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Feedback Halloween Event 2021


I've have just finished the Daily Challenge of today to get the ticket:
"Solve this moderate negotiation"
"Defeat 20 units"

I got nothing!!!


just had a request to spend 35k supplies on the main questline which happily coincided with toy quest for the same amount, but only 1 quest completed when i paid the supplies so the cost doubled, is this correct?


just had a request to spend 35k supplies on the main questline which happily coincided with toy quest for the same amount, but only 1 quest completed when i paid the supplies so the cost doubled, is this correct?
I think it is correct. You must click a button to use those supplies, therefore it is only the quest you click on. If it is collect something, it is counted towards every quest which requires collecting.


I know that they only give happiness but I am glad to see a complete Graveyard available this year.
Feels more in tune with the intended vibe of the time of year reflected by this event.


Perk Creator
@6zeva9 fortunately they've given an monumental graveyard as an prize for day 2's sticker. So, only 1 upgraded needed for fully upgraded version. Which sometimes appears in AD and who knows perhaps it'll appear as an daily special or an prize for one of the daily stickers calendar.


@6zeva9 fortunately they've given an monumental graveyard as an prize for day 2's sticker. So, only 1 upgraded needed for fully upgraded version. Which sometimes appears in AD and who knows perhaps it'll appear as an daily special or an prize for one of the daily stickers calendar.
or you do the toy questline which gives 3 fragments 5 times


[QUOTE = "hades8840, publicación: 124468, miembro: 12537"]
segundo día del calendario de pegatinas

Thanks, dear!!!!


The daily calendar should come with a disclaimer warning people to save some of there buffs to open up each section each day.. if you burn through everything you have in day 1 will be days before you have enough to open up more of the calendar so will then have to rely on the expensive sticker fragments to fill the missing day

Herr Voxner

Excited about the daily prizes, especially house of horrors selections! :) However I am completely underwhelmed on the grand prize (event building). This grand prize is really quite terrible, I see no reason to try for it at all.


We had quite some events with collection quest lines by now, and you still didn't manage to provide an "already ongoing" indicator there?
I take it for granted that you're not stupid; but that leaves only the option that you don't care much about your players... or is there any explanation I didn't think of?

But I'll (try to) not care too much about the collection ... here are the collectible numbers of the last event, and the former ones were no better, I can remember only one time completing it (I think it was the very first event. Somebody screwed the odds since then):

Beta: 11 10 6 4 | 2 3 5 | 0 (bought some tools with diamonds here)
Live: 4 9 8 9 | 2 3 0 | 1

That's plain frustrating. Only Santa's Buy-for-your-presents-sleigh is worse.
Thanks for providing you customers such enjoyable moments, that surely rises affection for and bond with the game


Can you please show on the calendar what day we are on? I can't tell whether I already added a sticker for today or not. Thank you



ok looks like the calendar event is fixed, but now when I clicked a pumpkin for reward, no screen appears. I did notice after clicking a pumpkin I rcvd 2 FPs, so I think the rewards are still applying, just no image


Two bugs have reappeared: The first opening of a chest on GE displays lots of dialogs shown lately (for a moment I thought I got Annabelle as a reward of GE) Another one is that lots of incidents are empty.
Maybe they have some serious problems with version control?


Can you please show on the calendar what day we are on? I can't tell whether I already added a sticker for today or not. Thank you
Something like the red circle that's currently there?

ok looks like the calendar event is fixed, but now when I clicked a pumpkin for reward, no screen appears. I did notice after clicking a pumpkin I rcvd 2 FPs, so I think the rewards are still applying, just no image
We'll look into that issue :)


I picked up a sticker and a pumkin - and no prize appeared. The light bulb was picked up normal and it was added to the total.

I know it is only a game, but it's still disappointing, when a prize doesn't appear. :(