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Search results

  1. Dursland

    Discussion FoE is now A/B testing across regions instead of same ones to avoid complaints

    "More specifically, users are presented with different and exclusive choices when it comes to buying diamonds and getting extra event currency. Some can buy more diamonds and more flour (7k) while others get less diamonds and flour (3.5k) but get spoons, both wooden (20x) and golden (5x)." One...
  2. Dursland

    Discussion cultural settlement buildings need a golden upgrade, and it could make inno diamonds!

    I saw the feedback thread on Cultural settlements and I was going to post this there but the thread was closed recently, so I'm making this. Cultural Settlement buildings are quickly getting left behind with the current increase in power for the new buildings. They badly need a golden upgrade...
  3. Dursland

    Discussion InnoGames data breach

    So from the youtube videos being posted on discord of cities being deleted, it's clear InnoGames has suffered a massive data breach. Why are they not resetting all passwords, or at least notifying users? Are the affected players going to get their cities restored, including GB levels?
  4. Dursland

    Discussion any plans to make plundering relevant again?

    Seems ever since the influx of players crying about their Mahraja's palace sets getting plundered, Inno has made nearly every single event building since then unplunderable. Is this trend going to continue or are there plans to make this mechanic relevant again, like was done with city defense...
  5. Dursland

    Rejected remove the now-pointless plunder mechanic

    The now-pointless plunder mechanic should be removed from the game entirely, if Inno isn't going to release new plunderable buildings.
  6. Dursland

    Discussion charcoal express aid priority?

    It seems like the Charcoal Express is the last thing to get m/p'd in my city, even after 1fp-producing SoKs and the such. It makes 5fp and 15 goods, it should be among the first dozen buildings in my city to get motivated. Anyone else have this problem? I thought I'd ask before posting it as a...
  7. Dursland

    Rejected allow ignore to remove players' trades from market

    It only takes 1-3 players in the same neighborhood to ruin the trade market by posting massive amounts of unfair trades. What I'm proposing is that we allow ignore to remove those trades from the market, on top of what it already does. This would simply "ignore" the trades from said player, not...
  8. Dursland

    Not A Bug: Fiore Village and Sunflower Press do not show goods

    Buildings that give fixed goods like Chocolatery, Tarot Card Caravans, etc show you what goods you'll get. Sunflower Press and Fiore Village both provide fixed goods but do not show you what you get. This seems like a bug to me.
  9. Dursland

    Do Not Suggest Greater Runestone needs a buff now

    Proposal: Buff the Greater Runestone from Vikings Settlement Details: Not only have event buildings gotten better over time but we have the nutcracker guardhouse which completely outclasses the greater runestone. Even at level 5 the runestone can't compete. Yggdrasil was buffed, and I think...