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Feedback Quantum Incursions


please back up an rewind im not understanding how this thing works ,but ok maybe will figer it out .
but what bout this not being abel to kick some one from guild thing ? im not having potty mouths in my guild or disrespetable players .
need more info on all the details
I was under the impression that each new Incursion restarts at Level 1. Is this not the case?
Apparently you are right it always start at difficulty I.

Seems the difficulty choice refer to something else. Maybe the era choice once more eras are introduced.
Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if the EMA QI will be a bit harder than Basilisk's Peak (IA). On the selection screen the possible prizes are displayed. Currently it's the Neo Colossus but in the EMA QI it could be a Neo Monastery or something else that is age appropriate. This could lead to a discussion in the guild with players wanting to play Basilisk's Peak because it's easier and because they want to complete their Colossus and other players wanting to start collecting the new reward building.


! B
! Bonjour

2ème cession de ce truc quantique, je vois qu’à chaque fois qu’on repart de zéro, à l’âge du fer, c’est trop similaire à des colonies qui ne reflètent pas du tout l’esprit originel de l’ennemi ou au fil des mois on fait progresser notre ville, je n’ai pas envie de jouer ça !! Trop décourageant !


I'm sorry if I tire you
but if I understand correctly
every week we would start from the beginning, i.e. from her
iron age?


pas eu récompense du niveau obtenus lors de la première sessions des raid.
quel intérêt de refaire toute notre ville a chaque fois
Envois d une idée même pas de réponse
quel intérêt d avoir les bâtiment raid sur notre ville principale. On en a déjà assez et on manque de place
Je pense que cela est a revoir


I'm still opposed to restarting the whole constructing every 14 days, playable even with bugs, to some extent. The only question is, how long will the players be able to stand the constant starting from scratch?
After a big swallow, it's fun in its own way, except that you have to build for 5 days before you can play properly. Which won't last long.
still hoping that the primitive graphics will be improved.

which, on the other hand, is positive, that relatively little playing time is required. I mean that I come up, build, and then again in half a day. Not the usual fight fight fight, unit swap click click click click click click click click, fight fight fight, repeat.

hopefully all 3 bugs will be fixed as I don't see it marked as being forwarded to developers.

Let me drop here something, maybe some player will find it useful.
If this is all new to you (guide)

QI Strategy - my step by step settlement building (at the moment only a calculation, I will follow this tomorrow)

edit1: alright, they changed Villa population, have to recalculate everything
"making it less of a burden in terms of Euphoria" <-happiness bug was the burden
Edit2: ok, everything working but seems less effective
I think there's something wrong with the size of the buildings.