeus...it's a long, sad story of Inno changing the rules as they feel like, just because they didn't think it through before implementing.
If this Arena is supposed to take over as a new form of PvP Tower, that would be great - those few medals as a reward are ridiculous since Arc gave everybody millions of medals.


On the other hand, Inno did it with Virgo, with Oracle, with CdM, Aachen & Zeus...it's a long, sad story of Inno changing the rules as they feel like, just because they didn't think it through before implementing.

What did they change in CdM, Zeus and Aachen?
Virgo is totally useless now :/

Deleted User - 150323

I doubt that - the neighborhood plundering feature will likely remain.

Maybe this will replace the neighborhood "championship" (PvP towers) though... but it does not really matter, if those remains or not - the rewards there are insignificant anyway...

I also do not think that this feature will replace the neighborhood plundering. At least I would not say that with the informations we have. It would make the neighborhood much more useless than it is now. How many are really aiding their neighbors or trade goods with them?
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I also do not think that this feature will replace the neighborhood plundering. At least I would not say that with the informations we have. It would make the neighborhood much more useless than it is now. How many are really aiding their neighbors or trade goods with them?

I do aid them - and hope that they aid me back, so that all my shrines get motivated.


I also do not think that this feature will replace the neighborhood plundering. At least I would not say that with the informations we have. It would make the neighborhood much more useless than it is now. How many are really aiding their neighbors or trade goods with them?
If you like using your 70 lvl Seed Vault it's rather usual thing to aid neighbours.


Spoiler Poster
Not quite sure if all of these are related to this thread, but newly added today:

If these are related, as they are named "production", that might hint to the units used in the tower to be independent of the regular unit pool (no mass fighting possible simply because of a high Alcatraz).

PS: Also it hints to "defensive units being vulnerable to permanent death" (in contrast to city defense) and "units being independent of players age" - maybe a contingent of attacking units and defending units may be produced, but the actual units may be selected at will from a "selected" age (e.g. challenger sets the age of the fight and the opponent can freely transform the "attack units" into units of that age)
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Deleted User - 226273

Not quite sure if all of these are related to this thread, but newly added today:

If these are related, as they are named "production", that might hint to the units used in the tower to be independent of the regular unit pool (no mass fighting possible simply because of a high Alcatraz).

that would be weird as attack/defence boost will be from main city.


Spoiler Poster
that would be weird as attack/defence boost will be from main city.
Well, one of the main problems with the battle AI are rogues - if you cannot use these and only units of the respective age, that would make the battlefield more even.

PS: currently I doubt that there will be real time battles.


maybe the tower will have its own units or something similar to the player cards in the Soccer Event Tournament

My first thought after reading the info screen was that the mechanics will be similar to our last soccer tournament. They gonna develop that tournament idea further. Using city defense like soccer players.

Does not matter to me. I have never invested in city defense and there is no space left to do it now on any of my live servers.

Deleted User - 241541

I hope this is made the same way as the groups in GE with maybe 100 players in each group mixed from all worlds
That could make all groups within the same age and no small groups, and at the same time having groups within the same age would be fair.

Edit: I also hope that the system with parring the best with the best after a round will carry over from GE
That would be very complex of Inno to do that. You will be facing players from different worlds. If successful PvP attacks are hit, that could mean the player can plunder. Now how can one player from a different server/world can visit another player's city from another different world and plunder? That is either not possible or plundering is removed from the actions that the player can do.

I do hope the Endless Tower will have great rewards for the top players in the rankings of the tower perhaps forge points, goods? Maybe even something advanced, but there is no leak of the special building of any sort this tower will be bringing but you never know. If the tower rewards are any good I think St. Basil's Cathedral and Deal Castle will have more value in the game. Once again, you never know what changes this Tower might bring to the game as a whole.

Deleted User - 86968

PS: Also it hints to "defensive units being vulnerable to permanent death" (in contrast to city defense) and "units being independent of players age" - maybe a contingent of attacking units and defending units may be produced, but the actual units may be selected at will from a "selected" age (e.g. challenger sets the age of the fight and the opponent can freely transform the "attack units" into units of that age)

Perhaps defensive units will work similar to GvG, where players slot them in from their own unit pools but then those units are gone for good from the player's army. Maybe that's what's meant here?