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Feedback [Feedback] - Oceanic Future Part 6

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


The Blue Galaxy is very poor. A lot of OF players have already stated that they are not going to be building it. PLEASE IMPROVE! The number of buildings that it hits should be double of the current values (i.e., At level one, it should be 8 buildings instead of 4)

I have also noticed, that past Level 40, it takes 2 levels to change both the values at some point!? What a joke. I see a trend with the new GBs after AF, instead of becoming more powerful at super high levels, they only become useful there. (The Kraken, TOR, The Blue Galaxy, Atlantis Museum, etc)

This is not going to work, INNO. Please change it. It's absolute garbage for all the FPs, Goods, and Space investment.

Or perhaps, You could leave it as it is, but INCLUDE GBs as well. I understand that is going to make it "too" good, but at least it's a better worth for the graphic designers' and coders' work, to see it up on so many cities than it would be now, when introduced into the live servers.

NOT TO MENTION, MEDALS!? SERIOUSLY!? Tell me which player in OF is in a deficit of MEDALS, after all that is going on in the game with the Arc?


The second feature of the GB could be refined goods production for the player's own use, or FPs again like the Kraken.

I could say that change alone would make the GB AWESOME, Even if you didn't improve the Double Collection boost. (FP Production, that is.)
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Lets get resonable. Not every GB can have FB production. Dont get me wrong it would be awesome but its not gonna happened :).
Second bonus is not really the issue if INNO tweaks the first bonus.
Lower the chance and make it permanent. Its getting harder and harder to manage the city. I like when I have to think about stuff but its getting overwhelming.
With permanent efect it would be easier to use and buildings like SoK wont lose their value.
If you leave it like it is people will rather build Terrace farms in hope of getting 10fb than spend their diamonds on SoK or sets (except Maharadga).
I was really looking forward for Spring set but right now I dont think Im gonna buy any because its better to build Farms instead.
Basically you wanna have Maharadga palace or Terrace farm for every use of Double Collection. If you take it high thats a lot of space that you can fill for free (meaning - less money for INNO :).

Second bonus - I think that coin boost would be great. there are ppl that dont need medals, another ones that dont need population of goods but all of us like FB and you can but them for coins.


Just wanted to mention - the stats posted on the PT wiki that you are referencing are incorrect. :) The 3 new units have different stats here on Beta.

Is there a reason that unit stats aren't posted along with the announcement? It would be helpful for players like me who have an account to post on the forums but don't actually play on beta.

I am also curious about the choice of medals as the secondary bonus. It feels like whenever it gets added to a GB from a very advanced age, in this example OZ, that the devs have run out of ideas and added it for the sake of it having a random second bonus.


medals for an oceanic GB is a joke? must be changed absolutely the medals by another improvement


As always, problem is one and only - no one from INNO don't play FOE. They only design, make the game and CHECK MONEY IN ACCOUNT...


Lower the chance and make it permanent.
With permanent effect it would be easier to use and buildings like SoK wont lose their value.

Second bonus - I think that coin boost would be great. there are ppl that dont need medals, another ones that dont need population of goods but all of us like FB and you can but them for coins.

No, I don't think permanent is going to work out. If they make it permanent, I can bet you that the chance would be around 1% or 2%, Since items to collect are PLENTY.

Also, Coin Boost? Seriously? Why not something interesting like a few people have suggested already? (I suggested refined goods production. Another suggestion - Why not boost the goods production?) Why do you want to bring up something from HMA again in OF? You can only buy so many FPs with coins that at one point, it would really not be feasible. For e.g., When you need to spend a million coins for each FP, how many FPs would that give you in a day? 4? And that would soon go down 3...2...1... I think medals are better than that, by all means.

Or, They could increase the medals, starting from 10,000. I know this is not going to be possible. So drop it altogether. Give us something else.​


Expanded OF episode 6 feedback


Active bonus

The active bonus. Well not all populair Great Buildings find the blessing of a fantastic bonus. The combination of
very nice passive and active bonuses are rare and with good reasons. Kraken for example is a super fantastic GB,
but this is very rare like AO. For example Zeus and Church of Achen are both populair. Yet Zeus don't even has a
active bonus to talk about and CoA has only some coins. Yet they are must has pure by passive bonus. This GB
might be falling in their serie for players that like this passive bonus. So personal I find any active bonus for this
GB okay and for GB's in general with good passive bonuses. Since active often is a forgeteble bonus anyways
and I often select on passive bonuses that fit my play style well.
So in short, I don't care about the active bonus. A GB with this good passive bonus is duable to be built with any
active bonus.:) That's just my opinion, coins okay nice for fp's but not super great, medalls well nice to have to
get my hands on extra attemps in GE and victory expansions, anything else well active bonus is for me only in
use to reset passive bonus.

Passive bonus
Passive bonus, Talked with some friends about it. They find it very intressting regardless of the playstyle. This
GB promots the productions of any building you like. Do you like fp's? This GB gets you coverd with giving a
change to double the fp output. Like goodies? Same story. Something random? Must I still explain, this thing
has you coverd in every desire.

Designe & size
The designe is fantastic, if not wonderfull and fits very well with the theme. The size is decant. Between large
and small so in short medium sized. The developers how drawn it did put a lot of effort into it, resulting in a
detailled GB and that's paying out. The programmers did a fantastic job in making this skill possible in the
first place. Since the system deals with two variables. Chanche and double productions. So at first they
had to find a way to deal with the chanche so the computere decide with X% chanche the skill conacts,
secondly the computer must double the output when it connects. Must be challanging.

Units - ballance & designe

The light unit looks fantastic. This unit is a masterpiece and the drawing team surpassed themself. The unit
looks realy like a fish and still very robotic. Very well done. Also the programmers, well done with the
animations. They look very smooth and great.
The dragon breath is an intressting designe choose. Meaning this is suppost to the futher development of
Dragon Drones. This is nice, but would like to see a improvment in the second skill, what this unit don't
have. I would like to recomand the stealth skill (on bushes or trees for example). This will greatly help in hunting eels, forcing
them to get closer, beeing an improvment of flying and would promots the Medusa's explosion with giving
this skill making sense. So in short it's a overall improvment.:)
Did not see this unit on the field yet. So the following feedback is based on information provided by other

Finaly flying skill once again. For all units is the flying skill on a flying fish making the most sense. This
skill is fantastic on a fast unit and very nice for dealing with any artil. The swarm skill makes the unit
compative with the eal how is blessed with stealth. Covering it's back. Very well designed skill and also
very realistic. Saw flying fish only in swarms. Swarms greatly improve the survivle chances of this
kind of fish. So very realistic skill for this unit. This unit as it is now is perfectly designed and should
be what is now and not change.

Did not see this unit on the field yet. So the following feedback is based on information provided by other

The artil. is a nice unit, but I find the quick deployment and discription a bit odd. At first quick deployment
works against this artil. puting it in front of the enemy. This is simply no good for this unit. In the discription
the unit has been discriped as a unit with great defensive capabilities. Yet this is not the case at all and
makes this a sitting duck. While the discription made the impression that this is not a siting duck. So I
strongly advice some kind of Reactive Armor. Reactive Armor solves the problem of beeing a sitting
duck. Secondly the blast is okay, if the light unit gets stealth. Since this would make sense after this
is added to that unit and this skill would knock out hovertanks influnce as I guass was the purpose
of this skill. Otherwise the skill don't make sense, since the eel is stealth and I suggest to keep it
this way. Since that designe choose is a core ballance designe chooise, especialy with the crab
in mind.
About the name. I still like to point out that Medusa is more land based. Personaly I would like to
suggest the rename Hydra. This may a detaill, but the current name simply don't fit in the current
theme. While Hydra fitting perfect in the current theme and also fits with the designe of the unit as
it is now.

Style & designe buildings

For the buildings, style and designe. The style is very nice for the oceanic theme. The research
is fantastic and the final parts are lovely chooisen. With unlocking the last secrets and keeping
the oceans healthy. I love the buildings and chooises made by the team.:)

I'll look forward to the Coming Soon era. I would find it very funny if the era will realy become
Coming Soon.xd Anyways the picture let all possiblities open. Nice chooise so far. Glad to
be able to test the new developments of the game here for you.:)

I realized me that if Light unit gets stealth on plains, we are back to a HoverTank-like
situation. So it might be better to have stealth for another terrain. So Medusa's blast
makes perfect sense and will be able to knockout the influnce caused by Hovertank,
if this speculated motive for blast is correct.
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Perk Creator
Thoughts on peoples assorted requests on the GB

Alternatives to medals:
Refined Goods : They clearly want to limit this from GBs - pre-ME people were getting their entire goods production from GBs so they made the unrefined from GB change to make us have goods buildings again. Of course now people are getting the majority of their goods production from quests and event/expedition buildings...

Coin Boost : The one you're complaining about is the ACTIVE bonus. Coin Boost is a PASSIVE bonus.

FP: Seriously? I mean i know that the way we mostly play the game is just ramping up FP production to unholy levels but not every GB has to be FP-centric - oh and this one already can be with its passive bonus.

Balance on the number of charges and %:
As Is : It's a niche use that while I don't think I'd build it, I think some will - and that's fine - not every GB has to be a wetdream that everyone wants. I think the % scaling should be a little faster. Charge count seems fine.

Increasing the Charges : Counterproductive to the complaint that it biases towards palaces/terrace farms, as it still will bias towards big collections - you'll just need to cram even more of them into your city to feel you're getting full use of it.

Removing the Charge Limit/Lowering the % : I'm not sure you actually even need to lower the % much in doing this - probably significantly at level 1 but less so at higher levels (i.e. say cut the level 1 to 5%, keep the level 80 at what it is now, and adjust the scaling in between). The not applying to GBs portion of it avoids it becoming excessively broken for the FP monsters - most of the FP collections come from GBs. But it does make it a little less 'interesting' since you don't have to design around the building so much anymore - your nonGBs just become X% better. It also makes it a little less good for early game players who have less city space to improve by X% and GBs tend to be designed to be of interest to everyone.

Applying it to GBs : Are you insane? It would become the second most broken GB in the game (after Arc).


The bleu Galaxy ? what's a pity ! ! ! medals ... on future ? but what an advanced player will do with medals ? nothing ! ! !
When Inno Games will make for great builder a good GB ?
The race for the 80th level for the Arc was wonderful and hard ; please Inno Games, make for great builders an other challenge on the game Foe !
In a ticket to the support on France, I ask you for giving for free my time to make something new for advanced great builder... just reflect only a moment for that.
See you soon on Brisgard-France :)


Perk Creator
The bleu Galaxy ? what's a pity ! ! ! medals ... on future ? but what an advanced player will do with medals ? nothing ! ! !
When Inno Games will make for great builder a good GB ?
The race for the 80th level for the Arc was wonderful and hard ; please Inno Games, make for great builders an other challenge on the game Foe !
In a ticket to the support on France, I ask you for giving for free my time to make something new for advanced great builder... just reflect only a moment for that.
See you soon on Brisgard-France :)

Because of that race, 80 anything is easy enough now though... so it'd have to be a race to say 150 on whatever it'd be :p


Because of that race, 80 anything is easy enough now though... so it'd have to be a race to say 150 on whatever it'd be :p

It would have to be a race to 180 or something like that. The highest GB currently on any server is a 163 Arc.


I would like to have a boost on all collections too

20% at level 100

you think that is much ? not really
a level 100 Cape gives 100 FP

20% chance would need that your buildings produce 500 FP to get those 100 FP per day (on average)

but how much FP can a city produce (not counting GB and Townhall) ?
sure less than 400 per day


Because of that race, 80 anything is easy enough now though... so it'd have to be a race to say 150 on whatever it'd be :p

It would be nice if people that have no experience playing the game would STOP talking. Even with a Level 90+ Arc, as a personal experience, I can say that it's a BIG challenge to get other GBs to that level. It is a long process and you have to spend a LOT of FPs to get the GBs there. It's no piece of cake.

What's worse? When they REDUCE the benefits of the GB in such a way that it would only be decent when taken to Level 80, which was Level 10 before. Getting the Arc that high is an accomplishment of the players. To accordingly alter the GBs before releasing to counter that is equivalent to showing the finger.

You have no idea what a PAIN it is, for a non-diamond player to increase his daily FPs collection. After 2 years of playing the game, I am only getting close to 100 right now.

The way you say everyone has to race to Level 150 is pathetic. The game is meant to be played, not to make a career, sit here all day and go through the insanely altered levels past 100, and then enjoy.


Perk Creator
It would be nice if people that have no experience playing the game would STOP talking. Even with a Level 90+ Arc, as a personal experience, I can say that it's a BIG challenge to get other GBs to that level. It is a long process and you have to spend a LOT of FPs to get the GBs there. It's no piece of cake.

My main world i'm in Oceanic Future with a Level 80 Arc. I stop most of my buildings around 60 because it does start to get slower, but it's not hard exactly - i just lack the motivation to try hard at the game anymore as it lacks much challenge and would rather take another couple buildings to 60 than one of them to 80. If one was actually amazing, 80 wouldn't be hard. As a player with a level 90 arc claiming it's a problem taking a building to 80 AFTER you levelled your arc to 80 is laughable.

What's worse? When they REDUCE the benefits of the GB in such a way that it would only be decent when taken to Level 80, which was Level 10 before. Getting the Arc that high is an accomplishment of the players. To accordingly alter the GBs before releasing to counter that is equivalent to showing the finger.

I agree that stats of a building at 10 should be an important consideration but since taking buildings to 80 is no longer abnormal, so are stats at 80. It is a shame when some buildings come out as only worthwhile if you take it superhigh. But power creep must be controlled to some extent so they're caught in a dilemma caused by the existence of the arc - 10 is no longer a huge accomplishment. And after 10 each level gets easier for a good 40 levels. And if a building doesn't scale well past 10 well then that'd be a complaint too (but given a unique enough effect that would be a good option - ala the attack buildings where it's only 1% every odd level past 10, but we do it anyways because it provides defense bonus to the attacking army we can't get any other way).

You have no idea what a PAIN it is, for a non-diamond player to increase his daily FPs collection. After 2 years of playing the game, I am only getting close to 100 right now.

HOW are you only at 100 a day with a level 90 Arc? Did you not realise that after level 80 you could go level your cape, inno, hagia, CdM, orangery, and kraken? In the time you got to 90 you could've done at least 3 of those to 60+ and be making another 100+ a day. Though if you spend 10k+ FPs a day on building snipes, the choice to keep on working Arc is fair - but you also still have no room to complain that it's hard to increase collections when you're rolling through that much daily :p I'm already at about 40 a day on US Y world from collections - and that world started 3 months ago. Most of it from expedition terrace farms from finishing difficulty 4.

The way you say everyone has to race to Level 150 is pathetic. The game is meant to be played, not to make a career, sit here all day and go through the insanely altered levels past 100, and then enjoy.

I'm saying if another GAME CHANGING great building worthy of the kind of push that led to the first level 80 arcs was released, the push would have to be further now because the people who have already done the first leap could take the new best thing ever to 80 in a couple weeks. You want something that people who collect 500 FP a day and have high level arcs are going to struggle to level to some mythical point, it has to be through levels we currently consider unworthwhile (pre-Arc taking crap to level 80 was almost unheard of - something 1 or 2 whales did on a server with a lot of work).

EDIT: NormaJeane - 2018-07-29 - Replaced inappropriate language.
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warning, english is not my official language so please try to not comment something bad about my grammar ok? im trying to improve my english everyday. thank you.

in my opinion this is a must to have Great Building. just imagine the next situation:
you and your friends, both have 1 terrace farm but he have this great building (at level 37 with 50%) and you dont have it because you think that GB is so stupid. now, after 10 days you'll have 50 FP thanks to your terrace farm but your friend (if had luck!) have 100 fp. why? because each day had enough luck to receive 10 FP instead 5 FP from his terrace farm. now , do you still thinking that this Great Building is stupid? XD

NEW great building changes ( some better ideas):

1. every time you spend a forge point in a great building or technology you have x% change to double that cuantity. for example. if you have 100% and you spend 1 FP in any great building or technology that FP will be 2 FP like, te game gift to you 1 extra FP . but this benefit only affect 1 FP . so if you spend 10 FP , with 100% youll have 20 FP there (the other 10 are invisible, are not coming from your inventory or city. the game put for you other 10 FP) now, if the % is for example 50% and you spend 10 FP , then with luck you'll put 20 FP ,with bad luck 10. with normal luck 15 fp. (because the GE benefit only affect 1 fp , not the total ammount).

2. permanent passive bonus but with lower chance. a combination of temple of relics chance and seed vault chance.

3. the passive bonus only must affect GB. (there are not GB bonus that affect other GB bonuses right?) and the double chance must be a little lower (only FP, coins, medals etc. so if you recollect 50 fp from artic orangery you can receive 100 fp.


1. every time you spend a forge point in a great building or technology you have x% change to double that cuantity. for example. if you have 100% and you spend 1 FP in any great building or technology that FP will be 2 FP like, te game gift to you 1 extra FP . but this benefit only affect 1 FP . so if you spend 10 FP , with 100% youll have 20 FP there (the other 10 are invisible, are not coming from your inventory or city. the game put for you other 10 FP) now, if the % is for example 50% and you spend 10 FP , then with luck you'll put 20 FP ,with bad luck 10. with normal luck 15 fp. (because the GE benefit only affect 1 fp , not the total ammount).
top players spend more than 10000 FP each day :rolleyes:


top players spend more than 10000 FP each day :rolleyes:
then that kind of players with 100% bonus can put 20.000 FP. with 50% 10.000FP or 10.001 FP or 12.000 FP or 12.250. the bonus affect only one FP but that doesnt mean you need to put 1 FP at time, you can put 10, 100 , 1000, 10000 and the bonus will work anyway.


coin boost is great for well establish cities in OF. ST. Mark gives you 500 procent coin boost 60lvl. So imagine the same. thats not 4fb a day but much more.
100fb in OF after 2 years of playing is quite low. I play this game for 813 days and have something around 630fb per day and Im not big dia spender.

The Blue Galaxy is OF great building so it should be design for OF players. And in those cities you can find a lot of SoK, set buildings and other premium buildings that produce FB. So permanent efect would be much better. If its not that good for someone who is in middle ages so be it. its not meant for them.

If anyone needs goods there is plenty of other GB you can level up to get them. Medals and supplies are just junk in OF. But not every bonus has to be great. Frontenac has only 1 cool effect (no one needs those 799k coins on 90lvl per day) so who cares if we get medals if the Double collection will work for every building in your city (excluding GB).

On wiki you can already find 45lvl of Blue Galaxy and it provides 55% x12. Its not that high if you consider how much its gonna cost to get it that high. Its not bad but if you use it only for Maharadga palace and Terrace farm it will provide only +-30fb on 45lvl (if you are not extremly lucky or unlucky) which is super low for 7x5 GB. Mys Canaveral gives you 45fb no luck needed and with only 1/2 the size.

Someone can argue that Mys has only one bonus but if we get medals than we have just one bonus because who cares about few medals per day when you can earn tens of thousands without breaking a sweat. And somebody alse can say that we also get goods, supplies and medals if we use it on Maharadga but again, who need that stuff in OF.

I think it should be better so it at least match some other GB. Right now it falls behind quite a lot. Boost the chance so its not just gamble or make it permanent and lower the chance.