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Feedback New Challenges await you!

Deleted User - 57457

I hope it won't replace the daily challenges. DC where great for events as additional daily side quests for them. Other than that, it seems quite promising and rewarding.

Deleted User - 57457

Here are 2 ideas for quests that are DIFFERENT, but germane to your game:

a) Ask us a trivia question related to the vast story questline in FoE. We'd either know it, or have to research it using your wiki.
b) Have us make or take a trade in the Market from someone else in the hood, not a guild member.
The only time I've seen them doing something like that, was with the original Halloween events. When they gave the graveyard at the end of the questline. The quest giver was Jack o' lantern if I'm not mistaken and he gave us riddles. We had to figure out what he wanted from us: building decos, producing something, fight something, conquering something, etc... I've never seen it again but can guess why. It was a bit tricky to solving his riddles but kinda rewarding upon succes.


So we are getting this mini event every week? This looks like a pretty good bonus to our cities. I'm looking for a catch here.
On the other hand I think the rewards are worth those quests. Not easy for each and everyone. Esp for new cities.


To sell cure you ned to create disease. We now might need great amount of supply rush so Jan wildlife or event after could possibly have it as optional prize :) Or even branching choice with different time duration boosters for different branching choices :)


I'm decently sure the rewards list is:
1GE 1 Kit
2Self Aid Kit
3Divine Sky Watch
42 Attempts
5Greater Ritual Flame
610% Coin Boost
7Feathered Serpent Statue Lv. 1
8Finish 1 Goods
9GE 2 Kit
10Mass Self Aid Kit
1125 frags Feathered Serpent Selection
124 Attempts
1375 frags Feathered Serpent Selection
1450% Supply Boost
15100 frags Feathered Serpent Selection
16Finish Special
17GE 3 Kit
18Store Building
19Serpent Feathers
206 Attempts
21Serpent Fins
22One Up
23Serpent Spikes
24Finish All Goods
25GE 4 Kit
26Feathered Serpent Lv. 1
27Renovation Kit
288 Attempts
29Feathered Serpent Upgrade
30Feathered Serpent Chain Kit
31Feathered Serpent Upgrade
32Finish All Special
It is true? Then mission 16 and 32 will be my favorite!! Omg!!!


To sell cure you ned to create disease. We now might need great amount of supply rush so Jan wildlife or event after could possibly have it as optional prize :) Or even branching choice with different time duration boosters for different branching choices :)
how about a production building that produce coins instead of supplies

then we could coin rush it

Deleted User - 209122

Woah thats a nice one :) :like:,

Im nearly finished and only need some troops which will produce normally in a few hours,
Difficulty with 32 Quests and 2d duration is rather high, you have to invest medals, goods, supply boosters and support your guild with goods, but with enough production buildings one finish all supply can be used for several quests.

Fine with me, rewards are matching the difficulty:
A full forgotten temple + a ton of other rewards (feathered serpent, finish all special) is great.

I understand this quest is not (regularly) repeating, correct?


Perk Creator
The game does not force you do any of those challenges/quests, you are the one whio force yourself to do them .-.
The game "forces" you to by adding rewards you feel are too good not to. i.e. if i'm not going to do this, why am i doing anything in this game any longer?

And this line was definitely that (for live) for me. I probably won't repeat it on beta. Because beta. On live I will do it and hate myself and the game for it. If this were a regular occurrence, on live, the day I decide not to do it is probably the day I decide not to play FoE, possibly because of it among other things.

To sell cure you ned to create disease. We now might need great amount of supply rush so Jan wildlife or event after could possibly have it as optional prize :) Or even branching choice with different time duration boosters for different branching choices :)

As for the demand for rush items - on live it's still not too late to go for more tarot card caravans ;) Alternatively, you can build a field of blacksmiths and do all the productions at once and just not collect them til they're needed.


So, 2 days for 24h and 2x8h production, huh? That's pure garbage. I am not participating anyway - I haven't built my army power to do tedious negotiations I truly despise doing. Another useless feature, like those tiny villages.

Why are you insisting on inventing something that would engage like 5% of players? Don't you have enough things to do already, with those constant bug fixes?


Honestly, I'm a fan of this. So much of FoE is very formulaic and predictable - events, the start of GE/GBG, recalc... this helps add a bit of spontaneity to the game. If you can just be playing as normal, then open the game and find you have two days to complete a questline? I think that's kind of cool. And the rewards are worth the push.

I can definitely see why some might not like it though.


just a question, with those fragments as reward, what's the point now to do gex lvl5 ? better give something else no ?