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Feedback New Challenges await you!


Concept wise I love it.

Implementation wise 32 tasks in 2 days is a significant increase to what Daily Challenges asks players to complete. It's a lot for such a short time and I was already feeling like I'm over it halfway through

Definitely one of those things I'll be more likely to partially complete instead of fully completing, depending on frequency of occurrence and real life schedule

The tasks are inconsistent in how they're written. Half the time they state Guild Expedition, the other half of the time they only say to negotiate or fight and use the symbol to indicate where in the game it's referring to.

Game mechanic suggestion: Can we please be able to buy Forge Points in groups of 10 up until we reach 100 Forge Points? I still want to only buy in groups of 10 to make sure a accidental button press on diamonds isn't too drastic, but it'd be nice if we're expected to buy more than 10 Forge Points to be able to buy more without clearing the bar inbetween purchases

This needs a active Guild Battlegrounds season to work. Iron Age can't complete Rival at this pace more than once. Iron Age doesn't have enough areas to complete battles without Guild Battlegrounds. A lot of neighbors don't have PvP unlocked. GvG is getting deactivated. Only so far we'll be able to go through the Continent Map before that option gets exhausted and it requires not losing part-way through, otherwise the counter for fights required resets

30 mins is definitely not sufficient to finish the remainder of 32 tasks if you run out of fighting options


Bronze Age isn't going to be able to complete this number of battles, or have an alternative for the Guild Expedition tasks. Is Rival feature unlocked with Daily Challenges? Or from some other starting point?

Borrowing your table to update it ;)

QuestQuest Task (Iron Age)Reward
1Win 5 battles without losingGE 1 Kit
2* Buy 5 Forge Points
* Complete 4 Guild Expedition encounters by negotiating
Self Aid Kit
3Spend 70 Forge PointsDivine Sky Watch
4* Delete 4 units from your unit pool
* Solve 3 encounters in the Guild Expeditions
2 Attempts (Guild Expedition)
5Donate 140 goods to the Guild TreasuryGreater Ritual Flame
6* Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions
* Finish an 8-hr production in a production building 5 times
10% Coin Boost
7* Donate 80 goods to the guild treasury
* Win 5 battles without losing
Feathered Serpent Statue Lv. 1
8Complete 3 encounters by fighting (Guild Expedition)Finish 1 Goods
9Win 8 battles without losingGE 2 Kit
10* Buy 10 Forge Points
* Complete 6 encounters by negotiating (Guild Expedition)
Mass Self Aid Kit
11* Recruit 7 units
* Solve 5 encounters in the Guild Expeditions
25 frags Feathered Serpent Selection
12Spend 100 Forge Points4 Attempts (Guild Expedition)
13* Delete 5 units from your unit pool
* Solve this complex negotiation
75 frags Feathered Serpent Selection
14* Donate 140 goods to the guild treasury
* Defeat 12 units
50% Supply Boost
15* Solve 8 encounters in the Guild Expeditions
* Finish an 8-hr production 10 times in a production building
100 frags Feathered Serpent Selection
16Solve this complex negotiationFinish Special
17Win 12 battles without losingGE 3 Kit
18Solve this very complex negotiationStore Building
19* Buy 10 Forge Points
* Defeat this large army
Serpent Feathers
20Spend 150 Forge Points6 Attempts
21Solve 8 encounters in the Guild ExpeditionsSerpent Fins
22* Defeat this very large army
* Donate 140 goods to the guild treasury
One Up
23* Complete 8 encounters by negotiating (Guild Expedition)
* Finish a 24-hr production in a production building 6 times
Serpent Spikes
24Solve this very complex negotiationFinish All Goods
25Win 14 battles without losingGE 4 Kit
26Solve this very complex negotiationFeathered Serpent Lv. 1
27* Buy 20 Forge Points
* Complete 10 encounters by fighting (Guild Expedition)
Renovation Kit
28Spend 200 Forge Points8 Attempts (Guild Expedition)
29* Solve this very complex negotiation
* Win 16 battles without losing
Feathered Serpent Upgrade
30Defeat this very large armyFeathered Serpent Chain Kit
31* Finish a 24-hour production in a production building 6 times
* Donate 200 goods to a guild treasury
Feathered Serpent Upgrade
32* Recruit 8 units from your age
* Solve 8 encounters in the Guild Expedition
Finish All Special

I don't really see anything in that prize list that makes it worth using the resources and time to work for.
We get enough of those from completing GE.


Why Inno can't answer the simple question: how often you are planning to run event like this one?
Why do you have Community managers if they don't do their jobs.

Deleted User - 57457

At least at live servers we got notified ahead of time. Though it's delayed by a week due to technical issues. Imho it'll be quite interesting to see how it'll play out at live. Too bad the GE5 serpent's set is already quite outdone by better event buildings. For the most part. The bonus forgotten temple is definitely welcome and more useful.
At least at live servers we got notified ahead of time. Though it's delayed by a week due to technical issues. Imho it'll be quite interesting to see how it'll play out at live. Too bad the GE5 serpent's set is already quite outdone by better event buildings. For the most part. The bonus forgotten temple is definitely welcome and more useful.
Yes my 8 hour production I started last night didn't get to use. :p


Well,. wasn't the case for me ...

I completed the whole GE(including level 5) in 20 minutes after 08:00 server time, after that I noticed the new quesline, none of my quests auto completed.

So this is a bug?
@Juber can You forward this please? I had to do all fights and negotiations, nothing auto completed for me.
Question: Did they autocomplete and you just not see it happen? Were you able to complete Rival?


Question: Did they autocomplete and you just not see it happen? Were you able to complete Rival?
Yes, I completed it, but i couldnt see any quests related to GE, nothing autocompleted for me, just werent present those quests like Finish x encounters or finish level x of Expedition.
Had only quests with donate, negotiate this, fight this, recruit these, etc.
It would have auto complete at 64 encounters. But it wouldn't autocomplete regular fight battles.

I also had a winters task to do GE that took many hours for the game to autocomplete that task.


My daily sometimes asks for negos or fights in GE, but auto completes (if I’ve finished level 4) if I close the quest window for a while (minutes) and go do something else. Was that not an option for those?


Yes, I completed it, but i couldnt see any quests related to GE, nothing autocompleted for me, just werent present those quests like Finish x encounters or finish level x of Expedition.
Had only quests with donate, negotiate this, fight this, recruit these, etc.
Thank you! This information really helps. It was supposed to go live Tuesday and they left it muddy as to whether it would be offered during the present GE and I was afraid to tell people to finish GE. I'd say yours did auto complete, just invisibly.
Since we are now having short Questlines, can we please have the three Historical Questlines that were announced in2018 but never implemented - Marie Curie, William Shakespeare, and Wu Xtian?

These were to follow after Cleopatra, Genghis Kha, Sacajawea, and Vincent Van Gogh, but never run. This would seem to be a lower workload for the development team as the “spoiler” artwork was already completed and posted with the announcement of the 2018 Historical Questlines.

Since we are now having short Questlines, can we please have the three Historical Questlines that were announced in2018 but never implemented - Marie Curie, William Shakespeare, and Wu Xtian?

These were to follow after Cleopatra, Genghis Kha, Sacajawea, and Vincent Van Gogh, but never run. This would seem to be a lower workload for the development team as the “spoiler” artwork was already completed and posted with the announcement of the 2018 Historical Questlines.

I'd say yeah except 90% of the time there's an event going on already and I'm kind of sick of it all.


Since we are now having short Questlines, can we please have the three Historical Questlines that were announced in2018 but never implemented - Marie Curie, William Shakespeare, and Wu Xtian?

These were to follow after Cleopatra, Genghis Kha, Sacajawea, and Vincent Van Gogh, but never run. This would seem to be a lower workload for the development team as the “spoiler” artwork was already completed and posted with the announcement of the 2018 Historical Questlines.

Unfortunately, they've already used one of the buildings that was planned for these - the Stage of Ages.
Plz stop the power creep aka reward inflation.
This building is a nice reward for completing GE level V, but we shouldn't give it away for other efforts. This event requires effort, but less resources than GE V.