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Feedback Research Tree Improvements


Well, so many people say the same think several days ago. I do not ungerstand where is the difficulty to change this terrible background color with a darker one (or with the previous one)... at last!
How long you need for a color change?
the only plausible reason not to change the color is, coders have a real bad Monitor

Moderator note: Edited for Dev bashing
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not sure you can count higher than 3, if so, please count how many players like the color and how many don't like the color (in this thread)
i can't count higher as 3 so please do it for me
Why are you making the assumption that people who like the changes (or at least don't mind them) would take the time to post here? Or that the majority of a very, very small minority means a lot?


Oh Dear Lord NO..:cool:
It's as bad, if not worse than the forum, i saw it and nearly had an immediate seizure :eek:

The collapsible eras is great, but what's with the use 1 use 50 or diamonds for the fp's
Why can't forge points be added as they now are with GB's. If it's available there, why do they not implement it in research tree as well? It would be so much more easier and helpful.
I seriously sometimes do not understand how the devs minds work. Players have been asking for years for a way to add fp's in an easier way to the research bars.
So they change it, but instead of doing what's asked for ( which would make most players happy and cause less complaints ) they come up with a new concept which very few people like.
Is it not easier to just implement what their customers ask for, or is it that they just don't wish to make their customers happy. This is a serious question, because it does not make logical sense.
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Why are you making the assumption that people who like the changes (or at least don't mind them) would take the time to post here? Or that the majority of a very, very small minority means a lot?
that's the problem not enough can see it and a very small amount of those that can are commenting, but at the end of the day it probably doesn't matter what feed back is given, this is what we are going to get as that's the way it always is and has been, as long as one person say its cool we all get to put up with it.

I absolutely hate it and wish it would go away, there is so many things in the game that need improvements and this isn't one of them, the tech tree has been basically the same for the last 7 years and there was nothing wrong with it.
the thing i dislike the most is the new fill the fp bar using diamonds put on the right where the max amount of fps you have in the bar would be, as it is nothing but a trick to prey on people unconsciously clicking in the same place all the time.

maybe it does suit the app, who knows, this was a pc game in the beginning and i will never ever use the app, all i know is I want it gone and the old one back, maybe i just start sending tickets every ten minutes and be a real pain the the you know what, maybe a i get banned or my account deleted, at least then I wont have to worry about always wondering if i should give this whole game away


While the collapsible element of the Ages is good, with the increased size of the Tech panels you need to go full screen on a PC to see all the Tech at each level of research.
As not every likes to plan with a Full Screen, is it possible to add a vertical scroll to the screen.


As already mentioned by so many players, make it dark, much more darker...
(The research tree is not a shiny treasure chest, but a grave for resources. Shiny rainbow coffins are for weirdos only.)

And please add a custom "spend xx FP" input functionality (using packages, too).
Really perplexed that you would put so much time into this and not implement the upgrade to fp spending in the Tech Tree....
I too, tend to avoid things that are too bright on the internets whenever possible!! Save me from the Viking Settlement! LOL & now this....?


I play on PC notebook, and the new tech tree is too big for my screen, so much so that I have to zoom out just to see the top and bottom of the tech tree. This then makes all the other text outside of the tech tree way too small. Could you please make it so that I don't have to adjust my screen settings just to pop in and out of the research.beta new tech tree.PNG


Cannot say anything about it, as I do not have the new research tree yet.
When can we expect it for all players (on Beta)?


We need a vertical Scroll on the new look Research Tree. If the developers are not sure how to do it then they can ask the developers of Elvenar as they have managed to do it when there Book of Knowledge Tree is too tall to be seen fully on screen.
Why should we be straining our eyes to look at the Research Tree because we had to reduce the screen size just to access the branch of the Research Tree.


Regarding the technology tree, why keep cadena, would not it be more intelligent to mark 0 / xx see the attached image, for the rest actually it will surely serve more to the mobile version of the game I do not see any objection to this graphical aspect.

tree techno.png


tone it down for goodness sake, I can not use the forum for long as it gives me a headache (way way way too bright) and now the tech screen is going to be the same, very very disapointed
Couldn't agree more, both forum and tech tree are an assault to the eyes. Really hard to keep reading.
Pls make it a little easier on the eyes, this bright background really hurts.
Dear developers, if you programmed the TT well, it will be no problem to let us switch between the views, yes? :cool: <--(eclipse glasses)

Also, to the communicators, I join those who are not particularly thrilled about being sold this as improvement in the title, the innovation has been agreed upon and programmed by the company, we already know you deem it so, it needs no further shilling here where you profess to be interested in our point of view.