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Feedback Guild Expedition Update

Of lower age goods, yes, kinda - there's more of them out there probably than anyone realizes - but they're not "available" to be obtained because the players with them aren't actively looking to get rid of them. They're just floating there idle ;)

But higher ages there is a distinct lack of scarcity.

And whether you view treasury as the sink or using the treasury as the sink, it's still ultimately a sink - either your guild is using them and they are being sunk somewhere, or they're not using them and they were sunk just by being donated :p They can't be repurposed into anything other than treasury goods and treasury goods are generally much easier to obtain than "loose" goods (get someone in the age, level their treasury GBs).

The age limitations some guilds added were not just a reflection of market availability, but also that their best-developed-treasury-contributors were not in those ages. If you had someone with level 100+ arc, observatory, ai core, and atomium, you'd probably be fine with having them camped in some low age with it - even considering them an asset allowing you to recruit other players in that age, and run GvG campaigns in that age.
I didn't realize there were so many varying degrees of game resource sinks. I'll stick to the actual definition of sink which is "out of view" and typically in gaming that means removed completely.

What's funny, though, is I clarified my use of the term, "sunk out of the game", and you generalized the term definition anyway. not sure why that was necessary.

I'll give another example of a sink. There was a game where you could get the title "billionaire". In order to obtain it one had to give 1 billion of the game's currency to an NPC which resulted in the game currency being destroyed and the title granted. Now that currency was out of the game and could no longer be traded by the players of the world. The treasury is not out of the game but rather reduced in scope of what the goods can be spent on.

My point was it could affect the guild's ability to be competitive in GbG if member's stopped donating goods to instead focus on GE5.
What does any of this have to do with the Guild Expedition Update? Can we please try to stay focused on the topic? Thanks.


What does the new sink of goods as a result of GE5 have to do with the guild expedition update? I'm sorry, am I missing a GE5 specific thread?

I do apologize that it appears Xiv and I are bickering back and forth over semantics, but am pretty sure we are on topic.


Community Manager

Lady Susan

Have just finished Level 5 - not impressed - it is just too hard and such a big jump from Level 4 - most players are not going to change their attack/defence stats from attacking army to defending army just to finish Level 5 GE.. . or pay 100's and 100's of goods to negotiate, when all they receive are some fragments... im in LMA and the final stage had 1200% attack and 68 x 10 lots of goods to negotiate... this is ridiculous!!!! to win fragments!!!!!

I finished it because I wanted to try it and see what it was like and Im glad I did but would i try it again... I dont think so .. its a waste of resources

If you made the prizes worthwhile then yes, people might make the effort but to get enough fragments for the new buildings will take ages .. it will cost heaps of troops and a huge amount of goods... the cost is too high..... some players may be able to afford it but most wont and most guilds wont be able to afford the goods needed to open it up anyway.. so hardly anyone is going to be able to play it
It looks like it has been designed by people who have never actually played the game - its terrible and needs to be redone.


Yeah, how about leaving some troop boosts for the inactive version of the forgotten temple? maybe about 15%/15% for attacking, 20%/20% for def. It won't mess things up.

Current version is attractive only for end players who actually finishes GE5 every single week, and those guys think 20% FP boost not so important.


To maintain GE5 complexity, include both attack and defense boost together and produce special green sword and shield on the level 5.​
For example consider below boost values,
Red color:
Sword - 500% Shield - 500%
Blue color:
Sword - 120% Shield - 250%

So with these green color will be drawn with combining both values like,
Green color:
(Red Sword + Blue Sword) / 2
(500% + 120%) / 2 = 330%
(Red Shield + Blue Shield) / 2
(500% + 250%) / 2 = 375%

So green boost will be specific for GE5 (if few boost values come up with fractions, rounding the value to nearest is good to consider) and all the existing changes can remain as it is (except fragments rewards).
This one is very cool to bring out as a new update!! It's like after GE4, half of our attack power is gone and trying to push forward with defense boost like real boxing. But winning the battles with this logic still cannot take it for granted, because it is difficult to achieve the victory with this too. A compromising factor for current approach, but fortification wall for half power of attack boost is kind of overruling the defense concept but acceptable according to me.

Actually having separate guild expeditions for defense and attack is the best approach. They can use the same building design used for "Event Hub" few years back for the defense boost guild expedition. Just few alterations on the level1-4 encounters for defense concept new expedition.

Attack guild expedition additional rewards
1-4 levels​
5th level​
Same as in live server​
150 diamonds as a choice of reward, level converter fragments (level2 to level3) (sacred sky, ritual flames etc.,), sentinel outpost fragments, new guild expedition building similar to Forgotten temple without FP boost and only addresses attacking army attack and defense boost and produce units. Last, no fortification on this one.​

Defense guild expedition additional rewards
1-4 levels​
5th level​
Few changes like fortification walls applicable on 4th encounters only for levels 1-4. only GE4 has diamond reward in one of the encounter and that too limited as 60 diamonds since 5th level has 200 diamonds as a reward. Terrace farm shrink kit as fragments, tree of silence as fragments, stage of ages as fragments and rogue hideout selection kit as fragments.​
Tactician tower fragments, 200 diamonds, Governor's villa or Bear mountain selection kit fragments or any building as fragments which delivers defense army attack and defense boost (this is to differentiate from attack guild expedition) and existing beta server GE5 rewards also, and each encounter has fortification benefits like current method.​

These rewards will make players to address both guild expeditions and may welcome new players too. No idea what dev's are actually thinking to improve on GE5 or did they willing to do any improvements or considering GE5 already completed. Maybe another 50 pages of feedback discussions they might expect to consider doing any improvements on GE5, who knows.
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In fact, the only incentive to do GE was the diamonds. After the current changes, it will not make any sense to most players.
Changing the prizes has PR is worthless because you can get it everywhere and in larger amounts.

Inno, like everyone else, wants to increase the revenue from the sale of diamonds only to see that this change leads


Perk Creator
Am I the only one producing more than 2,000 goods per day between my buildings and my recurring?
I have between 10,000 and 50,000 of each item on all ages. What do I use them for?
Nothing, it was at the beginning for "just in case" but since then I involuntarily produce much more than my needs.
So I give them to my treasury, but it is more than a million of each goods despite a big activity in GbG. I also give them to all my members but they have too much too.
So spending 10,000 every week for GE 5s won't make any difference to me, the goods will finally be useful, without putting my city management at risk.
But the question I ask myself is am I the only one in this case? Do I manage better than you?
Winning after 4 weeks a building that will offer me daily between 100 and 200 FP instead of 10,000 goods/week, that seems profitable to me.


more than 2,000 goods per day
I'm able to produce 2k-3k goods of my age per day, but production of previous age goods is in a quite a low level (200-300 per day). I didn't stay in that age for long thus I have not that much goods accumulated. Star Gazer will not fix that issue for GE5, so that is a biggest problem to me

FPs are not that important to me to exchange 50k goods per week for some FPs income increase

One more thing: I have to spend diamond for negotiations on 5th level or even more goods, so this is not my way
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Am I the only one producing more than 2,000 goods per day between my buildings and my recurring?

Yes, I have 100k of every current and previous era goods in the main city in live server. 10k per week is nothing.

But I know I will be pretty much slower to go into Titan if I am for GE5 every week. If Titan comes first and GE5 a month later, nothing will be problematic.


I'm able to produce 2k-3k goods of my age per day, but production of previous age goods is in a quite a low level (200-300 per day). I didn't stay in that age for long thus I have not that much goods accumulated. Star Gazer will not fix that issue for GE5, so that is a biggest problem to me
is it really a problem to get previous age goods if trading 1:1 against your age goods :rolleyes:

or are you one of those people who expect twice the amount of goods because he trades down ?

but people in the age below you don't produce twice the amount of goods than you o_O
Am I the only one producing more than 2,000 goods per day between my buildings and my recurring?
I have between 10,000 and 50,000 of each item on all ages. What do I use them for?
Nothing, it was at the beginning for "just in case" but since then I involuntarily produce much more than my needs.
So I give them to my treasury, but it is more than a million of each goods despite a big activity in GbG. I also give them to all my members but they have too much too.
So spending 10,000 every week for GE 5s won't make any difference to me, the goods will finally be useful, without putting my city management at risk.
But the question I ask myself is am I the only one in this case? Do I manage better than you?
Winning after 4 weeks a building that will offer me daily between 100 and 200 FP instead of 10,000 goods/week, that seems profitable to me.
I am producing almost 5K goods per day but I'm in SAJM and have made use of every possible expansion plus I have a colony that is loaded up with goods buildings. The thing is that the number of goods needed to negotiate L5 does not scale with age. While 10K-12K goods per L5 may not be a big obstacle for SAJM players like you, or me, it will be nearly impossible for earlier age players.
is it really a problem to get previous age goods if trading 1:1 against your age goods :rolleyes:

or are you one of those people who expect twice the amount of goods because he trades down ?

but people in the age below you don't produce twice the amount of goods than you o_O
If L5 gets released on live as it is currently set up I predict that the market for previous era goods will dry up for late era players. There's not much trading going on now for SAJM:SAV goods (regardless of ratio). L5 will have a huge appetite for previous era goods, nobody in SAJM will trade theirs away, and not many players camp in SAV. The situation may improve a bit when titan is released but any relief will be brief.
Another "thought" ...
When you start playing FoE, the game asking you it (more than ones I believe) : Do you want to be a trader or a fighter? Or both, but that's nor fish nor flesh, so not really my cup of tea.
So I choose to be a fighter. It's also the way I like to play GE complete via fighting, exceptions can be (for quest, daily challenge, event quest,...) ...
So in my point of view a negotiation of GE5 is for me not of a more memorable experience than doing a negotiation at the end of GE L3 or L4 ! Just ONLY more cost of Goods, that's the only difference.

So the current GE5 is not balanced in my opinion : if you can't win an encounter via fighting, you need to negotiate it. Hmm, as a fighter that's weird, even more if you also need to try hard to get more defenders boost, but you can't get it for the first 1 or 2 years (in best case!) to end GE5 via fighting ...

So short:
  • re-plan my city to get more boost for defending army
  • try to hold my boost for attacking army at least enough to win battles in GE 4, otherwise I even can't reach GE 5 !
  • and on top of it : try to get enough income of Goods week after week, maybe need to produce more Goods? Again, need to re-arrange city!
Maybe planning my city become the real challenge in first place ! Is that what Inno means with giving us a memorable experience? I don't think so, but maybe I'm totally wrong? I hear most player HATE to re-arrange their city, so with GE 5 ...a lot of players will give up FoE for once and always ... .
I think it's right that level 5 is a challenge, and it's not entirely wrong that new paths are being explored, but the current requirements for completing the fight are just completely unrealistic. That would be almost impossible even for strong fighters with very high attack bonuses. However, these players have set their entire city to attack values. These values are still needed in the game. In order to achieve these values with defense bonuses, there is not only a lack of space but also the supply of buildings to achieve these values. So if level 5 is going to be fun for ambitious fighters, then the stats need to be used on a realistic basis.
And now an extra suggestion I like to see and would be cool :
Make "an exception" for the ToR in GE 5 :
all Relics you get from ToR are always accessible, even if a player can only solve just 3 or 4 encounters ! If a Relic shows up somewhere at the end of GE5, players can still take it... OR...they get the Relic reward anyway after GE is over.
If this is possible and you bring this suggestion to life, then I'm way more delighted to unlock GE5, even if the cost is still 4 times GE4.