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Feedback Guild Expedition Update

Hiep Lin

For levels 1 to 4:
the fragments are simply painful but since these buildings are useless it is not fundamental.
I would never build them for level 5.
The removal of the temple blueprints in levels 1 to 3 and of the upgrade kits seems to me to be really detrimental for recent players. This encourages even more to jump on Ark, it is not desirable for the interest of the game.
The changes to GE are simply appalling. There’s no longer any reason to play GE from a rewards standpoint, but players will be required by their guilds to do it anyway. I now I’m dreaming, but please, please, Inno—leave us something in GE to play for. Perhaps, as others have suggested, you’d prefer to drive away experienced players. In which case, I’m pretty sure you’ll get what you want.


Perk Creator
At a time when a majority of players complain of having to wait 4 weeks to win a building with the fragments on the 4 levels of the GE, you come to complain that you will no longer be able to do 1 observatory level in at least 9 weeks ( with great luck)
Maybe it's time to understand that you win more plans by betting on others than by playing alone in your corner?


You mean, a little bit of something like this?
FoE is around pre-pandemic levels of revenue, when you'd be hoping that it would have at least undergone more growth in that period. Additionally, the past couple of financial reports from MTG (they own Innogames) have stated that revenue from FoE has declined from the previous reports.

The above charts were taken from MTG's 2022 Capital Market Day's presentation.

Thanks for this, @UBERhelp1 ;) :cool:

For those uninitiated in WALL STREET SPEAK (Financial speak), this will help understand some of the ACRONYM soup: (from https://www.applovin.com/glossary/arpdau/)

What is ARPDAU?​

Average Revenue Per Daily Active User (ARPDAU) is a KPI used to measure how well your monetization strategies are working on a daily basis. It tells you how much revenue your active users generate for your app or game every day.

ARPDAU calculates revenue from multiple sources, including in-app purchases (IAPs), ads, and subscriptions.

Why is ARPDAU important?​

ARPDAU is a valuable metric for mobile app and game developers and one of the most commonly used, for a reason. By measuring ARPDAU, you will:

  • Understand how your app performs on a daily basis
  • Analyze how events or promotions impact revenue
  • Get a top-level view of income generated on your app
  • Have the data to help you make big decisions, improve performance, and measure results


Complete buildings that you all sold for next to nothing at the antique dealer???
Claim the return of Victory Towers and Medal Packs! If the FP and units are less important, also claim that in GbG these two rewards are replaced by buildings that you can sell at the antique shop.
Personally, I prefer this increase in goods, FP and units to the incipient buildings we had before.
I didn’t sell those when my city was young. I used them because it was better than not using them, that included the victory tower.


wow. I just found out 1 interesting thing. I finished level 4 yesterday, and today I have a daily task - solve 2 encounters in the GE by fighting.
You know that I don't even dare to think about fighting on level 5. LOL and I can't replace this task.
So... it's beta, ok whatever I'll skip it. But on live servers it'll be a problem, cause:
1) it's obviously a skip for a daily task.
2) during events there are tasks like that and we all know that if we've finished all 4 levels of the GE - these tasks are automatically accepted. What about now? Inno, do you want us to wait for another week and new GE and loose our time during daily events' tasks?


2) during events there are tasks like that and we all know that if we've finished all 4 levels of the GE - these tasks are automatically accepted. What about now? Inno, do you want us to wait for another week and new GE and loose our time during daily events' tasks?
during event (last week) that quest was auto-completed by finishing level 4

Juber said that behaviour (event quest) is intentional:
This is intended behaviour. As the 5th level is very difficult it was decided to count quests like these as solved when you finished level 4.

I just found out 1 interesting thing. I finished level 4 yesterday, and today I have a daily task - solve 2 encounters in the GE by fighting.

so why isn't that behaviour also in daily challenges and auto-complete gex task after level 4 is finished (like before) ?

I liked outsmarting negotiate in expedition tasks in daily challenge by finishing level 4 instead
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Am I the only one that wants Observatory blueprints from GE? and not from events since it's a GUILD oriented GB??
I'm still surprised that people are looking for ToR and Obs prints in the GE. I mean how much time it takes to get enough prints to level it (idk) 10 times??
Come on people there are faster way to do it...


Perk Creator
That is wrong. Feedback is always appreciated and always read, forwarded and considered.
With Guild Battlegrounds, because of feedback it was decided to not bring it to live yet and explore more changes later on.

So please, keep on providing feedback.
It's correct that upon feedback a reaction followed, however it was dismissive in GE5's case. That's very upsetting and gives the impression feedback isn't taken in account. The impression created by dismissing player feedback is that the devs pushing their view through anyways. Despite the player's feedback
Am I getting it wrong, or is Inno Games trying to force us to pay real money for fully upgraded event building with every event? Is this part of their strategy to increase income?
step 1: put the last upgrade behind a paywall - done
but, players have alternative to earn free diamonds and avoid paying, so:
step 2: remove the WWs from event daily specials and now remove diamond farming from GE
goal achieved, player can only obtain fully upgraded event buildings by directly paying for event pass or buying diamonds with cash.

I find it currently interesting to find ways to bypass these obstacles but the moment I will not be able to get fully upgraded event building without paying for it, I'm leaving the game.
you forgot the diamonds farmed from GbF, the biggest farm frenzy of the game.:D

As for the changes. I'm with @DEADP00L it's a good thing that diamonds from GE are reduced. The claims that diamonds from GE what's the only or part of the last few parts of the game is a straight up lie/myth. Diamonds can still come from:

Quests & buffed by CF
RQ (once/unique RQ per age) and buffed by CF
Cmap (often 200 diamonds as loot from some provinces)
GbF, farming GbF will still yield potential diamonds
Seed vault

Sure diamonds are often mainly farmed from GbF, WW and GE. Just because this farming gets addressed doesn't magically equals "no more free diamonds." It only means a step is made to making diamonds rare-ish as they where supposed to be. Imho it has been very unhealthy for Forge to even having renewable sources of diamonds and so open to abusive farming in the first place, let alone allowing it to exist for this long. It's logically that people get mad now it's getting addressed but realistically: who's gonna buy anything if they can easily farm out all the diamonds they ever need anyways? Preciously nobody and because Forge ain't a charity, it's not sustainable. That been said, Inno is killing it themselves too by making diamonds increasingly more expensive. Further motivating the use of abusive farming strategies.

Outlaw Dread

You mean, a little bit of something like this?
FoE is around pre-pandemic levels of revenue, when you'd be hoping that it would have at least undergone more growth in that period. Additionally, the past couple of financial reports from MTG (they own Innogames) have stated that revenue from FoE has declined from the previous reports.

The above charts were taken from MTG's 2022 Capital Market Day's presentation.
Thanks so much for taking the time to find that. Impossible to guess what MTG is planning, but maybe one possibility is that MTG feels that FoE will have little future growth. If so, they could decide to turn it into a cash cow and let it gradaully decline (like "the West"), reducing thier investments in its future development. And, of course, hope that Inno comes up with a viable new game to kick start earnings growth.



Dear Kings and Queens,
On Tuesday, March 14th, the first Guild Expedition including level 5 will begin!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one or two short sentences like "What was the name of the Temple again? I forgot." is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or events is not helpful.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team
New buildings look great and will be a nice addition to cities, that is if one can ever actually get them. The current boosts for the opposing army are very very high, well past challenging and fair play and the cost of negotiations are way too high as well. It will be too expensive for the majority of players to have a real chance at playing through because of the high costs and attrition. Combining this with the other GE changes I believe you will see a real fall off of players participating as much. With the current settings GE 5 will really only be something very, very advanced players can participate in, I think this will prove to be an issue for smaller Guilds because it affects their standing. Speaking as someone who buys diamonds, this will definitely have a chilling effect on my playing of GE.


Perk Creator
You are right. Now we have 1 or 2 potential tor bps per week less? Do you really think this is a big changer?
Quantity is not insignificant. Perhaps more significant is location - i.e. that the first ones are so late.

But no it's not the end of the world as long as some are still there - most of the people who should want to build it will reach that far. Might be less tempted to diamond the other 8 after winning 1 from encounter 4 to enjoy the temple first week.