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Feedback Cultural Settlements - Mughal Empire


My very subjektiv feedback on the mughal : Thanks for trying something new, I do like the buildingchallenge, But I don't like the music and the emotional atmosphere, therefore I switch to Egypt again.
On BETA (!!), I'm trying a 2nd time ... already days busy and still in the beginning !! The "little" changes Inno did (some more Rupees adding as quest reward) is FAR from enough, far away enough !! I've less problems (so far) to get the diplomacy done, but that's because I learned by doing a lot of mistakes the 1st time.
But this settlement is a PAIN to gather Rupees !!! I like to play a game to forget about "real life pain", so please give Mughal Empire a real boost in "smooth painless play" !! Please !!!

Deleted User - 171387

I have been on the same level since day 1 and I have no idea when I will finish. Cannot see how I will get 1,050 diplomacy to unlock the Charbagh. Absolutely no chance I will persevere with the next level, particularly as the end reward is underwhelming.


Hey @InnoGames check this sh1t out. I am not Indian myself, never been to India, do not speak about India as country or anything Indian with my friends but I got this article in the news :) :) :) L000000000000L


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I have been on the same level since day 1 and I have no idea when I will finish. Cannot see how I will get 1,050 diplomacy to unlock the Charbagh. Absolutely no chance I will persevere with the next level, particularly as the end reward is underwhelming.
Yes. I have found it requires you to tear about everything down, putting some stuff on the yard to get the diplomacy you need, open the thing (once I forgot to open the thing https://emojipedia.org/face-with-rolling-eyes/ ) then tear again everything down and build the stuff you had before this havoc. What's fun in this, beats me.


Is it possible to put Minaret-Lv 2 higher on the prioritylist for receiving motivation ?
The minaret Lv2 should get motivation before Shrine of knowledge-Lv 2.
They both produce 2 FP daily, but the minaret-Lv 2 produces goods too

Deleted User - 57457

Is it possible to put Minaret-Lv 2 higher on the prioritylist for receiving motivation ?
The minaret Lv2 should get motivation before Shrine of knowledge-Lv 2.
They both produce 2 FP daily, but the minaret-Lv 2 produces goods too
I think for the aid system it's just an building that produces goods up on motivation. I'm not
sure what is prioritised over what but I think fps are prioritised over goods. As the building
produces fps regardless of motivation.

Maybe an idea for the dev. team to make an play-through series on the official Inno YT channel
when releasing a new settlement? Looking on live most players don't bother. It's kinda hard
to figure out how this settlement was envisioned. In particular due to the severe coin shortages
at the beging due to lack of efficient coin productions for an long while and the difficulties meeting
higher demands of diplomacy. Though using the chain ability helps it's not exactly doing really
the trick.

Deleted User - 57457

@Leones thanks for the release video. The mechanics where clear to me
but to me it's unclear what the envisioned way of playing through the
settlement from day 1 to the final quest. Something like an official
vlog explaining how the dev. team envisioned playing through the
An example fo an play through is from MooingCat:


It's not really up to us to provide a full walkthrough though, we give an overview and some tips and players will have to figure out where to go from there. If you just blindly follow a guide we provide, what's the challenge?