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Feedback New Challenges await you!

Deleted User - 57457

It takes 15:fragment: to maken 1 finish all productions. It takes 12 epic Halloween23 kits for each tarot to max out. If someone had participated actively during Halloween23 + DC and understood the card game and had at least 1h daily to their disposal it's probable they could've obtained an golden upgrade for the tarot for free. To speed up finish all productions items to 7-8 collections (w/o BG).
The Halloween event had 35 rush quests and 21 daily quests. Assuming one of used all rush items on the 35 rush quests, leaves 21 daily quests. The dailies required once productions of 24h and twice 8h productions. The event lasted +/-28d. Assuming the player used the finish all only on the 24h production buildings and let 8h productions finish efficiently on their own, leaves us with 28d/15frag = 1,8+ finish all - 1 used = 0,8+ finish all * 15 = ~13/15 fragments. Assuming during that time 3 collections where lost. Ends up with 10/15 collections. Leaving the player with 5 collections which should be possible to get in a week.
Assuming the tarot lvl12 was constructed in anticipation of the rival and in case of an similar usage of finish alls during an future event prior to the rival quests. With an golden upgrade it's more likely one could be better prepared. Alternatively knowing now the rival could take us by surprise, we could save finish all for just 24h prods and the rival vs rushing any production quest of the rush quests from events.


If they put 8/24 hour tasks in the questline, it NEEDS to accommodate that or not include them. PERIOD. This is something a lot of people in this thread are complaining about. Just because you're ok with it doesn't mean Inno should just be making a game for Uber, there are thousands of other active players out there too.

I think most people would also appreciate if inno actually put resources into features that the average player can do and not be so aggressively whale-harvesting.
The game does accommodate that! There are supply rushes! You can easily get a lot of them, for free. These questlines are not supposed to be instantly completable - and yeah, a lot of players will complain that they actually have to do work to get a good reward.

If you're not an active player, will you miss out? Probably! But that's half the point of these mini challenges lol. An average player who logs in daily? They can probably complete most of this questline. And that is what I'm fine with. The average player should be able to get a lot of the rewards from the challenge, but won't be able to complete the whole thing without having the infrastructure in place to do so. What is wrong with that?


I'm an attacking player and I absolutely hate any type of negotiation, goods are to be used in great buildings and going down the ages, not to be wasted in vain. In addition, many players do not produce even close to the enormous amount of goods required. To this day, in live markets, I have never, ever, progressed more than the 1st part of level 5 of the expedition, and for my part, in those markets (the ones that really matter) I will not do these missions.
And why do these missions appear now? Could level 5 of the expedition be a real fiasco, ended only by large whales, and leaving out the vast majority of players? These missions are the same thing, I believe that the vast majority of players will not be able to take advantage of the prizes offered here.


My feedback : tried it, completed it in less than 24h...and won't do it again, on beta or live servers.
Ressources and time consuming, but moreover, it rules the way I must play the GE.
I am a bit tired of the numerous and constant requests to play, and I'm afraid I won't get any more pleasure from playing eventually...


My feedback : tried it, completed it in less than 24h...and won't do it again, on beta or live servers.
Ressources and time consuming, but moreover, it rules the way I must play the GE.
I am a bit tired of the numerous and constant requests to play, and I'm afraid I won't get any more pleasure from playing eventually...
I agree, the game is supposed to be Fun, not constantly time pressured ;(
Just wanted to point this out. I see something like this so many times.
People complain > and there are 2 ways to go:
> keep complaining
> look for a way how to make it work
One person choose to complain without thinking how can he/she solve this issue and another just offered a way how to solve that specific issue.
Please don't tell me you don't have supply rush kits... and after fall event number of those kits increased significantly.
Yes...I actually didn't have that many on beta, I did the event and rarely ever use them. The 6 hour ones are meant to be rare, but you'd need at least 8 for the 24 hour rushes and 2 more for the 8 hours.

I don't know why inno couldn't just add 2/3 more days to the task line to accomodate these tasks if they weren't going to get rid of them. We need this standard that inno shouldn't rely on users having rush items because those are dependant on very specific circumstances. .


I'm an attacking player and I absolutely hate any type of negotiation...
1. Make an alternative: buy FP or ....
I have more than a million on my live server! Why should I BUY them?
2. Make an alternative: 8/24 hours or ....
Wasting space for forges? The place in town is TOO expensive for this kind of nonsense!
In general: there is absolutely nothing interesting in the prizes that would make me even a little tense


I beg to disagree. A couple of years ago I started 4 new cities with the goal of setting them up to be GE diamond farms. Initially, I loaded them up with goods buildings, no barracks, and worked GE with negotiations only. It only took me about 8 weeks to be able to complete GE64 in all four cities. Shortly after that I was able to build up a big inventory of goods and began to replace the goods buildings with barracks and then worked on building my attack boost. After about a year I was able to fight all 64 encounters. New players are not at a disadvantage if they get a little coaching from their guildmates.
I disagree for it. You are not a new player. You are existing player who wants to use the games precious loophole to collect diamonds in different cities in which you know all the prerequisite to complete GE4. But for a new player who first time installing the game cannot do that in 8 weeks. If any player does that, player should be legend if they didn't watch any YT videos regarding it. Even if they watch, it will take much time to understand.

But what @SlytherinAttack posted is slightly okay to me but the chance of all players using it will be limited with GE4. This new challenge itself little annoying or having some discrepancy from the quests given, again moving it inside GE4 is completely avoiding few players chances. Based on the challenge progress rewards, I even think this event better to place inside GE4, only problem I mentioned is cutting off the players who doesn't enter GE4.

All Free Now

Few confusion on this Rival feature,

- Will it appear for players who doesn't belong to any guild?

- What will happen when guild admin remove the guild player?

- If GE is locked or completed, will the timer halts till the next GE begins?
More surprisingly all the three questions have the same answer from me.

"Nothing Happens"

All Free Now

I disagree for it. You are not a new player. You are existing player who wants to use the games precious loophole to collect diamonds in different cities in which you know all the prerequisite to complete GE4. But for a new player who first time installing the game cannot do that in 8 weeks. If any player does that, player should be legend if they didn't watch any YT videos regarding it. Even if they watch, it will take much time to understand.

But what @SlytherinAttack posted is slightly okay to me but the chance of all players using it will be limited with GE4. This new challenge itself little annoying or having some discrepancy from the quests given, again moving it inside GE4 is completely avoiding few players chances. Based on the challenge progress rewards, I even think this event better to place inside GE4, only problem I mentioned is cutting off the players who doesn't enter GE4.
There is no point on discussing this to mingle with GE or anything else, the announcement given for this event clearly gives the feel that it is done intentionally in this way.
I disagree for it. You are not a new player. You are existing player who wants to use the games precious loophole to collect diamonds in different cities in which you know all the prerequisite to complete GE4. But for a new player who first time installing the game cannot do that in 8 weeks. If any player does that, player should be legend if they didn't watch any YT videos regarding it. Even if they watch, it will take much time to understand.
Experience helps flatten the learning curve but all that it takes for a player new to the game is to ask for help with GE. Any Guild worth a darn tries to support their new players. The only things to learn is how to build goods producing buildings and how to trade for goods that their city does not produce. That's not hard.


I disagree for it. You are not a new player. You are existing player who wants to use the games precious loophole to collect diamonds in different cities in which you know all the prerequisite to complete GE4. But for a new player who first time installing the game cannot do that in 8 weeks. If any player does that, player should be legend if they didn't watch any YT videos regarding it. Even if they watch, it will take much time to understand.

But what @SlytherinAttack posted is slightly okay to me but the chance of all players using it will be limited with GE4. This new challenge itself little annoying or having some discrepancy from the quests given, again moving it inside GE4 is completely avoiding few players chances. Based on the challenge progress rewards, I even think this event better to place inside GE4, only problem I mentioned is cutting off the players who doesn't enter GE4.

Back when I was a new player it took us 1 week of being recruited into a experienced guild to be able to beat GE lvl 4 through the assistance of others providing us a stock of goods and a strategy. By the time their borrowed goods ran out every new player in the Guild was self sustaining

That was back in late 2017/ early 2018. Before we got all the powercreep we have now.

Even now, if I were to start a new city it’d be extremely easy to beat Lvl 4 within the time it takes to get through an Event without requiring assistance from any other players. All you need to do is make sure you fight as far as you can and negotiate the rest. Doesn’t even need diamonds, just enough goods production

A new player spamming tower of whispering horrors in their city would be auto-battling 64 encounters in barely any time at all and have massive amounts of previous age goods production already

This challenge is difficult because of the timeframe required to do 64 encounters is 2 days. Not because of Lvl 4 needing to be done.


Here are my 5 cents of thought:
This was so inconsiderate and stupid that I have trouble to keep my language civilized. Here is why:
Because of the stupidest timing of this mini challenge. You supposed to to 32 tasks in two days in the MIDDLE OF WORK WEEK? This game is played by millions of working adults. And also, the kids were at school. But at least when I was kid in school I came home at around 3-4 pm. As working guy I get home around 7 pm. How can you even try to do the tasks? Even using all the rush production and buying GE attempts and so on, it is simply too much to do in couple hours. And how long can you play in the middle of week? Some of the players are surely lucky, they can possibly play during their work. Good for them. Some of us have professions (such as trucker for example) where that is not possible.
So such mini challenge, when it takes many hours from two days, should be on only during weekends.

But the sad truth is that I could never accuse Inno to be considerate, could I? Shame on you, Innogames


There is an announcement for it on the Turkish forum already


There is an announcement for it on the Turkish forum already
so on live on Tuesday ?