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Feedback Your ideas for a Cultural Settlement!?

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Community Manager

Dear Kings and Queens,

We hope you are enjoying our newly released 4th Cultural Settlement – the Aztecs.

Over the last few months, we have been collecting your feedback and getting your input on our current Cultural Settlements. However, this time we would like to do something a bit different.

For the next two weeks, we will be collecting feedback - from you the players - over which cultures we should feature as the next Cultural Settlement. Please let us know by commenting below and stating which culture you would like to see represented, and why.

With regards to these suggestions, we ask you please exercise creativity, but also please keep these grounded based on real life cultures (rather than fictional ones). Specifically, we would like you kindly to cover the below topics:
  • Which culture (please also refer the relevant age)?
  • What relevant game mechanics would also be featured with this culture (i.e. the minigame with the Aztecs, negotiation in Feudal Japan, or battles in Egypt etc.).
  • Finally, why did you pick this culture, and why should it be the our next Cultural Settlement?

We cannot wait to see your suggestions, and the creativity you put into them! Feel free to send your feedback here.

Kind regards,
Your Forge of Empires team

Please leave your ideas and feedback for a future settlement here :D
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As i wrote time ago:

- Rome/greece? difficult because iron age has this arquitecture.
- Pascua island tribe? Oceania has no settlement.
- Babilonia/mesopotamia? One of the first civilizations, west of asia...
- Persia/india? big civilization in the west asia.
- Indian tribes of north america? difficult, but not imposible.
- China? one of the greatest civilizations.
- Spanish colonial settlement in america? a different way, but with a fighting style like egypt


Spoiler Poster
Not sure how well it fits as a cultural settlement, but I think something more mythical like Atlantis would be quite cool.

For something real, I agree with @Albert the balance's suggestion of some sort of island tribe. It's quite unlike the other settlements, and I think the art style could be quite good. I imagine the background could be a beach, with ocean on one side, jungle / forest on the other side.

Mongol settlement around the time of Genghis Khan could also be quite cool, though as for mechanics I feel like it has to be fighting so perhaps too similar to Egypt?


All of the following would interest me:

- Vedic civilization (or another era from India). As for minigame, well one of the most ancient games that originated in India, Chess was initially called 'Ashtapada', so maybe something themed around that.
Building rewards:
Main: Maybe something akin to the Khajuraho temples. (https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/70192987/khajuraho.jpg?width=1200&height=900)
Timed: Something akin to the Hathisinh Temple. (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...bad.JPG/220px-Hutessing_Temple3_Ahmedabad.JPG)

- Maori Culture. An island based map. Could have unique new mechanics based around traveling across the water and/or the settlement being split into smaller sections. Maybe use 'mana' as a resource or currency.
Building rewards:
Main: "Whare puni" (great sleeping house), maybe situated at the beach/water (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Wharepuni.jpg)
Timed: "pātaka" (storehouse - ornate looking houses that sort of resemble giant birdhouses). (https://teara.govt.nz/files/45734-atl.jpg) or just a cool totem like structure.

- Atlantis. For a bit more fantastical setting, why not create an atlantean outpost settlement.
Building rewards: (the designers can really let their imagination run wild with these)
Main: Maybe a big ancient, but futuristic-ish building that produces some kind of mysterious power.
Timed: Pillars with intricate designs. Again; reminiscent of ancient architecture, but more futuristic maybe.

- Ancient China. Could have some gimmick/minigame themed based on dynasties. Or maybe a minigame where you, over the course of the building of the settlement, build a portion of the great wall across the settlement map.
Building rewards:
Main: Imperial Palace (https://i.redd.it/qflwc3glbln31.jpg) or (if the palace would be too big)
a chinese tea house on the water (https://d2t10yv8b2j27s.cloudfront.net/asw_images/01/12/2052110_xlarge_289ea220.jpg)
Timed: An archway or small temple. (https://www.tour-beijing.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/Golden-Horse-Archway.jpg)

Lastly, even though this theme is used for the summer event, I'd personally love to see a pirate port town settlement.
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Hello FoE team.

1. Are diamonds required?
2. Complains
3. Ideas
4. About rewards
5. Last thing.

1. About the settlements, let me tell you first that in fact, all settlements can be completed in time to achieve the 15pieces of the "mini building" and without spending diamonds. If somebody has said that complete them on time is something impossible without spending diamonds then that person is a lier.

2. What I can really say and "complain" about settlements is:

- For japanese, viking and aztec settlement I need to produce "coins" every 1 hour for 9 to 12 hours in a row and then a final production of "coins" of 8 hours to complete the settlemen on time and earn the 15 "pieces" of the "mini building". now a question: how many players do you think that have enough time each day to enter the game every 1 hour for 9 to 12 hours? I can do it but I know that my case is a very rare case. What I am trying to say is: please, make the next settlement something like egyptians one because in that settlement you only need to enter every 4 hours and that is enough!

-For the required amount of days . . some require more than 20 days, another more than 15 days . . and most of them require finish them 10 times to have the new building at max level + 15 pieces. During events, you can earn amazing buildings within 20 days, sometimes within 30 days but in the case of settlements you obviously need more than 3 months to earn the building at max level. Do you really think that the amount of time and effort we must put on them is comparable to the prize we get at the end? - My answer is a big no.

That is all what I have to say about what I do not like about settlements.

3. Now, my ideas:

-New mechanics like "day and night". every X amount of hours the day changes to night and some productions building change the number of goods if the collection is during the night or during the day, or if there are military units, the amount of attack of certain units increases during night and decreases during the day. this would be a good chance to discover a way to add a " day -night " cycle to the game, to player cities because some players (like me) would really love to see that.

-Instead of day and night, seasons! every X amount of days the season changes and also does the terrain surrounding the settlement. some buildings changes their production according to the season and it is not necessary be limited to production buildings. add a change of seasons to our city if it works in the settlement could be good too! I know some of programming and I really know that settlements are separted instances so it's more easy test new features on them.

- All buildings are built in a 2d plane. Something new could be: Imagine a 2x2 building, if you build a 1x1 building in any of the sides of the 2x2 one, the design of the 2x2 changes and increase it's height.

-There are some portraits not released yet because they were made to be as a reward for those old "historycal quest lines". some of those portraits are:
Wu Zetian and Marie Curie. Make settlements where you can receive also portraits could be a good addition + a good oportunity to release unreleased portraits.

- In forge of empires, we have the chance to have futuristic buildings in our city but most of the cities are filled up with event buildings and as you know, FoE team, most of the event buildings have a design of old centuries. In other words, you are satisfying those players who love "old centuries buildings" but what about players (like me) who love futuristic designs? - - -So, the idea is , when a players achieve the max level of a building of a new settlement, let them choose between 2 options: the first option is have the original design of the building and the second option is let the building change it's design depending on the era of the player, like the old tavern of friendship.

- For minigames, you, FoE team, can add new minigames like the ones you want to test for future events but you are not so sure if they will be difficult to add or to play for players, or add the one we have in St. Patrick's event. There are also some android games like "tap titan 2" or games where you must merge 2 buildins to level it up to level 2, then merge 4 buildings of level 1 to get one of level 3, and 8 of level 1 to level up one to level 4 . . .

4. -Rewards can not be limited to 2 new buildings:
-Let players change the design of their townhall by adding a new "label" when they click or tap their townhall and show a list of already aquired designs to let them change the design whenever they want as we can do when we want change our portraits
-A new background for our city related to the new settlement ( change the design of the surrounding terrain of our city)
-Let us change the background music for the settlements background music and add as one of the final rewards the music of the new settlement.
-Instead of put as reward a building with 8 or more levels, give us as a reward a mini great building and 1 blueprint could be the final reward of each time we finish the settlement.

5. Last thing: some players do not play certain settlements because the reward doesn't give them attack boost for example. A player who doesn't play a settlement is an oportunity of earn diamonds (money for InnoGames) lost. The new building of each settlement should have an option for each type of player.

(I'll eddit this message if I think about something new).


All of the following would interest me:

- Vedic civilization (or another era from India). As for minigame, well one of the most ancient games that originated in India, Chess was initially called 'Ashtapada', so maybe something themed around that.
Building rewards:
Main: Maybe something akin to the Khajuraho temples. (https://static.toiimg.com/thumb/70192987/khajuraho.jpg?width=1200&height=900)
Timed: Something akin to the Hathisinh Temple. (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...bad.JPG/220px-Hutessing_Temple3_Ahmedabad.JPG)

- Maori Culture. An island based map. Could have unique new mechanics based around traveling across the water and/or the settlement being split into smaller sections. Maybe use 'mana' as a resource or currency.
Building rewards:
Main: "Whare puni" (great sleeping house), maybe situated at the beach/water (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Wharepuni.jpg)
Timed: "pātaka" (storehouse - ornate looking houses that sort of resemble giant birdhouses). (https://teara.govt.nz/files/45734-atl.jpg) or just a cool totem like structure.

- Atlantis. For a bit more fantastical setting, why not create an atlantean outpost settlement.
Building rewards: (the designers can really let their imagination run wild with these)
Main: Maybe a big ancient, but futuristic-ish building that produces some kind of mysterious power.
Timed: Pillars with intricate designs. Again; reminiscent of ancient architecture, but more futuristic maybe.

- Ancient China. Could have some gimmick/minigame themed based on dynasties. Or maybe a minigame where you, over the course of the building of the settlement, build a portion of the great wall across the settlement map.
Building rewards:
Main: Imperial Palace (https://i.redd.it/qflwc3glbln31.jpg) or (if the palace would be too big)
a chinese tea house on the water (https://d2t10yv8b2j27s.cloudfront.net/asw_images/01/12/2052110_xlarge_289ea220.jpg)
Timed: An archway or small temple. (https://www.tour-beijing.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/Golden-Horse-Archway.jpg)

Lastly, even though this theme is used for the summer event, I'd personally love to see a pirate port town settlement.
I would love to see atlantis.

Deleted User - 57457

Polonysia settlement

You are an honoured quest and got the huge honour to become an apprentice of an navigator. He likes to teach you and encourage to practice daily your navigational skills in the minigame. The main goal is to build your own cano.
Before you can build your own cano, you need help and the trust of the locals. Helping them out building up their settlement is a great way to do so. As most was destroyed by a recant flooding.

Mini game
Battleship variant

Easy - medium - hard
Goal: finding hidden islands on a map, like battleship you must guess where something is. Instead of finding ships, you try to locate islands.
On easy the main goal is to find 2 "islands" on medium 3 "islands" and on hard 4 "islands." However you have limited chances but on the sides making up the coordinations you can draw some clues where an island might be. This can be a star, a bird or swell.
Easy 5x5 field - 5 turns
Medium 7x7 field 5 turns
Hard 10x10 field 5 turns

Up on succeeding you receive a fixed amount of cultural goods. Which however are random.

The hints given by the map are also given by the quests. As you'll be reached about navigational guides.
Another variant can be a field with tiles. Each tile has a random symbol. Giving a hint of where an "island" might be. Like a bird flying or an specific star of cloud.

Coins: shells
Goods: fish, fruits, wood and tools

Main reward:
House of navigation
A themed house (with cano builder). It provides the main city with random rewards. Among those rewards are some fragments of it's own set although it's rare (5-10%). It's output and even additional benefits can be unlocked with cano builder buildings.

Time reward
Cano builder
The cano builder is an small building that can improve the house of navigation, when attached to it. As they have the shackle skill like the winter train. It has 3 levels. At the third level you can choose to specialise it's improvements.

Additional suggestion;
It's not necessary part of this culture but I think it would be a nice fresh twist to it.

Random events;
Every 12h there is an chance for an random event to occur. When an random event takes place it last for 12h. It's possible to go through days with no random event.
For the purpose of balance. I would suggest to reduce the chance for an event after one occurred for 24-36h.

Sailing trader
The trader offers 1-3 random trades for cultural goods at a ratio of 2:1. Example given to buy 10 goods you pay 20 goods.

Favourable weather
Due to good weather the harvest is exceptionally fast. Reducing time needed to produce goods & cultural coins by 25%.

You can play a small game in which 3 shells are presented. You can chose 1 shell and keeping the reward inside it.

Bless of the ocean
Spawns a few "incidents" containing various amounts of additional shells (cultural coins).


Battleship minigame clues
I feel like I should've given a bit more information about this concept. In battleship you have on the sides numbers and letters. Those are replaced by navigational symbols. Examples are: birds; swell; symbols of stars, or even clouds.
Two of the same symbols likely reveal were no island is. Two unique symbols together guiding towards an potential island likely reveal the location of an island. While an symbol guiding towards an island combined with an symbol that isn't guiding you to an island, contains likely an position with no island.
Examples for symbol combinations that likely revealing an island: swell + birds. Certain swells and birds might revealing the presence of an island. So, there might be one.
Symbol combinations that likely reveal the locations of no islands for example; swell + swell or swell + meaningless star. Those combinations likely lead to nowhere and should be avoided.

Learning to recognise the right symbols and combinations granting significant advantages in finding islands. As is the purpose and goal of this "practice" minigame. Although on hard it might become more tricky as meaningless symbols might micmic the right ones, far more so then on easy and normal. The bigger the play field the more space for symbols and opportunities to tricking players.

Cano builders benefits
Practically those can be whatever the dev. team wants. The sky is the limit and great creativity and combinational and customise potential are with their specialisation. Examples: att or def % for attack/defence armies, additional productions from house of navigation; improved output when certain random productions were made like extra fps/goods. Up to even maybe random units or guild power/goods.

Settlement & buildings
Some buildings can be build in the water but not on the small island itself. Giving an additional small challenge. EG goods build for fish is in the water but fruit on land.
Aquatic builds are according to the cultural architectural solutions. Most builds are fairly simple.
Off the grid a building, perhaps an house of navigation, gives excess to the minigame.
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I would really love to see some space themed settlement. Something starcraft terran style :)
It might sound like too much for those who already are in SA:M/SA:AB but much more people are in lower ages :)
I have three ideas:

Which culture would you like to see?
Greeks: Ancient Greece
Africa: Something in Central Africa
Future: why not, Alpha Centauri (yeah, way ahead of where we're at right now), or Mars (after you finish the age). But let's go with Mars now.

What kind of building style would you want to see?
Greeks: take a look at Athens and Sparta, but at least some greek temples
Africa: straw huts, relatively 'simple'
Future: futuristic; Mars should be domed structures though, and perhaps some hybridized stuff because we're terraforming the planet

How would the building for finishing the settlement look like? And the building for finishing the settlement within a certain timeframe?
Greeks: acropolis temple (for finishing), for finishing in a certain timeframe, a small statue of one or more gods (zeus, athena, hades, poseidon, so a splitting choice at the end)
Africa: some sort of large totem, with an offering / worship area around it, for finishing within time, some sort of 'witchdoctor''s hut perhaps
Future: some sort of huge 'radio tower', for communication with Mars. for finishing within a certain timeframe, how about some sort of explorer vehicle :)

We have seen the Egyptian settlement based on winning battles and the Aztecs where there was a 'minesweeping' minigame in it. What kind of mechanic would you want to see in a next settlement?
Greeks: combination of fighting and market like japanese; or how about a race (running) game? they did invent the marathon though :p
Africa: some market-based game (not minesweeper), or something like a real market like swapping goods
Future: exploration! your first 'village' is based around a huge block of ore that you process, and when it is depleted, you must move to the next. also, while moving, some things may happen too (you get attacked for example, dust storms etc), so to deal with that, you can produce certain things in your village before moving, to make the next move easier (or even faster). this could replace the regular production of goods as well.
With the Aztecs, you have started to offer a settlement only for players equal/higher than Colonial Age. I really wonder why you don´t go further and use the different ages for specific settlements ? Why not offering "Atlantis" for players equal/higher than Oceanic Future ? Why not protecting Zion against the machines in Virtual Age ? Why not build "Alpha Centauri" in Space Age Mars ? And please : try to make the quests more different. Just collect to research an build is less interesting than collect for a mission. Maybe Atlantis needs a deflector and the players need to research and produce the parts ?

Deleted User - 189856

- For japanese, viking and aztec settlement I need to produce "coins" every 1 hour for 9 to 12 hours in a row and then a final production of "coins" of 8 hours to complete the settlemen on time and earn the 15 "pieces" of the "mini building".
I have done every type of settlement many times, and I can assure you that it is possible to finish them, winthin the time limit, if you do 4h runs for coins during the day and 8h during the night (I usually do 8h runs for goods, except in the very beginning.) The only exception seems to be the start of the Aztec settlement, where I sometimes need to do 1h coin runs when I first get the altars.

...you ... need more than 3 months to earn the building at max level. Do you really think that the amount of time and effort we must put on them is comparable to the prize we get at the end? - My answer is a big no.
I completely disagree. The immense amount of goods and fp's from the Japanese Shinto temple, the 30% attack boost from Yggdrasil on a 3x3! field with a nice amount of fp's and goods on top of that, the defense from the Aztec Solar temple and the fp's it gives: all are excellent. If you add the timer rewards to that, which allow you to replace all your level 1 Altars of Knowledge with 2x2's that give 2 or even more fp's and goods or other bonuses on top, it is incredible that you would call those rewards not worth the time spent to get them.

-New mechanics like "day and night". every X amount of hours the day changes to night and some productions building change the number of goods if the collection is during the night or during the day, or if there are military units, the amount of attack of certain units increases during night and decreases during the day. this would be a good chance to discover a way to add a " day -night " cycle to the game, to player cities because some players (like me) would really love to see that.
Why though? What does this add? If it would make it more profitable to play during the n9ight time, I would give this idea the biggest NO possible. People need their sleep. Anything that tempts people to break their sleep schedule is basically destroying the player's health and a reason to file lawsuit for damages.

-Instead of day and night, seasons! every X amount of days the season changes and also does the terrain surrounding the settlement. some buildings changes their production according to the season and it is not necessary be limited to production buildings. add a change of seasons to our city if it works in the settlement could be good too! I know some of programming and I really know that settlements are separted instances so it's more easy test new features on them.
Interesting concept, it would definitely introduce a new element of play.

- All buildings are built in a 2d plane. Something new could be: Imagine a 2x2 building, if you build a 1x1 building in any of the sides of the 2x2 one, the design of the 2x2 changes and increase it's height.
This is basically a set building bonus concept. It would require a different type of tactical play, setting it apart from the earlier settlements. It could be interesting.

-There are some portraits not released yet because they were made to be as a reward for those old "historycal quest lines". some of those portraits are:
Wu Zetian and Marie Curie. Make settlements where you can receive also portraits could be a good addition + a good oportunity to release unreleased portraits.
I strongly support the idea to get portraits either as a settlement reward or as a daily harvest from a settlement event building. A National Portrait Gallery, an Academy of Arts, or even a Cave Painters Workshop. ; )

Maybe an Aboriginal dot painting workshop? Australia has been completely lacking in FoE so far.

- In forge of empires, we have the chance to have futuristic buildings in our city but most of the cities are filled up with event buildings and as you know, FoE team, most of the event buildings have a design of old centuries. In other words, you are satisfying those players who love "old centuries buildings" but what about players (like me) who love futuristic designs? - - -So, the idea is , when a players achieve the max level of a building of a new settlement, let them choose between 2 options: the first option is have the original design of the building and the second option is let the building change it's design depending on the era of the player, like the old tavern of friendship.
You are basically sugesting an option to select different designs for event buildings. This idea has nothing to do with the settlements.

4. -Rewards can not be limited to 2 new buildings:
-A new background for our city related to the new settlement ( change the design of the surrounding terrain of our city)
-Let us change the background music for the settlements background music and add as one of the final rewards the music of the new settlement.
Nice and creative ideas. I am not wildly enthusiastic about them, but I like that you are looking for new options.

-Instead of put as reward a building with 8 or more levels, give us as a reward a mini great building and 1 blueprint could be the final reward of each time we finish the settlement.
Basically you are asking for an even longer period before the settlement starts giving rewards. After all, first you need to get the blueprints, then you need to build the GB and finally you need to level it up. That will take a year! Although, if you can get the BP's by donating in someone else's GB, you don't have to do the settlement at all... Neither sounds like a good idea.

5. Last thing: some players do not play certain settlements because the reward doesn't give them attack boost for example. A player who doesn't play a settlement is an oportunity of earn diamonds (money for InnoGames) lost. The new building of each settlement should have an option for each type of player.
It is folly to think that any reward could appeal to each type of player. That is not how the world works. Whatever you do, some people will like it and some will not.

I'll eddit this message if I think about something new
Please don't. Put new ideas in new posts. Otheriswe, people will not see the new ideas you added later, and cannot comment on them.

Deleted User - 189856

Earlier suggestions:
  • Greece/Rome: this is incorporated in Iron Age. The cultural settlements are supposed to be different cultures. Also, Greece is already the focus of another Inno game
  • Atlantis: FoE is about the 'real' world, not mythic. I'd like it too, but if you want to play fantasy games, there are many optoins out there.
  • Future: possible, but it should require you to be Space Age x at least. And that will exclude a lot of players. I am not happy about the fact that many players are excluded from the Aztec settlement. It is not right.
  • Babylon and Mesopotamia: defintely a good choice if going for a settlement approach. The architecture was amazing. The Hanging Gardens, one of the Seven World Wonders, would be a logical choice for the main event building. Lamassu statues could be the smaller timer rewards. However, I would like to plead for cultures that did not have impressive architecture, for a change. Basically, focusing on settlements excludes nomadic cultures, which is a shame.
  • Polynesia / Maori: I like the ideas presented there, and the idea of an island hopping mini game. Maybe the settlement builds a boat to settle another island every day, and you have to reach it by overcoming obstacles: storms, reefs, whirlpools, shark attacks, vulcanoes. Choose your path wisely. Maybe you cannot see which route will present which obstacles. Every next tile will reveal two or three more: if lucky you can choose an unobstructed tile, if unlucky you will have to choose a challenging tile. Overcoming a challenge will ensure one or more unobstructed tiles after it, choosing an unobstructed tile will increase the chance of obstacles on the tiles that will be revealed when you choose it. So, do you take a chance on a medium difficulty challenge, or face the risk of getting two or three hard difficulty challenges if you choose an unobstructed tile?

New idea: Aborigibals. I mentioned that in reply to another post. Australia has been missing in FoE so far, and the Aborigibals have a unique and fascinating culture that deserves more love. The dot painting style presents a beautiful design style that sets it apart from the other settlements.

The mechanic should reflect that they were a nomadic people, not a 'building a settlement' type of people. This requires a completely different mechanic in which you do not research buildings, but explore new areas to hunt and forage in. The more areas you know, the more water, fruit, meat and hides you can gather, working towards a stable and sustainable tribe. Milestones allow you to found sites or religious importance, territory markers, lookout points, shelters and storehouses along the way. Please note that I do not know aboriginal culture well enoug to know whether they had territory markers, lookout points, shelters and storehouses that they woulds revisit. I only know they had sites of religious significance.

The dot painting style was used to make maps of their territory, indicating important sites (such as water, hunting and foraging grounds). men and women were taugght different techniques and different knowledge. They both had keepers of their own, gender-specific lore.

The main event building could be Uluru / Ayer's Rock.

Finally: I would be fine with not having any further settlements. Other than representing cultures that are now underrepresented, I think the amount of content is good as it is.


A Frozen Settlement from the poles.
The graphic team would have a field day(Some already around).
Think what fantastic things could be found in the Ice.
Instead of a new building why not have GB for this particular settlement, Maybe along the lines of defence for you city, an ice barries?
Have fun
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Deleted User - 57457

Polynesia / Maori: I like the ideas presented there, and the idea of an island hopping mini game. Maybe the settlement builds a boat to settle another island every day, and you have to reach it by overcoming obstacles: storms, reefs, whirlpools, shark attacks, vulcanoes. Choose your path wisely. Maybe you cannot see which route will present which obstacles. Every next tile will reveal two or three more: if lucky you can choose an unobstructed tile, if unlucky you will have to choose a challenging tile. Overcoming a challenge will ensure one or more unobstructed tiles after it, choosing an unobstructed tile will increase the chance of obstacles on the tiles that will be revealed when you choose it. So, do you take a chance on a medium difficulty challenge, or face the risk of getting two or three hard difficulty challenges if you choose an unobstructed tile?
I fought about the inclusion of every second run in Polynesia to be at sea, with the goal of setting course a new island in the need of help to be rebuild after a disastrous flood. Yet I didn't really have an idea how such could work out and I feel like it's a bit disruptive.
A bit more like Elvenar's variant of GE but in line with the culture could be indeed an idea while pressing hard on resource management until finally reaching the next destroyed settlement. Which you can rebuild in the next run of the settlement and building an new cano. As your original cano was sacrificed for much needed materials. Basically like this:
1-3-5-7 settlement
2-4-6-8 cano
Some hints guiding towards an faster path could also be including while sailing. After all you've been practicing to recognising the right signs and which to avoid.

Yet I feel like such would add up to the complexity a bit too much. While sticking with an randomised chosen island to rebuild with for example 3 different variaties and including random events representing natural opportunities are enough. As much is already focust on the nautical significance of their culture the way I've originally put it, IMO. Thanks for the feedback tho :)
New idea: Aborigibals. I mentioned that in reply to another post. Australia has been missing in FoE so far, and the Aborigibals have a unique and fascinating culture that deserves more love. The dot painting style presents a beautiful design style that sets it apart from the other settlements.

The mechanic should reflect that they were a nomadic people, not a 'building a settlement' type of people. This requires a completely different mechanic in which you do not research buildings, but explore new areas to hunt and forage in. The more areas you know, the more water, fruit, meat and hides you can gather, working towards a stable and sustainable tribe. Milestones allow you to found sites or religious importance, territory markers, lookout points, shelters and storehouses along the way. Please note that I do not know aboriginal culture well enoug to know whether they had territory markers, lookout points, shelters and storehouses that they woulds revisit. I only know they had sites of religious significance.

The dot painting style was used to make maps of their territory, indicating important sites (such as water, hunting and foraging grounds). men and women were taugght different techniques and different knowledge. They both had keepers of their own, gender-specific lore.
I also feel like down under should be included. I was very disappointed when GvG swept away Australia on the cmap. Hopefully they'll find a way to undo it
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Cultural Settlement of Babylon

Iron Age

Main building: Library of Babylon this building kept all the teachings of the thinkers and scientists of the time before the Persians took over the city and destroyed everything. This knowledge gives the building the following bonuses: 25% coin boost, 5000 happiness and 2000 population. When motivated there are 12 forge points, 25% reduction in time for troops to recover from battle. Size: 5x4.
Secondary Building: Hanging Gardens of Babylon of size 3x4 and gives 5 forge points, 50 goods and 350 medals.

There would be a new mechanic that would be a kind of quiz every day, three questions would appear about the historical events of the time and that if it were right, it would give goods to the settlement. I chose this culture because it is special and essential for the time of studying both the great pyramid, as well as the Tower of Babel and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
Persian Cultural Settlement

Iron Age

Main Building: Zoroaster Temple. Zoroastrianism came up with the idea of dualism and of being oriented by the stars and their gods. This building would produce 20 special goods, 7000 of happiness and 4500 of population When motivated he would give 10 forge points and 10 diamonds. At its complete level it would be 10 levels. Size would be 5x4

Secondary Building: Persian Barracks where it would give 3 random units and 10% advanced tactics in its complete level that would go up to level 5. Size would be 4x4.

I chose this settlement because it was one of the greatest civilizations that ever existed in the ancient world and that within the game we still have nothing about the Persians.

Game mechanics would be a naval battle where you would have to bomb until you find the 5 enemy ships. The fewer bombs you find or find first that enemies in the Persian battle would earn Persian currency and that that currency would be used at the exchange center on the Silk Road for a quantity of goods from the Persian settlement. Example: 100 Persian coins could give 50 Persian goods at random.
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