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Discussion What would it need to replace GvG?

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Community Manager
I talked a lot about this recently with other players on discord or in my guild.
I think we all can agree, that GvG in it current state is a buggy mess, that creates a lot of frustration. Nevertheless, it is still played by the most active players, despite major flaws (me including).
What would it need to have a proper replacement for GvG? Would you even be fine with something replacing GvG?

Would love to hear your thoughts on that.
Disclaimer: This is nothing "official". I am just personally interested in your opinion.


Community Manager
For me personally, I think if we had a feature, where we could come together as a guild at certain times (only like 2-3x max per day for like 15-20 minutes) to discuss and prepare would be the most important one. GvG has this once per day during the daily calc. GbG has this too, but way too often and for way too short.
The other thing is having freedom. There should be something, that allows you to participate, if you want, but don't get any disadvantages if you don't. Also having the freedom to interact with everyone that also participates is awesome.

If we had something like this (in form of a new feature or maybe changes to GbG), then I would be more than happy to say goodbye to GvG.


I don't even know if I would want it replaced. Depends on what the alternative woulde be. But what I like about GvG is:
  • Fighting is basically once a day, not 24/7
  • It involves tactics and real diplomacy
  • Fighting is for guild ranking only. No egoistic players that just want to get as many FPs with 4+ SCs as possible


Perk Creator
Would that be a good thing though? It just spreads everything out way too much. Having something where everyone in a Guild can participate at the same time, no matter the age would be way better I think.
It also encourages camping in "good" ages that way - where in the era of GvG you were encouraged to get to the last era so you can fight the best maps - but until you got there you still could fight on some maps. Up to FE you never felt it was a punishment to move to the new era, because that too would be an era where your guild needs goods, and a presence.

I'm not sure anything markedly different than "GvG with bugfixes" would be accepted by those who still GvG. Once a day reset with opportunity for limited action the rest of the day.

A lot of what has been lost in GvG though is due to how the game around it has changed.

- When I GvGed I had 20+ barracks to help cover sieges and defending armies. These days 20+ barracks is too much space given up on valuable buildings.
- When I GvGed last, the last era was OF. All Ages was still only really replacing two potential maps of interesting units. Now we're going on 8 ages since the last age-locked era and if you want to for instance experience an OF fighting environment you're out of luck
- When I GvGed last, 200%/200% boost was a *lot* and probably already *too much* for the limitations of GvG. The trouble with revamping the system is there's no obvious ceiling to stick to that both allows newer players to play and higher players to not completely trivialize it.
- Not long before I GvGed last, you had to go into battle to hit autobattle. This act of slowing people down some allowed "smarter" fighting to be rewarding by not costing that much extra time and saving troops.

I don't think an experience like old-school GvG can come back into this game of rampant power creep. For those who still enjoy it, I think its only remaining redeeming feature is one fixed time a day for a social gathering. If you move it to 3 times a day, you lose it and creep towards a GBG-style eternal grind.
I would like the map to be redesigned along the lines of the campaign map. Where guilds would have to conquer maps and each guild would have a map like theirs and you would have to conquer the map of opponents. Today's design would continue, but if redrawn, either place only the map of all ages or place a map of low ages, middle ages, tomorrow's age, future age, space age. And you conquer would conquer the sectors as it happens today and would have the calculation being 12:00 PM and 21:00 PM so that everyone could play And of course make everyone able to play both pc and mobile players And it would be good in this calculation to have waves (1st wave, 2nd wave, 3rd wave and 4th wave) every 20min that people could have a chance to regain the sector and could only try 1 time per day.I have other ideas, but as I don't use GvG very often, I don't know if it would make sense to give an opinion because I think it would end up escaping the main focus of GvG and open up a fan to create something else that doesn't exist.in case it would not be for the GvG
I talked a lot about this recently with other players on discord or in my guild.
I think we all can agree, that GvG in it current state is a buggy mess, that creates a lot of frustration. Nevertheless, it is still played by the most active players, despite major flaws (me including).
What would it need to have a proper replacement for GvG? Would you even be fine with something replacing GvG?

Would love to hear your thoughts on that.
Disclaimer: This is nothing "official". I am just personally interested in your opinion.
I am Really amazed that CM started such topic.
So something is really goin on.

GvG has 2 major problems
- only PC
- lack if info, not rewarding most active guild -only those talking secotr not fighting.

First of all i have in guild many old players (5-10) which cant imagine GvG being deletad. Its thei reason to play.

The fact it is once a day - is the reason the love it. The come once for 30 minuts, talks and play, leave game.
For them it is perfect.

GvG in this state is impossible to rework. Maybe mobile version would help. BUT
Still it is once a day. (changing it for 8hrs etc will not help.

But your question is - if it can be replaced.

Well. Yes. It has to be.
The old players must accept it or leave. GvG back then w/o army and bonusses made sense. Now? Only amount of players and fast of sieges count. Nothing more.

They love it, they cant imagine game w/o it, but they have to.

I think that some sort of infinity tower climb when the guild trying to reach higher and higher (just like expedtiions - but w/o limits would be nice.
What else hmm
Something only for space ages - to reward going further.

And the best version.

Split rankings.
Split ranking for only GvG, split only for GB. Therefore it can be left as it is.


We dont want nothing to replace GVG. You tryed with GB and it was a failure! A system to farm battles and resources that dissapoint a lot of people.
The problem that GVG has its that it doesnt need diamonds. No gain for you...
The other problem is that its very obsolet. The defensive bonus of GC is a joke. 100% of defense vs attacks over 2000%...
What you have to do is to repair and actualize that feature. No more experiments.
Some way that brings the whole guild together - but doesn't require the whole guild to be online at the same time or only 2 minutes every 24 or 4 hours. Maybe something that incorporates more of FOE than just fighting. Like negotiations, trading, building/expanding, researching techs, completing GEX, completing the map, ext.

GVG is pretty much the only ranking system in the whole game and that totally blows. It doesn't represent all the elements of FOE. So honestly they could leave the fights to GBG/GEX and come up with a better ranking system. And yanno, add more levels to guilds beyond 100. If your guild is level 100, that is not without merit, it should contribute to the ranking!!

I know you guys tried that terrible "research" station where you donated goods/diamonds for bonuses, and it didn't totally deserve to get thrown out - just nerfed in requirements would have been appropriate. And no downsides to getting that bonus, we're paying hundreds of thousands of goods we don't need to get a reduction in another area!


I talked a lot about this recently with other players on discord or in my guild.
I think we all can agree, that GvG in it current state is a buggy mess, that creates a lot of frustration. Nevertheless, it is still played by the most active players, despite major flaws (me including).
What would it need to have a proper replacement for GvG? Would you even be fine with something replacing GvG?

Would love to hear your thoughts on that.
Disclaimer: This is nothing "official". I am just personally interested in your opinion.
I start to worry about the capabilty of FoE to launch new stuff. Today I could even lose many units in Jupiter with attrition on 2, having over 2000 % attack bonus and the game less then 250.

You ask me why I post this here and not on the Jupiter feedback? They closed that thread! The developers don't want to hear about their failures!

On GE V, also: disastrous!

The units strength in Jupiter is the worst since the 2014 drop down of attack bonus value of Zeus, Coa and CdM from 10 % per level to 3 %.

But now Jupiter is a form of depressed stagflation.

So, no thank you! Don't change GvG! Unless you do what is needed for long time: Take away the totally crazy advantage of one guild ruling 50-75 % of AA map by only doing 4 sectors a day. If you don't change that. all other changes are pointless.


we talked about this a lot already, but here's my opinion on what makes GvG so unique:
  • it is the only feature that has real "player generated content". the maps and some rules are made by the game and it's up to the players to use them how they want to. GvG is different on every world and it also changes there from time to time, because of alliances falling apart, new guilds rising etc.
  • i'd say it's the only good, fun "endgame content" the game has. if you play it a lot, you still run into issues with troops running out, even with a high level Alcatraz.
  • you need to communicate really well with GvG, it gives you an advantage. i know a lot of guilds that use voice chat, because of GvG.. so in a way players stay around a lot longer, because they can connect better.
  • tactics: GBG can be fun in some guilds, but it all comes down to attacking speed while playing it. in GvG you can have some more strategies and keep up with good strategies/diplomacy and fewer people.
  • you do not need the whole guild: in GE championships you have the progress bar, so the goal is for everyone to participate. in GBG - like i said - it comes down to speed, so a lot of people participating. of course GvG is easier with more people, but my guild has always been playing with just a few and we're known for being very annoying to play against.
  • you can build a reputation with your guild.
  • like you already said: it's completely voluntary.
  • the memories i treasure with this game are from fun GvG fights and successes.
edit: typos.
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So glad you are raising this. GvG is the best part of FoE for a lot of players, me included. It would be even better if all the issues raised over the years were properly addressed, including exploits. If this discussion were the start of correcting the obvious mistake in having two parallel features where fighter needs sometimes also overlap, it would be hugely appreciated and hopefully could correct some issues with player retention. To address the question you are asking, any replacement would need to retain the best of Gvg but for the player base that has been the focus over the past years. It needs to be playable on both platforms, be properly inclusive also in terms of time (’calc’ time, number of ‘calcs’ and the time needed, no more 24/7 mess like Gbg) and allow for communication and strategising with your team through new features (do voice if possible, but allow for graphics rather than (only) in game chat, easily done on a tablet). If this can’t be achieved, don’t mess with it, but do remove its relative weight in the ranking calculation as it currently is no reflection of activity in guilds.


Baking Sudoku Master
As a mobile player, I am not eligible to comment on GvG.

But if it is getting replaced or refactored in future, please make sure to admit mobile players with a new design.

Also, if they don't replace and does refactoring by continuing to avoid mobile players, please remove the guild ranking concept based on GvG. It is unfair to keep guild ranks without the participation of mobile players in the guild.

That's all, it's my very long pending request which doesn't get addressed for years.
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