That's not a city. That's a mathmatical 'thing' with rows of the same stuff.
Is nobody else disappointed with that? If you have to build in this way to succeed, then that's wrong. This is a CITY BUILDING game.
Ugh. I can't even... Such beautiful designs reduced to this.
I fully agreed, remember the original last quest of Vikings? Gather X of each cultural good and have an huge some of diplomacy. They’ve changed it because it resulted in the exact same madness and they felt like players got an valid point that handing over an collection of diplomacy buildings at the end instead of an functional productive town wasn’t a really good conclusion. I’m surprised and shocked that they went back to that madness since in the previous settlements they did an decently good job in making an decant balance and good conclusion with an functional town/city.
I find it mostly worrisome for the future settlements. How hard is it to understand and stick with with an working and proven concept with an set universal quests?
1 gain population and start production
2 start an sustainable production of cultural coins with the first diplomatic building (even Egypt features that instead of war elephants which would for that settlement be more useful)
Final quest - gather X cultural coins and produce Y cultural goods of each
With the final quest proving and securing the conclusion with an functional town, instead of an demolished town with an collection of diplomatic buildings.
If they gonna change at the very least 1 thing of this settlement. Pls let it be the final quest to become the universal settlement’s final quest requesting X coins instead of an ludicrous amount of diplomacy.