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Feedback Cultural Settlements - Mughal Empire


Perk Creator
It's not really up to us to provide a full walkthrough though, we give an overview and some tips and players will have to figure out where to go from there. If you just blindly follow a guide we provide, what's the challenge?

I think the question with this one is : "why did you think this would be particularly fun?"

There's two major points that seem very anti-fun:
1) The 4-5 days at the start with no good coin producers where you basically can't do anything but run 1 goods building and a bunch of houses on 4-hour cycles. As someone who can barely drag myself through settlements anymore (still inching through aztecs on my live world playing it maybe every 3rd day), this would be the biggest stumbling block.
2) The degree to which you have to tear down the entire city to build culture anytime you want to unlock anything. The "puzzle" of working in the chains during this phase does not make up for the annoyance of then having to rebuild an entire city after. ("Puzzle" being awfully generous)

So whatever promotional material you put out for it should show some aspect of this that your developers are excited by. If there's not such an aspect, why not?

Deleted User - 57457

It's not really up to us to provide a full walkthrough though, we give an overview and some tips and players will have to figure out where to go from there. If you just blindly follow a guide we provide, what's the challenge?
@xivarmy explained what I meant best in the first point. With settlements you can't follow blindly
a guide as every settlement has impediments on different places. Ultimately offering always a
different challenge for each run.
This settlement has extremely confusing and conflicting elements. To begin with the much
debated poor beginning and the conflicting concluding quest at the end. The same quest
was originally for settlements implemented. Until the dev. team agreed with players'
complains that it's dissatisfying to tearing down an settlement and leave it half destroyed
behind after working hard to establish it with the locals a fully functional settlement. Plus
the lack of any practical usage of the final coin producing diplomatic building.
Actual game play footage of the first 3 days, footage of the mid game and nearing the end
of the settlement made by developers who're discussing with each other how the settlement
went and what they feel like is fun as they've envisioned the settlement and the thought process
behind it. Would be of great help for understanding both the settlement and what is supposed
to be fun in the new settlement.
This settlement only leaves me wondering by their statement, that this settlement ain't the
cup of tea for everyone and requires a very specific type of game play, if it's either me and
a bunch of players on the forum unable to figuring it out or if the settlement is flawed in it's
design. If there was official reference game play material instead of just example material
with obvious cheats enabled (40+ upgrades of settlement main reward) it would be far less

Deleted User - 263297

It's not really up to us to provide a full walkthrough though, we give an overview and some tips and players will have to figure out where to go from there. If you just blindly follow a guide we provide, what's the challenge?
No need to post it everywhere for every player, but at least with the handful experienced tester in the forum, especially here Beta, who in part make their own guides, it would be nice to have any kind of feedback, how the settlement is planned to play.

Do you anticipate that for unlocking every new building the whole settlement has to be demolished for cultural buildings?
In the other time, at least the Water Canal + Alley have to go, no purpose? Pretty unnatural kind of building..
Without such, no gold time - or diamond expansions?..

Late edit: ok, other have already written the same. ;)
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I use the settlements as a diversion. This one is so lush and extraordinarily beautiful, I visit just to see the light on the water. The animators consistently do an amazing job with this game. The elephants! The peacocks! Oh my....

Deleted User - 239253

It's not really up to us to provide a full walkthrough though, we give an overview and some tips and players will have to figure out where to go from there. If you just blindly follow a guide we provide, what's the challenge?
And if you play it the way it appears to be intended as far as the players can figure out, where's the fun? That is rhetorical of course, there is none.

Deleted User - 241425

Inno has no logic concerning the colony as for the castle system since on the German forum, the remarks are exactly the same as on the Beta forum, hence the illogicality of maintaining this test on a single server.
Just like the feedback on the Mughal colony, they are identical on 6 servers that I am and Inno does not seem to want to take into account the slightest remark.

Deleted User - 57457

Just like the feedback on the Mughal colony, they are identical on 6 servers
I can confirm an 7th forum (Dutch forum) yielded similar remarks and criticism.

Personally I think this settlement would be greatly improved by dropping the costs for roads
entirely. As the only ''logical'' reason why roads costs cultural coins, is to prevent players
swapping roads for diplomatic buildings. This settlement doesn't have 1x1 diplomatic buildings
you could use to swap roads with. The high costs are holding mostly coin production and are
one of the greater causes of the severe coin shortage in the beginning. Another problem is
the lack of any efficient and effective way of producing sufficient coins.
Never-mind the worse in design quests. For example produce the first 2 settlements goods
while being near the end of the quest line. Another one practically tear down the entire town
after producing the needed goods and leaving an destroyed Mughal city as an collection of
diplomatic buildings. The last really makes me feel like I'm playing like an double agent, send
to destroy the Mughal empire from the inside out. While with the other cultures I'm leaving an
functional town and feeling like I really did provide development support.


Perk Creator
I can confirm an 7th forum (Dutch forum) yielded similar remarks and criticism.

Personally I think this settlement would be greatly improved by dropping the costs for roads
entirely. As the only ''logical'' reason why roads costs cultural coins, is to prevent players
swapping roads for diplomatic buildings. This settlement doesn't have 1x1 diplomatic buildings
you could use to swap roads with. The high costs are holding mostly coin production and are
one of the greater causes of the severe coin shortage in the beginning. Another problem is
the lack of any efficient and effective way of producing sufficient coins.
Never-mind the worse in design quests. For example produce the first 2 settlements goods
while being near the end of the quest line. Another one practically tear down the entire town
after producing the needed goods and leaving an destroyed Mughal city as an collection of
diplomatic buildings. The last really makes me feel like I'm playing like an double agent, send
to destroy the Mughal empire from the inside out. While with the other cultures I'm leaving an
functional town and feeling like I really did provide development support.

Honestly the road cost doesn't matter at all for this one. Unlike other settlements where you can optimize your coin use to blow through the start faster, this one it's just not going to cut off anything significant. You can afford the roads to build the 20 connected house town that will support your 1 goods building. And there's not much to be gained from trying to do 2 goods buildings even for a short time because you need so many goods before you can start building a better city than 20 houses + 1 goods building.

Perhaps that was the point - perhaps they didn't like that people did road-optimized-starts of Aztecs so they wanted to defeat the point of that. But in doing so they killed one of the few strategic parts of a settlement - how do you get out of the most miserable part of a settlement faster?

Deleted User - 57457

Perhaps that was the point - perhaps they didn't like that people did road-optimized-starts of Aztecs so they wanted to defeat the point of that. But in doing so they killed one of the few strategic parts of a settlement - how do you get out of the most miserable part of a settlement faster?
@xivarmy plausible but just plain childish and revengeful attitude if that's the real thought process
behind it. If they really wants us to play according to their vision and forcing us into it, they should
provide actual game play footage instead of game footage with cheats enabled. At the very least
run through test runs for unlocking all lvls of the main reward without using cheats and than taking
notes and remarks.
Tweaking it a bit left and right where needed according to the remarks and than proceeding to Beta
with preferable 3 official game play footage. In which the testing developers are discussing in the early,
mid and end stage of the settlement what we can expect and what they feel like is fun and how they feel
it's a good representation of the chosen culture. Would be far more fun, informational and useful than
just explaining the mechanics with example footage in which cheats are obviously enabled.
I'm aware that this requires extra additional time and delays upcoming settlements further but I think it
should be possible for them. To just like us players playing through the settlements while still doing our
normal job and living our social lives.


Community Manager
what a ****ing joke
quest 14: having 870 diplomacy.

sold buildings.
quest condition undone

what idiot made that

The quest condition is to have diplomacy, not to gain it. So it is correct, that you loose the progress, when you don't have the diplomacy anymore. The same is the case for other 'have' quests.

Hiep Lin

I have a problem on the end:
I leave the embassy harvest pending with 40 goods (useless for haveli).
I destroy buildings (goods) and move them (charbagh and the embassy) to obtain 1260 diplomacy and unlock haveli.
I arrive at the last quest (50 + 50 ....)
I rebuilt my settlement and the embassy harvest is done before the quest, the 40 goods are delivered to one day only.

The embassy's crop (or crop loss?) Was caused:
either by moving the stuck charbagh,
or by moving the embassy.

We should be able to move buildings without harvesting them.


2 times during my current run on this settlement i lost the production of coins because, before collecting, i moved the building or the road attached to it.

Deleted User - 209122

finished. Temple 6/6.
Overall I rate this the seond best settlement, egypt remains first