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Spoiler Ads in FoE??????


The mere fact that they cannot let us to enable/disable ads on our accounts speaks of their intent of just littering the game with them. I had been in places where a video ad (annoyance) is constantly playing on a site I was reading; that it takes up resources (memory being one of those close to CPU usage; especially on a good computer) and often causes crashes (had a few instances where the browser was shutting off mid-scroll).

Murphy's Law dictates that if something's not broken, why should it be fixed. However, Inno's a bit different: if something isn't broken, they will break it, no matter what.

If they want to put a button for a player to watch these so-called video ads for the so-called diamonds or premium stuff, put that button in the diamond purchase screen; they can make a section like they did for special promotions, subscriptions (yeah, don't really know how it really works since you're supposed to get some diamonds per day of the period, but does it renew on its own or do we have to buy again??), etc. Or better yet, put that button on FoE Plus (LOL, I am being serious here) so it can probably help us alleviate from paying that so-called high price (who came up with that anyways?) for wanting things that we had long suggested that would have been a benefit to every player.

Next up, ad-free perks available for a price.
There are no plans to have a permanent ad in the game taking up space, don't know where you got that idea. But as someone said, please wait until it's released before making up your mind about it, we really do try to make it a good experience.


There are no plans to have a permanent ad in the game taking up space, don't know where you got that idea.
Good to know. And, I got it from the other poster who stated his/her CM said that once they are in (the ad content) there was no way for the player (or them) to enable/disable (I am leaning more towards "disable") the so-called ads. At least give us that option to "opt in/out".

Deleted User - 239253

Good to know. And, I got it from the other poster who stated his/her CM said that once they are in (the ad content) there was no way for the player (or them) to enable/disable (I am leaning more towards "disable") the so-called ads. At least give us that option to "opt in/out".
I think that is what they are indicating. You will have to seek out the ads, either through a building, quest giver, drop down menu, or whatever. While not an opt out, having to actively seek an ad to get a reward seems to have the same practical function if you never seek them out.
There won't be an option to enable/disable them per se, but they will be optional.
I think that is what they are indicating. You will have to seek out the ads, either through a building, quest giver, drop down menu, or whatever. While not an opt out, having to actively seek an ad to get a reward seems to have the same practical function if you never seek them out.
Is this what you mean Leones ??? Your reply was extremely vauge and makes me scared.


Is this what you mean Leones ??? Your reply was extremely vauge and makes me scared.
How it will be implemented exactly will remain to be seen, but there are no plans to force ads on players, like having to watch an ad before you can continue playing the game. They will be optional, will have to be sought out and can easily be ignored if you don't want to watch any.


How it will be implemented exactly will remain to be seen, but there are no plans to force ads on players, like having to watch an ad before you can continue playing the game. They will be optional, will have to be sought out and can easily be ignored if you don't want to watch any.
Again, good to know.
It's a free game folks.
Instead of ads and/or gimmicks, maybe Inno should fix the game the way it should be so people will be more inclined in buying diamonds (if that's their forte as it was mine when I first played upon hearing such good reviews in the first year) and bringing more players in/back in (latter for those that quit in the time before).