- Ancient China. Could have some gimmick/minigame themed based on dynasties. Or maybe a minigame where you, over the course of the building of the settlement, build a portion of the great wall across the settlement map.
Building rewards:
Before reading any ideas, this Ancient China idea is exactly what I was thinking as well.
Make this settlement where we have to gather goods and supplies to build the Great Wall of China, to stop the Mongolians from invading.
Minigame, simple, Mahjong, with 3 levels, easy, medium, hard. Each rewarding a fragment of the wall, or goods, or "sticky Rice", or maybe this Minigame, blocks the invasions.
Main game, not only do we have to build our settlement, but we have to Defend it, by placing segments of the "Great Wall" along the outside of our settlement to stop the invading Mongolians. So instead of military buildings, we have to build fortifications along the wall, just like the great wall. Think of these Fortifications as the Impediments, but instead of removing Impediments, we are building the Impediments, now called Fortifications. We need the standard buildings; residents, goods building, but the new "supply" building being "Sticky Rice" producer. Everyday we have to stop an invasion, If we fail placing the fortifications in strategic areas, the Mongolians break portions of the wall, setting us back a day or not getting that days wall extended, whichever makes sense.
You can make this a long settlement too, by that I mean, stop having us race to get Bonus Chests for the 2nd reward building. In fact, no 2nd building at all. Make us do this settlement 7 times, with it taking a minimum of 2 weeks to complete a level. Only create two new emissaries, come on you know we only want the FP and Troop Emissaries anyways
, leaving 5 pieces to get the Spec Building.
Now yes I understand I forgot one critical aspect, where do we spend Diamonds
Easy, we can use diamonds to either bypass that days invasion by using diamonds, or, if we lose at blocking the invasion, we could spend diamonds to win that day. Of course we an speed buildings completions up with diamonds.
Roads we use our coins and supplies, just as expensive as our current age/era costs for a road.
Create the 1 main spec building to level 5, Genghis Khan Statue Complex, yes I see the irony of my idea, my theme is to stop the Mongolians, but hey you asked me, and we already have the Terracota Army. The Genghis Khan Statue Complex spec building, Stats: with AB% and DB% for AA, and Goods as well. No FP's, make the % for AB and DB so lovely, even the "FP lovers" say dammmmmm now thats a spec building.
I'm sure I missed something important, so hopefully other players run with this idea.