I can't understand why still people are so toxic to each other over a silly game.
Arguments are fine, it is ok to have disagreements, it is ok to not have the same point of view or opinion as the other ones, but You really need to be toxic when You try to point something?
None is better than anyone and none is superior, it is just a silly game where we try to hide our RL and problems and trying to enjoy something in the free time, also ranking doesn't tell the truth, nor for players nor for guilds.
I have 11 years of Forge of Empires, since 15 October 2012 and moved to beta from RO around the end of 2014 beginning of 2015, and I barely reached 2B points in this time, had weeks of breaks, exams, school, working, RL stuff which is more important than anything. Others began to play a year or so ago and got more ranking points than me, but it is completely fine, I never cared that much about ranking points and I never judged a player based on that, but the era, the city and stats, what You can do with those to help a guild matters in the end, especially now with the changed GbG and the future Guild Raids where every player is very important.
Regarding FoE Pay to win aspects, can be observed by everyone, but You are not forced to buy anything, You still can manage to get a fully upgraded event building now, but slower, waiting for fragments.
All this pushing to season passes and more fragments, was to balance the game that was destroyed by GbG, this mechanic turned the whole game and none can't deny that. The monetization around 2020-2021 was on top of everything that InnoGames had untill that time, but after pandemic was done, people abandoned the games or stopped in buying certain things for the game, and in the past years InnoGames revenue is going down, year by year, they had to do something to keep on surface somehow their revenue and not close the game that You play now.
Forge of Empires alone is worth 1B euro all time revenue which is 50% of InnoGames revenue, subsidiary of MTG(Modern Times Group that bought the entire InnoGames in 2017), but from that billion of euro, You have to include the salaries, servers, new stuff, buildings whatever the spendings are required, also they laid 75 people in April of this year and in some games it can be seen already things are going slower, RoC as example, another Inno game.
I dislike a lot some of the new updates and some of these events, not to mention all of these interminable fragments, I complained also about some mechanics that made the game feel bad, but now they kinda fixed them and I consider FoE it is on the right way after all the past mistakes, also I began to got used to it, like I did in all these years.
We'll see now how Guild Raids will be, hopefully is something attractive for guilds. GvG used to be like that in its early days, untill a point when it became a toxic place and was scripted...
What is sad from my point of view, is the fact that FoE is becoming more and more of a mediocre Mobile game, with lot of stuff to keep players tapping ...
I don't think in the near future there will be any longer a browser variant of Forge of Empires, but I might be wrong here.