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Duplicate: Unable to collect from buildings

Cleared cache for last 24 hrs. No change.
Unable to collect from any buildings by clicking on them. Using 5 diamonds to collect does work.. Once collecting an incident first seemed to unlock building collections. Reloaded multiple times to no avail.
Browser or App version and version number
1.217.25a323dddab (19.10.2021 20:14), Phillipa the Red (273466), zz1, en_US, Windows 10, Chrome/94.0.4606.81, 1920x866, OpenGL Vendor=WebKit Version=WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium) Renderer=WebKit WebGL GLSL=WebGL GLSL ES 3.00 (OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0 Chromium) (512 MB VRAM)
Recreation steps
Opened game in browser. Clicked on buildings to collect. No response. No collection. Reloaded. Still unable to collect. Reloaded again. Finally collected using diamonds.
Four times today. US EST
Urgent. I don't have enough diamonds to keep collecting this way.
Can this be reproduced?
I can't reproduce this because it is the games state when I open it

Deleted User - 154640

Confirmed, phew i thought it was me... there seems to be a hotspot that the pointer needs to be on, if its not opening or moving anything, collecting or setting a prod is virtually impossible, possibly something caused by a recent update??
Using chrome and html

Deleted User - 212907

I can confirm this. Cleared Cache and reloaded. Same Issue still exists.
PC, Win10-64, all updates, FF nightly
€: I tried a little bit. It's as rontom said: There's a small focus (seems to be the upper right) where I can access the ready production and the production menue.
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Deleted User - 125549

having the same issue as well. But i see my chrome recently updated itself. Perhaps this might have caused the issue. ( I hate updates )
also using chrome and html