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Spoiler New Tutorials - Egypt cowboy


Honestly, I'd be much more willing to buy a FoE DLC with extra bonus quests and content rather than something like Forge Plus. You could even put the drop of the bonus questline halfway between ages, so it gives more content per age released. The bonus quests were always kind of fun. If it was paid though, it would be cool to work in some exclusive techs, story, and cMap content to make it all work together. Idk. Now I'm thinking way too much into it.

I also miss the historical questlines. If the bonuses from their buildings were better, limited questlines that could be completed to get exclusive buildings would be nice. I still am sad about historical questlines :(

Basically though, as a player, I'd much rather pay for new content than any other item or service.


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new questgiver image:


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I doubt they would do it without testing on beta, even if they won't have a lot of testers I'm sure they'd like to test it a bit before they release it. I'm sure a disruption to a new world release would do much more harm than not having the new tutorial - after all I imagine most players who start the first couple of days are already familiar with the game.

Deleted User - 57457

If they wanted to testing them, they would've probably opened a temporary 2nd Beta world for the duration of the test. Like they've done in the past during testing of changes regarding the beginning of the game.


Some time between two events would be the ideal time. Sure, a few might not like having to move up, but in reality why would you want to camp in BA? And it's not like it takes long to unlock the first IA tech, can easily be done in days.
I'm really enjoying my BA city. My general thought is to stay there as long as possible, partially just to see how long I can do it before reaching paralysis. It's a puzzle to solve, a personal challenge. Why play any of the games at all. It's not like anyone ever really wins. I've been in BA almost a year in Carthage. I believe I've completed every event except the one I arrived during. From a supporting your guild point of view a BA city's treasury buildings will support IA. Its much less work, a simpler game to not need to do GE and GBG. I will be very sad if I can no longer do events in BA.


Do we know any more about the rumor of moving events out of BA to IA? I would be helpful to know. It affects how I play in 2 different worlds and if affects a whole guild in one of my worlds. Very frustrating.


Do we know any more about the rumor of moving events out of BA to IA? I would be helpful to know. It affects how I play in 2 different worlds and if affects a whole guild in one of my worlds. Very frustrating.
It is an unknown. Nothing has been announced on it. All we have is speculation from something found in the code. For all we know it may be nothing more than a passing thought that’ll never happen. Though is anything, I’d like Daily Challenges moved to Bronze Age and released with Events ;D


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Some new tutorial assets, some bigger ones this time. The Industrial age one has me a bit confused with the 2x2 roads ... and the egypt layout is quite a poor one, but hopefully these are just temporary...?





Some new tutorial assets, some bigger ones this time. The Industrial age one has me a bit confused with the 2x2 roads ... and the egypt layout is quite a poor one, but hopefully these are just temporary...?



They've never really show good layouts. They always tend to just show something that looks cool. Hence, the two lane roads and Egypt layout. Somewhere out there there's a layout where basically every building is surrounded by roads but I'm too lazy to go find it.


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You can create nice looking layouts without them being crap, this is for the tutorial after all. They don't have to be the absolute best possible layouts, and can definitely still be all regular buildings despite event buildings being better, but something resembling what's considered good would be nice :) Personally I find both of those examples ugly as well, but guess that'll be different for all :)


Some new tutorial assets, some bigger ones this time. The Industrial age one has me a bit confused with the 2x2 roads ... and the egypt layout is quite a poor one, but hopefully these are just temporary...?



Maybe they mixed up Industrial with Progressive?

Deleted User - 57457

Perhaps an "early" industrial era tutorial teaching about the 2x2 roads that are unlocked in progressive era. Even though it's doubtful that most players will using 2x2 roads, as we're in the age of forge of events.

Deleted User - 241425

"Rise of culture" is a big flop, maybe Innogames is looking to recycle the work of graphic designers?!


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It's called "Cross Selling ROC Felix", perhaps some sort of Rise of Culture / Forge of Empires promo? Would be interesting if that was the case ... not quite sure how it would work but from a business stand-point I think it could be quite a smart idea.

Edit: Here's a fixed link for the image
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"Rise of culture" is a big flop, maybe Innogames is looking to recycle the work of graphic designers?!
If it’s a placeholder then it really doesn’t matter what gets put there. And I’m not sure why you consider it a flop, it’s fairly new. If it were a flop it wouldn’t still be there: Inno has pulled the games that actually were flops in the past