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Feedback Halloween Event 2021


Perk Creator
is there any combination on the new set that gives attack for the attacking army? is it better than the wheat fields from fall event?

No - the only attacking army stat available is defense for attacking army. And none of the pieces are efficient enough to be worth optimizing for it.


No - the only attacking army stat available is defense for attacking army. And none of the pieces are efficient enough to be worth optimizing for it.
thx. any info on the next event? not sure if i should save diamonds on live world or spend them all on wheat fields since so far they seem to be still the best for attack


Perk Creator
thx. any info on the next event? not sure if i should save diamonds on live world or spend them all on wheat fields since so far they seem to be still the best for attack

Not beyond the spoiler section yet (which confirms nothing more than size/appearance of buildings, and any new UI elements for event). Might know in the last week or so of the fall event what winter looks like (based on live timing of fall event, looking like hallowe'en will be late october to mid november, so about 2-3 weeks between hallowe'en end and winter start.


Feed back from Halloween Live server. If I would meet a genie or a golden fish I would make a following wish: whenever it's your pay date or bonus pay every time you search for a pay check in halloween mini game! Y? Because I want you to feel how much unfair and unhappy I feel myself with Halloween random being EXTREMELY GREEDY 3rd year in a row. Or, even better, every time before you will have sex with partner you choose a pumpkin: 4 days a week you'll get rotten, 2 days normal one and 1 day smiling pumpkin chances to get what you want. And every time you won't get it your partner will say "awww, I am sorry you had bad experience, please try your luck next time, I shall wait and see if you get any better luck"
I play many worlds, many years, 90% of events. I KNOW my drop rates, I speak with other players and I read beta and Russian forums. Also FB official page. So I see A LOT of feed back about every event. Sometimes good sometimes bad, it really depends. But not the Halloween event. Here is 95% negative feedback and swearing regarding daily prize drop rate. And it doesn't even matter if it is HoH or 3fp gate or asylum or SoK or any less desirable prize. General drop rate is SIMPLY BAD! Today I spend 9 sets of 395 tickets (that's 67% of free event currency) and got only 4 dailies. That equals to 3546 diamonds per ONE DAILY prize if I recount with €80 package price. That equals to €21.80 per 1 daily prize. In case of HoH it would cost €152.60 for 1 building. Are you out of your freakin MIND with such PRICING? Asylum would be €196.20 per 1 full building if I would go for 1 extra building. Don't tell me I got bad random - I repeat: I play many worlds many years many events. I have data from other events. NONE of them is so stupidly expensive and so greedy for daily prizes. If you don't want to give stuff during this particular event for whatever reason than just scrap this event and make a different one. Ask your forum admins from all language markets you have in FoE and they will tell how much people are unhappy with this event. This is SIMPLY WRONG. We, players, pay you money, pay your wages, pay your business! With such an attitude to me (player) I don't want to spend a dime on this game. To oppose H event I will say that I had a beautiful Fall 2021 event. Good drop rate left me feeling happy after event. So much happy that I AFTER spending all my diamonds on dailies I bought £192 package to show my appreciation. With Halloween random I would call off this purchase if I only could. I mean it.
Now, when you read it (probably had some laugh), I want you to improve random this year on live, not, possibly, next year or never. You have archaeology event with exactly same mechanics and it's drop rate is fine. What's the difference between them or what's wrong with Halloween?
I hope to get any answer, either better random (I will see it by people feedback) or directly to me if you want so.
Kind regards,
7.5 year long player and 1.5 year YouTube Forge reviewer
Moderators, please do not edit message BEFORE you pass it to admins/devs.

Deleted User - 57457

@BritishBoy same here. Those casino events, games of chance is getting pretty sickening in an supposedly strategy game. I would advice Inno to consider to digging into what's lawfully allowed regarding games of chance.
Hopefully they'll change the events. Overhauling the minigames. Altering from games of chance to more like St. Patrick day and wild life event2021. Day prizes are fine if they're offered as an daily special. With an reward system like: if you achieve this point in the minigame before the daily changes, you'll get one. E.G. spring event "jump X distance today, every time you've jumped X distance you get an daily special." Fall event: get X stars today and get the daily special every time ya reach that number." I'm sure people will be more willing to spend money knowing the price of an daily instead of playing casino's games of chance. If I wanna play games of chance, I'll visit the casino or an legal online casino. Not a supposedly strategy game.

Deleted User - 57457

Halloween event 2021, final feedback bullet notes:
> Too late on live, weeks after Halloween the event concludes
> Too low chances on dailies
> Decant minigame, though the odds to getting an daily out of it is frustratingly low
> Dolls are a nice addition. Ridiculously low spawn rate for the rare dolls though
> DQ Joker stickers, made the event Callander more fair to complete
> Event Callander, the odds of getting the daily sticker is decant and realistically achievable

My set goals where purposely realistically low. Yet it was a frustratingly hard pushing luck thing
to get just 1 singel HoH selection kit. I just came one short last year. The casino ''theme'' is
also overshadowing this event. Yet it doesn't plague it as much as Winter Event, which was
originally a more fair game of memory.
That been said, the calendar is fairly easy to complete, if you're doing DQ. The chance to use
a joker for a day you've missed out on. Finding the daily sticker can be at times challenging but
in general the chance is decently enough. The jokers making it a bit easier. The dolls however,
in particular the ''rare'' once are in an extremely low frequency. Pretty unfortunately but thankfully
the additional reward isn't really what I'm looking for and most can be bought from AD if any
reward is really desired. The HoH selection kit is the big missing star in the AD. As only the base
HoH is offered.
Still I feel like similar to milestone prizes, dailies could be rewarded for achieving a certain task
within the event's minigame. E.G. Halloween/Archaeology: Clear X tiles before the daily special
changes. Wild Life could have something like: in total pop X blocks and get 1 daily special. I
think it's worthwhile to explore such possibilities. As I think it'll result in more consistent and
predictable number of dailies a player can get for free at most. While for those who spend money
can calculate the prize more reliable and easier be sold to the idea of getting X number of
dailies. I think balancing it where with all free event currency, you can get 3-6 dailies if you choose
to trowing everything at it at once.

In conclusion are the dailies frustratingly difficult to obtain. Most notably are the HoH selection
kits. As they're missing from AD, big, no huge bummer. The more valuable dolls are frustratingly
hard to obtain. Yet AD to rescue as most can be obtained through AD, for those who wants. This
is the same for dailies with HoH as exception to the rule. The joker pieces for the calendar from
DQ making the calendar more fair to complete if you're putting in the effort. The decant chance
for the calendar stickers where helpful to getting the calendar. The full set of horror circus is
achievable for those who've played somewhat actively. While I like the attempt to create an
Halloween themed set, the bonuses it offers and the looks are leaving room for improvement.
So, finger gross for next year. As the spooky scary Halloween corner is giving the spokes to my
The timing of this event was unfortunate as it has been Halloween for weeks and the event is still
awkwardly running. I'm looking forward to the next Halloween event, hopefully with better timing
and better main reward(s).