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Spoiler 2022 Wildlife Event


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Animal Crossing (residential, size: 6x3)

Selection Kit (Place holder for now)
Upgrade Kit (Place holder for now)

Additional Building (insect hotel??? - seems to be 2x3 production):

maybe one or more of those buildings will get one or two of these boosts, never seen before on buildings:


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Last year the main special building was near the top, this year I expect the main building to be weak again, like Inno used to do with all events in the last years.
I wonder how much they could spoil event buildings... A thing to wait for :eek:

But at least getting last year building will be cheaper, so yay!


Does not really matter - as long as last year's eagle mountain is a DS :D
disagree!! I have been saving diamonds for a year for that particular event, I need eagles mountain AND a new event building at least as good to really make the most of this favorite event of mine (gameplay-wise AND buildin -wise) and enjoy it 200% from day 1 to (yeah hope) day 286 of the event :D


disagree!! I have been saving diamonds for a year for that particular event, I need eagles mountain AND a new event building at least as good to really make the most of this favorite event of mine (gameplay-wise AND buildin -wise) and enjoy it 200% from day 1 to (yeah hope) day 286 of the event :D
replying to myself... get a life buddy :).. when I mean as good event building as eagle's, doesn't necessarily mean just with A/D; although it looks like the only thing Inno know how to pull to excite people, something that can impact gameplay/leads to improved quality of life gameplay could be very welcome (I said "could", not necessary "would", Inno has been on a hot streak of boredom releases recently)


Does not really matter - as long as last year's eagle mountain is a DS

Agree to disagree. I want nice new nature stuff.

And honestly I'm sick of people who only care about attack %.
I kinda wish Inno would just announce they're going to cap it, so people can stop being overly dramatic about it (and then raise the cap by a few % every age for people in that age). Would fix a lot of stuff, imo.


Agree to disagree. I want nice new nature stuff.

And honestly I'm sick of people who only care about attack %.
I kinda wish Inno would just announce they're going to cap it, so people can stop being overly dramatic about it (and then raise the cap by a few % every age for people in that age). Would fix a lot of stuff, imo.
Hey, Lady, if you want nature stuff, get out of the room! ;) (that was only a joke, offence definitely not included, apologise in advance)

If they did attack bonus cap, the game would be pretty soon abandoned and shut down. Play your own style, please and don't ban others from playing theirs.


If they did attack bonus cap, the game would be pretty soon abandoned and shut down. Play your own style, please and don't ban others from playing theirs.

I do. But again and again those who focus on combat want any- and everything to be focussed on that. So that's exactly the kind of behaviour that you say I shouldn't be doing.

If they did attack bonus cap, the game would be pretty soon abandoned and shut down.

I disagree. Because then they could start doing other things. Cool new combat mechanics. Entirely new activities.

Deleted User - 57457

Attack bonuses remain the most useful bonus in general, contribution bonus from Arc an close 2nd place though by an low margin. It's useful for:

GbG 1
GE 2
Cmap 3
Space special resources 4
Few quests 5
GvG (browser only) 6

While at best all other bonuses are useful for quests and something else. The attack bonuses yielding thus the best returns and results. Making it unsurprisingly by a long shot along fps one if not the most sought after benefit on any event building.
In any case if they'll ever gonna capping the attack bonuses, it'll surely causing an massive backlash as whales likely have invested heavily in such. Those whales likely gonna cut their spendings in such case, forcing Inno to shut down FoE or roll back the cap.
A new feature to gain an slight edge in GbG to faster or gain more daily advancements in GbG, supported/enhanced similarly to attack bonuses may causing division to what prefer on event buildings. Such may lure some players away from attacking bonuses. The only thing I can reasonably see as slightly plausible alternative development that they can come up with to diversify. That been said, it's an exceptionally rare black swan event what I've just described and highly unlikely to ever happen. Yet another combat system likely won't happen, nor an cap on attack bonuses, neither would make the community suddenly make lose interest in attack bonuses from event buildings.


Although my first preference is not on combat I try to have an a/d bonus which helps me to go through combat quests, GE, GbG and maybe even GvG without many stress and losses. As I've become rather lazy on levelling GBs those attack bonuses from event buildings are very appreciated. Also in my little new city it's easier to just put some combat buildings than to level combat GBs meanwhile.


I do. But again and again those who focus on combat want any- and everything to be focussed on that. So that's exactly the kind of behaviour that you say I shouldn't be doing.

I disagree. Because then they could start doing other things. Cool new combat mechanics. Entirely new activities.
What new activities? Like maybe settlements...? I hate those, for example. So you say you want me to stop brag about what I like and instead do what I HATE...? That would surely keep me in game, pfff....


I do. But again and again those who focus on combat want any- and everything to be focussed on that. So that's exactly the kind of behaviour that you say I shouldn't be doing.

I disagree. Because then they could start doing other things. Cool new combat mechanics. Entirely new activities.
This game is built around fights. No matter how hard is your wishful thinking, it is, what it is. True, you only have to do like 4 or 5 combats per account and that's it, you may care not for fighting anymore for the rest of your game experience. But no, you have to push your "vegan" vision and ban others from wanting the game to be played as it was designed. I met people playing "vegan" version of FoE, they did great. And yet no one was so harsh for other players as you.


But no, you have to push your "vegan" vision and ban others from wanting the game to be played as it was designed. I met people playing "vegan" version of FoE, they did great. And yet no one was so harsh for other players as you.

The fact that you call it 'vegan' says a lot about you and your disrespect for other lifestyles.
Violence is not normal. It should not be the norm.

Anyway, I don't want to 'ban' anyone from playing this game the way they like it.
But on the flipside, I'd like this game to have some more support for people who want to play this game in a non-combat way.
I think there is too much focus on combat (from players) because it is the easier/better way in terms of risk/reward. That is what I want to be fixed or balanced out. There should be more ways to make negotiations easier/cheaper/faster (just like there are ways to do that with combat).
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Deleted User - 57457

But no, you have to push your "vegan" vision and ban others from wanting the game to be played as it was designed. I met people playing "vegan" version of FoE, they did great. And yet no one was so harsh for other players as you.
Just like actual vegans and non-vegans there are those who respect each other's choice and there are those who try to forcing their choice upon others. The letter unintentionally giving others, who've made the same decision an bad name. Best thing society can do with the last group, is shrugging their shoulders, turning an deaf ear to them and just caring on with the "normal" vegans and non-vegans who respect each other's choices.
Violence is not normal. It should not be the norm.
So, the game should drop after 10+ years all the sudden combat? Also all violence and armed conflicts in history must be censored, if politicians where to following up to you're philosophy?
The fact that you call it 'vegan' says a lot about you and your disrespect for other lifestyles.
You're claiming that others are disrespectful towards vegan lifestyles. Yet the sentence after you're promoting to censor something that doesn't fit in you're philosophy of pacifism. Most would consider such statements hypocritical statements and ironically disrespectful. Also @Finkadel didn't disrespect vegan lifestyle, rather used it as an metaphor.
That is what I want to be fixed or balanced out.
By compromising the opportunities battle minded players where given through various buildings? I sense an strong presence of envy.[[/QUOTE]
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Deleted User - 241425

Anyway, I don't want to 'ban' anyone from playing this game the way they like it.
But on the flipside, I'd like this game to have some more support for people who want to play this game in a non-combat way.
The hour is grave for you!
If you can't tell the difference between "violence" in a war game and real violence, it's really time to tune out. Your comparison is as unsuitable as playing Candycrush and claiming after X years of play the ability to drive a car.

Then, FOE has always been clear about its abilities since the beginning, if you like the spirit but not the fights, test Evelnar!
Besides, when we compare the number of players to FOE and Evelnar, we realize that the majority prefer the fights to a remake of simcity! So thank you for not wanting to impose a change that goes against the basis of the game and the desire of the players.

Finally I don't understand you, if YOU don't want the combat part, nothing imposes it on you! Certainly it will be difficult but an assumed choice. I hate negotiations, I do almost none, by choice, although I am aware that I slow down the construction of my castle! Should I do like you and claim that the negotiation points that I don't win are automatically attributed to me or converted into fights?