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Vikings Arriving in FoE?


Also, all that stuff would make absolutely no sense for an event. :)

Logain Sedai


Besides the buildings which look very nice, it has to be a big change in the game.

so is a new era...it couldn't be a new era after virtual future (for obvious reasons) so the question is, if the era becomes after iron age of example, what will happen with the technological three of any player above iron age? we will have a full era with non investigated technology? we must investigate that era in order to keep investigating more technology of our era?
anyways, i love the winter theme.

or maybe this will ve a huge event where we will be able to put a skin to our townhall if we don't like the desing of our actual townhall?

Yes, it is mysterious. If this a new age coming after the iron age, would that mean that all players above this age would be stuck until they have investigated this Viking Age ? Something a little similar happened on Elvenar in the past (new techs were added to the tree and we had to go back and do them before carrying on).
And agreed, it would not make much sense to have it after the virtual future.

It is a outpost. I found images with names like embassy and outpost. And I have images with quest givers and graphics to quest background and some treasures.
I think is something new like expeditions feature.

This makes me think more of a discovered new world where we could have a new city. There is a Town Hall so in my opinion it cannot be another kind of expedition or an event. What I wonder, is what it would bring to the player (besides having another city to build, which I find very interesting).

I hope we don't have to wait much longer to find out !


If it is not for an event and not a new era
perhaps it is a city we are going to build with the whole guild, with interactions with other guilds
but, what ever it is, I am curious and want to see it ...


so is a new era...it couldn't be a new era after virtual future (for obvious reasons) so the question is, if the era becomes after iron age of example, what will happen with the technological three of any player above iron age? we will have a full era with non investigated technology? we must investigate that era in order to keep investigating more technology of our era?
anyways, i love the winter theme.

or maybe this will ve a huge event where we will be able to put a skin to our townhall if we don't like the desing of our actual townhall?
Also a few eurlier spoilers where named No Age, this appeared only for stuff that grow with your own age,
like event buildings. I believe it too that this is a entire new thing like GE. Most likely a second city or a
colony, maybe even solo version of GE.


I think it's a long term one cause the goods images (wool, horns etc) were present when the first hints of virtual future were uploaded here in the new era thread. Goods spoiler

If you saw those icons back then your right, but since its a link to a "folder" new stuff added later will show up in old threads too. (same as if u update a page online, the address will be the same but new stuff will show up when its added/updated)


Oh those diplomacy's buildings do not exist on beta servers but exist on other servers... That is reason why I do not find them here...
Thx for good point :)






And if they are already on live servers...
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They are all SNOWY ! It is SO likely that they belong to the Winter Event...


Maybe it's a separate place for events...its all snowy now because the first event we will get there is Christmas ... could be it closes after every seasonal event and/or others too and when the time comes for a new one we have to diplomatically find our way in)) sort of a pre event quest...


Maybe there are also some militairy buildings. This are vikings afterall,
with all this new stuff I wouldn't be supprised if there are also new units.

Also did you guys noticed that in one of the spoilers, the buildings of the
links are marked as ''Cultural Goods Production'' ? Cultural and goods
where normaly two diffrent things, so maybe in the Viking town they
combine it?


Wow.... now that there's a town hall this has certainly gotten interesting. I don't want to get my hopes up though. I think we all put all our hopes and dreams into the spoilers and are disappointed when we see what it is because nothing could live up to all weve worked it up to be.

I would guess a new tutorial era coming before IA.

Or everyone's city temporarily turning into Viking Winter wonderland for the winter event. Though that would be a massive amount of work they undertook for a seasonal event.

@Zarok Dai if someone guesses it can they win something? =p

Edit: Actually reading through the thread more I think the GvG guesses are more on point. They have been hinting to large GvG changes for awhile now, this would certainly be massive. On that note I would guess a guild viking outpost not owned or manned by a single player but the whole guild which then interacts with other guild's outposts. In any event it's quite interesting.
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