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Feedback Your ideas for a Cultural Settlement!?

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Rapa Nui - the civilisation that created the fascinating statues on Easter Island
Age would be high to late middle ages
The mini game feature could be a trader like in Japan or the one in the Aztecs or a totally new mini game feature
Why - the statues are fascinating, their origins and purpose have all but vanished in the mist of time. It is one of the mysteriies of this planet that one almost wishes never will be solved.
Actually, Rapa Nui sounds cool! imagine have a giant moai in your city XD mmh an inuit culture could be cool too.

aquila scutum

I have three recommendations
1. Roman Empire with Glatiator fights
2. Greek Empire with Sparatan (wave system) or Naval fights.
3. Some prosper civilization and cultural settlements to be like Saint Pattrick event, I mean to be very active every day.

I want Egyptian battles back, because these are SMART FIGHTS where you have to think. I like to battlenot autobattle and those battles can replace the chess minigame.

Deleted User - 234151

I wish I could suggest something with a fantasy element but the announcement said to stay away from those ideas. I really wanted to suggest a time travel themed cultural settlement. The whole game has aspects of mixed eras anyway. Take a look at any players city that wants to get ahead: An great building like the ARC from the future era in a HMA town. This kind of things happens! So it would be sweeeeet if a bunch of steampunk time travelers (for example) came and settled temporarily to check out your city. Moving on. I liked the ancient Rome ideas. Spartans....Atlantis (Although fantasy)...all good. My idea:
  • Scottish Clans
  • The most relevant game mechanics would be battles for that era. I'm not that great at history, but I was thinking Braveheart style, kilts, blue face paint. Although the movie is possibly historically inaccurate? I just recall Mel Gibson leading an army carrying all kinds of weaponry in an epic battle scene so the battle mechanics made sense to me.
  • I just picked it because I can trace my lineage back a few centuries so its the first thing that popped into my mind, and I don't think its been suggested yet.

Deleted User - 57457

Gold rush/Wild West

Special goods & negotiations

Age: Industrial Age
Unlocked: The west

Welcome to the Wild West. Nearby is just a bunch of gold discovered. We gonna need some help to build up a town before the gold is gone or someone else gets the same idea.

Negotiations allow you daily to get some gold nuggets. A special resource needed to produce cultural goods. Similar to the Egyptians.
You can negotiate with the luck seekers for their gold. You might be able to trick them into selling it for an good prize. Perhaps a casino can help you to build up Las Vegas. Alternatively you can negotiate with the native Indians for guidance. They know the area better and where to look. So they might be able to provide a bit more gold nuggets.

The main goal is make a western town, that can remain when the gold dries up.

Why this culture?
Since we're on the populair culture train, Vikings, Egypt, Aztecs and Japan an western culture could fit in. There is also lots of misconceptions about the west. Introducing a accurate cultural settlement can potentially chip that a bid away. Also a real counter fit for the Egyptians is currently missing. Where they fight for survival I would like to see a more peaceful approach as counter fit. I feel like the gold rush could be like that. Negotiating over gold nuggets for survival.

Where to spend?
FoE+ gains an additional turn during negotiations and a slightly higher chance for 4x bonus
Diamonds, on additional turns during negotiations

Grand reward:
Grand casino / grand saloon
At the highest lvl grands +1 negotiation turn on any negotiation in the game
Coin bonus
Att% for AA&DA

Time reward:
Hotel or sherif house
At the highest lvl +2 units/day when motivated

Reasons bonuses: the grand saloon/casino improves the mood of your entire army. The hotel attracts friendly private contractors. As fore peaceful players. Extra att% on defence can't hurt and some extra units to deploy in the defence can't hurt either. As for fighters, some went through feudal Japan for timeless dojo's so why wouldn't they for something similar.


Community Manager
Thank you for all of your suggestions so far!
If you have any more suggestions, please do not hesitate to add them to the list :)

Deleted User - 189856

Drakenridder said: "...Perhaps giving the house of navigation an additional benefit unique to it. Like 10% faster scout on the cmap..."
Don't say scout bonus, that will never go through.
Actually, Inno asked us for suggestions for the bonuses given,. so I don't see why we should limit ourselves in coming up with interesting bonuses. Actually, I think the faster scouting bonuses not to be very interesting, as it ceases to be useful when players have no provinces to scout any more, but it could be useful for players who are still in Colonial age or similar. It's defintely a type of bonus I haven't heard suggested before. So points to Drakenridder for creativity. : )


1. I liked to see the China culture of Qing -dynasty (1644-1912) because during that time Mahjong -game was developed which, I think, would make a great basis for a mini game.

2. Also a Phoenician Culture (2500 BC - 569 BC) were nice with a mini game somewhat similar than the St.Patrick's ship, because Phoenicians were great traders of goods

Deleted User - 57457

Drakenridder said: "...Perhaps giving the house of navigation an additional benefit unique to it. Like 10% faster scout on the cmap..."

Actually, Inno asked us for suggestions for the bonuses given,. so I don't see why we should limit ourselves in coming up with interesting bonuses. Actually, I think the faster scouting bonuses not to be very interesting, as it ceases to be useful when players have no provinces to scout any more, but it could be useful for players who are still in Colonial age or similar. It's defintely a type of bonus I haven't heard suggested before. So points to Drakenridder for creativity. : )
Thanks :) personally I think that it should also accelerate exploration of special resources on the cmap. So, also at the end of the cmap it still can help you. Plus keeping it limited to 1 unique settlement reward building can keeping the balance in check

Deleted User - 189856

Thanks :) personally I think that it should also accelerate exploration of special resources on the cmap. So, also at the end of the cmap it still can help you. Plus keeping it limited to 1 unique settlement reward building can keeping the balance in check
By exploration of special resources on the cmap you mean orichalcum and such?

Deleted User - 57457

By exploration of special resources on the cmap you mean orichalcum and such?
Mars ore, Asteroid ice and Venus' special good on the exploration sides of the cmap of space ages. I mean those explorations to be faster with the bonus. For example instead of 1h only 50 minutes needed or instead of 1 day (24h) less then 23h, 10% faster scouts and finding special goods on the cmap of the space ages' exploration sides.

Deleted User - 189856

Mars ore, Asteroid ice and Venus' special good on the exploration sides of the cmap of space ages. I mean those explorations to be faster with the bonus. For example instead of 1h only 50 minutes needed or instead of 1 day (24h) less then 23h, 10% faster scouts and finding special goods on the cmap of the space ages' exploration sides.
Yeah, I can see how that would be useful.


Another idea;

An arabian desert city type as a settlement.
As for mechanics and such, I'm not really sure. Was just something that popped into my head and thought; yeah, I'll go add that idea.
I suggest the culture of "La Serenissima", The Republic of Venice

Why this culture?

The Republic of Venice was, by its time, one of the greates traders in the world. In the recent 12-18 months, the game has leaned strongly towards favouring fighters - especially in GBG, negotiating makes little sense once you are in Platinum or Diamond league (Sectors are taken within 1 min or less). Hence, I would love to have another settlement which gives bonuses to traders, as I think the game should give a REAL option to choose between trading and fighting! It makes sense to let a trading culture give buildings that favour trade and negotiation.


Obviously, we are in the Venetian Lagoon, and we have to bring the Floating City, after a strong Agua Alta, back to its flourish. This is done by the all-known procedure of building houses, producing cultural goods and going through the questline. There would be two possibilities of how to obtain the Cultural Goods: Either by the "normal" way in which houses and Diplomacy Buildings make Florins, which we use to make the goods as usual, or we need to obtain some "Trade resource" by three negotiations per day, similar to the fighting of the Egypts. I would grant access to this Cultural Settlement in Late Middle Ages.

Goods could be Venice Masks, Murano glas chalices, Artworks (Venice was a centre of arts and writing by its time) and some simple good such as fish

As for the mini game, I imagine some sort of labyrinth (have you ever been to Venice?! It is INDEED a huge labyrinth once you leave the main tourist paths). There was an Agua Alta and everything is flooded, blocking the direct path to where you want to go. Instead, you have to take sideways and sometimes cross pieces of water. For that, you get a fixed number of bridge pieces. To make it a bit harder, there is a timer and you have to find the right way, inluding the right places to put your bridge pieces, in that amount of time. DIamonds would be spent to get another piece of the bridge.

The entire settlement takes 10 turns to complete the main reward, leaving 3 turns for embassadors (please, do not make them give medals or supplies...)


Main reward: Doges Palace. 4x4, 7 levels. At max level, it gives:

Coins and Supplies depending on Age
25% each of Supply and Coin boost
75 Goods
12-15 FP
20% chance to retain the goods spent on a negotiation -> This is the big turning point in making negotiations a viable option for GBG again!

Time reward: Murano glas maker, 3x3, 5 levels. At max level, it gives:

Coins and supplies depending on age
10 goods
4 FP
2% chance to retain the goods spent on a negotiation

Side remarks

GBG have pretty much changed the game. Big players receive 1/3 to 1/2 of their FP income by it, and this is all thanks to the possibility of making near limitless fihts, provided there are 4-5 siege camps. However, even if I have 5 Siege Camps, I cannot negotiate forever, as it will still require goods. I have understood that Inno does not introduce an auto-negotiate feature (God alone knows why), so this wpuld be an alternative to it. Otherwise, there will hardly be an advanced player who really builds its town towards trading!

An alternative to giving a chance to get back the goods spent would be a chance to not use up one trial, essentially giving a chance of an extra move in all negotiations.
Many ideas for tribes and peoples have already been listed.
I'd like to contribute some suggestions for rewards.

- An emissary who contributes a unique unit, such as spartan hippeis. Qualities would upgrade with era of player (compare it with the barbarians from the side quest)
- An emissary who adds +x (depending on players era) to the attack of units
- An emissary who adds +1 the the saving bar in the players GE
- An emissary who negates the cost of +1 fp when trading outside the guild
- An emissary who gives access to a new, inter-guild trade market, where guilds may trade their guild goods. Only players with this emissary, and who are authorized by guild leaders, may trade at this inter-guild market
- An emissary who produces goods of the previous era
- An emissary who speeds up production of trade goods by x%.
- An emissary who enables buying goods of previous eras for coins (now you can buy fp for your coins, why not enable buying goods?)
- An emissary who grants access to a 2nd neighbourhood of people who also have this emissary, so that the player has more people to trade with (and to attack).
- An emissary who enables a 'trade-relation' with other players. Players with a trade relation can trade without fp cost, but cannot visit taverns or boost gb.
- An emissary who produces a new type of good. These goods could be used, together with the goods of other cultures, for the construction of new guild great buildings.
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Who remembers this utopian topic that was ultimately abandoned. But I understand today that the settlements take too long for the little thing offered.
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