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Space Age Mars


Guys do you think these stocks will be enough for all the research in Mars era?
300 M coins
300 M supplies
1000 of each goods from Arctic
2000 of each goods from Oceanic
2000 of each goods from Virtual
2000 Promethiu
2000 Oricalc
3000 fp in inventory


How about to get to mars we have to spend some of the millions of useless goods in the GUild treasury ?

Someone suggested a while ago that guild members should be allowed to trade goods with the treasury. nothing seem to happen about that. Would have been a good plan. ( trades controlled by admin or guild leader )
I don't think that's enough. Coin and supplies costs double per era since the age of "Future". That's why I count on about 500 million supplies and coins (virtuall age costs ~230 million coins & ~260 million supplies)

you should also get to 3000 promethium and orichalcum, and probably ~5000 of each VF goods. not to mention the fp; if the average tech is going to be 325-350 fp each, and a normal tp size is 20-25 techs, you'd need closer to 9000 fp to get all techs... but i think for some you'll require the new mars ore too so expect you'll not finish all techs in one go :p


3,7g gold 1,2g sup 30k fp 4k prom 17k oric 4-6k each from last two age. should be ok for the first few days. i hope :D


Was Notre Damme a placeholder before with had the real pics?
If it was.. FoE predicted th future right there :)

If you remember, the placeholders were on fire :)


Was Notre Damme a placeholder before with had the real pics?
If it was.. FoE predicted th future right there :)

If you remember, the placeholders were on fire :)

seems the graphic developers have to redesign the most unpopular LB of the game again... :eek:



In the new app version the name of SA:M showed up in the army management window ... you can choose it from the list.
Next week beta release? o_O



In the new app version the name of SA:M showed up in the army management window ... you can choose it from the list.
Next week beta release? o_O
...and what's weird is that Space Age Mars does not show in Army Management on the browser version of FoE (only on mobile app version)...


It's not that weird...My guess, its because mobile apps receive updates for all versions (beta included), while beta browser version has it's own update system that doesn't require a change for other live servers...
So if they really are getting ready to launch the new age on all devices, it's understandable ;)


Found the description;) wonder how kraken will work alongside it... kill 1 unit twice or half+1:rolleyes:
("SAM|Missile Launch: For the first %s battles, there is a %s% chance of killing half the enemy units at the start of the battle. For two-wave battles, the skill applies only to the first wave. Refreshes with each collection.")("SAM|At the next level, the first %s battles have a %s% chance of killing half the enemy units at the start of a battle."),
Wow that sounds OP for early game. Well, OP in general.

Sort of. They seem to be unwilling to allow certain things to interact with the second wave of a given battle, and I'm wondering what the reasoning could be for that. The opportunity was definitely there, but they chose not to do it. Why could that be?
You have so much that can deal damage to the first wave that it'd be OP to allow too much to effect the second wave

Maybe they should make newer GB's require special good...no more players camping lower ages if they want the new GB's ;)
For this particular GB, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Or if it just only worked on double wave battles in the first place given how powerful it is


"Previous Era Goods Production: Produces %s goods of the previous era."

"Previous Era Goods Production: Usually produces %s goods of the previous era. Since you are in Bronze Age, it will produce %s goods of the current era instead."
Makes me think maybe it's for the players own city and not the players guild. Which would mean you could use the standard GBs, this and Himeji/Seed Vault/Chateau for all goods needs

We have 7 GBs that give unrefined goods... Do we really need more? :confused:
This is not refined or unrefined. This is the goods inbetween because unrefined is 3 ages back and refined is current age.
> refined < Modern
> new GB < Progressive
> old GBs < Colonial

Ignoring logic, what's the point in "unrefined-1"? If you want to get unrefined goods from Future, just stay in VF and get them from already existed 7 GBs... LOL.
Tech tree uses current age and the 2 ages below. Also goods sellers could use goods from any age as long as that age has a high demand GB


...and what's weird is that Space Age Mars does not show in Army Management on the browser version of FoE (only on mobile app version)...

I mentioned that it was in the army management filter list early April, but since then they have removed it?

The Mars filter is already in your army management :)
But as you say there is an expansion first before release.


This is taking a long time... To busy with those more of the same kind of events
