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Feedback Quantum Incursions


I just noticed that QI decorations is the only building type to list satisfaction as a cost. Shouldn't all building types that cost satisfaction list what that cost is?
Which are the buildings that cost euphoria and how much? Can someone write a list please? It's all so confusing and I don't want to waste supplies again.
Inno, please, could you write a more detailed Knowledge Base with a clear table with all the costs and productions of every building?


Perk Creator
Which are the buildings that cost euphoria and how much? Can someone write a list please? It's all so confusing and I don't want to waste supplies again.
Inno, please, could you write a more detailed Knowledge Base with a clear table with all the costs and productions of every building?
And even more counterintuitive, the aqueduct removed the euphoria while it was still under construction.
Just Decorations cost euphoria. And yes, because it's treated as a cost rather than a simple effect, it applies even under construction (like you need enough population to build a production building). It would probably also be clearer if it was listed as a negative happiness effect than a positive happiness cost - but I think they might be trying to avoid us being able to go negative euphoria as one plan in our final settlements with a city full of aqueducts once you're no longer making coins & supplies. As a cost I assume you'll still need cultural buildings to "pay" for your decorations even if you no longer care about euphoria for enthusiastic.

Residences demand euphoria instead and serve to establish the ratio needed (such that if you have 200 people, you need 400 euphoria for enthusiastic).


1 roof tile house + 3 cottage / 6 butcher + 3 tailor / 1 amphitheater + 1 public bath + 1 triumphal arch
maybe 2 days and finally I can produce some normal amount of units
as smaller amounts are clearly not worth it

Even if a nodes has a 20% chance supply reward, the 133 supply as reward is a joke.

experience: Day1: 13-15 fights, Day2: 8-12 fights, Day3: 0 fight, I missed money/supply donation node, than donate goods (I used the starting amount), 5 nodes left but can't participate in any
result: The playing time has been significantly reduced, max 5 minutes a day, and then I go to play with something else.

so a season is 11 days long, atleast 5 of which are spent on city development (no fun)
Everyone says that after 11 days the settlement also restarts, but this was not specifically described anywhere, only that the player chooses the product/unit for the season. Are you sure it's restarting? Although if it started again only at the end of the championship, maybe it would be too easy.

"I remembered of those MMORPGs where a new season starts every 3 months with a new theme and a new function. That is, you have to start a new character every 3 months, raise it to the max level, so that you can then play the end game. At least they are intense and the reset after 3 months, not 11 days"

This is what the INNO QI announcement said:

Much like other Guild features, Quantum Incursion consist of time periods that are called Seasons and Championships. Seasons start on Thursdays. Each season lasts 11 days, with a 3-day break after. 6 seasons consistute a Quantum Championship. Within every season, every Guild will be able to play through up to 10 difficulties of Quantum Incursions and maximize their rewards. The faster you finish a difficulty, the more time you will have to finish another one and – possibly – clear all of them within one season,

But... I see your point clearly (and the announcement's lack of clarity...), though.

Just maybe - the city stays through the season and enters the next one, but is destroyed when the 66 + 3*6 = 84 days are up (nearly 3 months) ?
So it's cleared AFTER the championship, but not during any of the 6 seasons that make up that championship?

I guess we need direct clarity on that.
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I think they didn't want to pay the artists. That's why they used old pictures. Сopy/paste saves time and money
Well, yes, but my guess is that the longer-term goal for this feature is to have multiple incursions that you can choose, each with different rewards, and each with a different settlement. So they can use previous ages' units and such to do so. Allows more continuous content without having to start from scratch each time.


Why can't I sell a barracks? It says I have too many citizens employment to sell the building


I've been play ing FoE for nearly 4 years. I've raised 5 cities out of the dust, now in ages ranging from PE to Titan. I have no interest in going back to playing in Iron Age with limited troops and resources, zero bonuses and having to fight manually for minimal reward, no matter how you want to dress it up. From the many pages of comments here I think many people feel the same. Last year's changes to GbG have made top fighting guilds demand more and more from their players, I have already been dropped from one top guild without warning because I took a couple of days out when other things needed attention. If guilds want to succeed in QI they will require even more commitment, and if people want the best rewards they need to pay for them, so those who can't or won't will be soon be marginalised.

Retired Guy

There doesn't seem to be a location where QI boosts (and possible additions) are listed.. nothing in main city CityHall, and CityHall on the QI settlement doesn't open.. Where is this info located??


The combat Power of the of the rival army is sometimes 20% or 40%. And we have special combat power only the basic. So fights are sometimes very heavy. Is it possible to get some drinks for more combat power or can we build an LG like Zeus oder CDM?
The "decorations" in your QI city provide military boosts. They also USE happiness rather than create it unlike all other decorations in your main city.


This might be the only reason to play QI:
Quantum Medals:
While the Medals can already be earned now, their application will not make it into the first iteration of the feature. Later on, we intend to make these Medals another way to unlock expansions in your main City! Starting from the very first Quantum Incursion, you can already stock up your Medals storage and continue growing your City once the feature is available.


OK I had to get rid of all my military buildings too rusty in manual fighting & as I have experienced in Cultural Settlements I cannot get ahead in anything. Cultural Settlements let you have up to so much & not one bit more. Yes I have used the shards, can't fight to get more. Any wrong decisions or mistakes early on totally wreck any chance of doing well. This is so cut throat. It totally excludes novices or anyone not so skilled (me) in fighting. I do OK with auto fighting but I am on the lower end of the score board in GE or GBG. So there is nothing to help the poorer players. It is for Highly Skilled or those who can afford to pay to play. No room for anyone who would like to play even at a lower level & join in. Hanging in there to see what resources I can build up but I am not holding my breath it will do me much good & I doubt I will be able to significantly support my Guild if at all.


So, I entered this thing called Quantum Incursions where a guild (as a whole) has to fight, donate resources, and do other stuff in order to move from one node to the next and ultimately to the next map to be opened. It took me to the iron age where I had to put down houses and supply makers. Not only that, but I have to put down some happiness buildings so they (the inhabitants) don't get pissed off and start to burn the town down (although, I would love to see that happen).

It is all a flim-flam as we try to organize folks into the world of farming (and donating) goods or be fighters throughout. One second goods production/troop recruitment would be the ideal (for the city itself) but to endure a 10 hour wait until you get your coin and supplies is more than enough to drive people batty. Then, there's the issue on the boosts (hey, look, there's a formation of He-Men heading our way) where ours won't do diddly (is it to combat the botters, cheats, and supermen/women that were plaguing the GvG of the past?). While the FP is nice to have (do max so you can get the max amount you are entitled to, heh heh), the small coin and supply rewards are something we can do better (who in the hell program this; a toddler?).

I take this time from a busy work schedule to try this out and to voice my feedback. It won't really matter because it will always be the way Inno wants. So much for the year one praises (went down the toilet now).

However, I do have a question. Would the expansions start out just like when we first started to play (first one, I think, was at 10 medals to purchase) or will they be something I have to give up my first born, both arms, and both legs (you ain't getting the other one) to get one?


Perk Creator
However, I do have a question. Would the expansions start out just like when we first started to play (first one, I think, was at 10 medals to purchase) or will they be something I have to give up my first born, both arms, and both legs (you ain't getting the other one) to get one?
An interesting question for sure. No way will they start from 10 medals - because we get given 10k medals off the bat without doing anything but entering it and viewing the pass.

But I could see the 1st expansion starting anywhere from 10k medals (so everyone gets one off the bat as a taste, and then escalating costs to ones you have to work more and more for) to 1M medals (so that it's a project and only people who try hard at the feature are likely to make it after a significant grind).


Seems like Day 1 and possibly day 2 of the season is to use all your resources and efforts to expand your settlement land. Only way I can see to keep up with the demand of the enormous need for Supplies.

got to wait several more days to test it though . wonder how many seasons we are getting to test QI.


Can someone write a list please?
Like, InnoGames? Like, in the announcement? Like, make it clear, describe the feature, say what the different things do? Like, with a proper tutorial?

Will there be any break between championships?
3 days, obviously, like between seasons. But hey, don’t worry, there will be an ongoing GbG championship so no need to feel like there is a lack of things to do.

but my guess is
The operative word for many seems to have been that they have to guess, since nothing is really explained properly.

Last year's changes to GbG have made top fighting guilds demand more and more from their players,
Not really, top guilds always demanded that players be active and play the guild features (they could, GvG being the exception now for a while). What has happened is that that what was meant by activity has changed. Gbg is actually less demanding on time now because of attrition changes, but nevertheless, it requires attention. And so, the question here is, do we actually need this new thing to run as a similar championship feature, will it require a similar time, and ultimately contribute to burn out?

if people want the best rewards they need to pay for them
Nail, head, sledgehammer — that is what it looks like. Yes, you can play for free and not get to do much until the end of the settlement but then you have maybe already lost out on the ‘opportunities’ to beat all of the levels.

these Medals another way to unlock expansions in your main City
This is a mystery. Will they provide more expansions for this particular category? Or is this just an illusory promise, and you may in the end use them instead of the normal medals you generate in your normal city?

(who in the hell program this; a toddler?).
Made me chuckle, thank you.
Need to x10 the supply production, did anyone bother testing the costs?? I have hundreds of thousands of coins and zero supplies with multiple buildings that only make 7k every 10 hours?????