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Feedback Guild Expedition Update


Most of the negative feedback here just "revert" "fire him" "this is awful" etc. How about every time you get negative feedback you offer some constructive alternative? Like I don't like this because I think this is ... and I suggest to make it this way or that way. Please stop just crying. This is not I'm defending Inno but it looks childish. Thank you.

stay rita

Concerning the first 4 levels, I am also against the current of whiners, I find them much better than before, apart from the number of faces of the elders and sun gate that I will no longer accumulate as much for events. It's up to me to change strategy and find another solution, maybe go back to the principle of roads...
this is a end game problem new players need anything extra to sell

Pass Go

They want us to leave and only stay with new players or want us to leave and move to rise of cultures.
pfft .. I tried Rise of Cultures for a few days... too much the same as FOE ( build this building, scout, battle, tech tree, build,,, repeat) but very cartoonish. and it makes the graphics card in my laptop heat up wayyyy too much. no more of that game.


The reward adjustments for levels 1-4

The reward adjustments for levels 1-4 are so disappointing. I thought it was gonna be an improvement, never expected it to become 4 times worse (referring to fountains and the selection kits), not to speak of the much lower number of diamonds you receive from the expedition.

@InnoGames Over the years you introduced more and more features that make us use more diamonds. Don't lower the amount we get for free and do not make it harder to build up farms (it's already insanely hard and time-consuming on the live servers).

I'll add a table with comparisons after I wiped my tears off my keyboard.


Perk Creator
Temple of Relics

If you changed the guild expedition rewards, you should also change the rewards from the Temple of Relics.

Suggestion for changes:

Common relics:
Remove Gate of the Sun God and Face of the Ancient and replace them with their choice set of parts. Add 4 expedition attempts.

Uncommon relics:
Remove Ritual Flame and Tribal Square. Replace them with Tribal Square and Sacred Skywatch parts selection set. Add Ritual Flame parts selection set.

Rare relics:
Remove Sacred Sky Watch, Terrace Farm and Fountain of Youth. Replace them with Terrace Farm and Fountain of Youth parts selection set. Add (50?) diamonds reward.
You're aware if they do something along this line (and they might scarily enough) they're likely to replace them with fragments of the selection kit, not a whole selection kit :p

Fire Witch

Forum Sorceress
Beta Moderator
If you find hard to be moderator, why are you here? This is a part of your tasks and to be moderator doesn`t mean only to punish people, because you especially do only this.
Where did I say that? Also, I did not punish anyone just now? I just simply asked for people to be more mindful.

And yes - players can tag everyone they wish.
And he can disable his notifications, but thus far he has not done it (and I doubt he wants to or is planning on doing it). However, and he explained this many times already: it is part of his job to forward the feedback in this thread and other designated feedback threads. Here is the most recent explanation.

By the way, I am basically just repeating his own request here.


Perk Creator
Change of chests during the first 4 levels of EG:
- Lvl 1 and 2 / every 4 chests: Coin or Supplies / Military units / FP / Attempts / Pieces of ****
- Lvl 3 / all 4 chests: ToR blueprints / Goods / Military units / FP / Attempts / Pieces of ****
- Lvl 4: 81 diamonds on average each week (3 chests of 90 diamonds at 30%) / Goods / Military units / FP / crap fragments

Analysis :
We earn less diamonds (not cool), no more victory towers (cool), more military units (cool), more FP (cool) but above all a mass of fragments that will have three effects.
Not only do these fragments decrease the number of rewards, but they will slow down manipulations by adding clicks during use.
On the other hand, those looking for a specific building (cultivation on the terrace, for example) are sure to win by accumulating the GE week after week.

Overall, other than the increased shards and drastically reduced diamonds, players are winning on the new rewards.
But as always players will shout loudly giving the impression that we are penalized when I see the opposite.

My only suggestion for improvement is to remove the shards to directly win the kit.
I do the GEs every week, and every 2 months (after 8 GEs) I have enough faces of the elders to validate the satisfaction event quests. With your new principle of fragments, I will have gained only one or two where I gained 8. It is my only disappointment.
Perhaps the most important aspect of rewards in GE to me in recent times is its impact on new worlds. I can live with the reduced diamonds. I don't really care about the increased FP. But the inability to win *something* useful in a given run kills my motivation to push it hard those first GE seasons.


pre-nerf-obliteration I have a decent chance to have an upgraded face or gate the first week. and will probably have one within the first 3. Postnerf I'll consistently have 1 after 6 weeks! (takes 2 selection kits)

pre-nerf obliteration I might average a lvl 2 terrace farm about once a month (even if my most recent world was unlucky and took longer :p). Postnerf I'll consistently have 1 after 16 weeks! (which oddly enough resembles my *awful* luck on the most recent world - and guarantees it! But I still wouldn't have a 2nd yet and on that world I now have 2.5 because bad luck doesn't last forever :p)

And there's a *very high* chance I walk out of *each* of those first few costly GE4 runs with *something* to show for it in my city even if it's not what I most want.

Doing GE4 on a new world asap is a challenge. But it was a rewarding one. I had even been contemplating a GE5 new-world that built up defense if the balancing stayed the same - because i viewed it as much easier to prepare for in early eras.

But this effectively quartered the incentive for doing the first 4 even while making 5 a grind and a half.


If you find hard to be moderator, why are you here? This is a part of your tasks and to be moderator doesn`t mean only to punish people, because you especially do only this.
People are reacting, because they don`t like and agree and this is their right and they are tagging Juber, because he`s the person to incarnate INNO in the eyes of the players. And yes - players can tag everyone they wish.
This Forum was created for discussion, don`t forget it!
Or finally I`ll really write to the company what`s going on here
First they moderate , they are not the developers and they only give our feedback to them.
Moderating the forum means also , controling that there are no insults , or racisme or other unbehavior.
And you better look where you write , because this topic says clearly feedback and not discussions , that's another sector.


YOUR AGE/ERA - GE DIFFICULTY LEVEL: ##Items in the Chest…(and their %%)What I won/received
Encounter 1 SAJMcoins/supplies 440,000 30% 600,000 20%600,000 Supplies
Encounter 2
Encounter 3
Encounter 45 fragments Guild expidition level 1yup
Encounter 5coins/supplies 440,000 30% 600,000 20%600,000 Coins
Encounter 6Forge points 15,15%,10,20%,5, 35%. 2 free goes 30%10 Fp's
Encounter 720% of any unitFlyer
Encounter 8
10 fragments Guild exp level 1
Encounter 9
coins/supplies 440,000 30% 600,000 20%
440,000 supplies
Encounter 10Forge points 15,15%,10,20%,5, 35%. 2 free goes 30%5 Fp's
Encounter 1120% any 1 unit
Encounter 12
15 fragments Guild exp level 1
Encounter 1310/15 Goods 25% prev/this age15 Prev
Encounter 14
Encounter 15
Encounter 165 Frags of GE level 4yup
Last edited:


and you forgot
to get max amount of fragments (even level 1 kit) per week you must finish level 4 (for max fragments of level 1 kit at least encounter 61)

I doubt that many can do level 4 in new worlds at the beginning


Correct, @CrashBoom - it took me a long time to be able to fight it in the IA (where I am in beta), to generate fighting boosts anywhere near what I need to be successful. As well, before fighting through 4 now (as I do...) assembling the goods costs each week was difficult too, running the daily CF recur quests, and 8-10 goods factories every day, pumping out goods - and then getting trading partners for what I didn't have, but needed.

It's a herculean task - but EVERYONE knows that GE for a young era player generate gobs of game help, especially over repeated weeks.

It lets you get your fingers into the rocks of basic skills, and material - very helpful in designing and hammering out a basic city that screams for things to grow.

But with NOW IMPORTANT things fragmented that we need, and no diamonds, I do pity new players. Oh for Inno - that makes newbies buy more diamonds though - but it's going to now take a lot longer (especially if it's MORE costly in goods, and/or HARDER for troops) and may not even be the right choice as the early-game learning ground/resource it was.

Frankly - it was fun too. Learning how to fight each week and trying new strategies.


Perk Creator
Number of fragments needed:
- 180 for the level 1 kit, i.e. one kit every 2 weeks;
- 360 for the level 2 kit, i.e. one kit every 4 weeks;
- 360 for the level 3 kit, i.e. one kit every 4 weeks;
- 720 for the level 4 kit, i.e. one kit every 8 weeks;

It would seem more "logical" to me if the number of fragments needed were simply divided by 2:
- 90 for the level 1 kit, i.e. one kit every week;
- 180 for the level 2 kit, i.e. one kit every 2 weeks;
- 180 for the level 3 kit, i.e. one kit every 2 weeks;
- 360 for the level 4 kit, i.e. one kit every 4 weeks;

This does not generate possible exploits while not retaining the feeling of being rewarded for a task performed.
ive just deleted FoE from my phone. To much is to much. Inno got way to greedy, im not going to waste my time for just another pay to win game.

Im glad though im completely immune from spending anything for mobile games. Never did and never will spend a single cent.

its not because im not willing to pay for games. I buy games, just not for my mobile phone, because mobile game developers are a greedy mess in general. FoE stood out of this mess though. Until now.

If you watch all these bull**** and false misleading advertisements from
asian gaming companies, which appear in chests everywhere around your city, i could puke all over it.

I dont care though, ill just move on and i will probably keep my hands from mobile games for good and stay with PC games, where i pay once and then enjoy a real and good game, compared to all this mobile crap.


Perk Creator
On the other hand, as Inno seems to drown us more and more fragments, although the community has frankly expressed its dissatisfaction, would it not be possible to standardize the quantities?
Why 180 for one, 360 for another, 200 for something else, 300 for yet another,...
Capture d’écran 2023-03-21 183830.png
Capture d’écran 2023-03-21 183900.png

It would be so much simpler if it were 200 each time but you reduced according to your principles of calculations to define how much we can earn at each stage?
Otherwise you will have to put in place, on the wiki, a list of the number of fragments necessary for all that you have already put in place and for the next ones.


Shut the Front Door! did yall really just make Face and Gate FRAGS! lol wow wow. thank goodness laughter is good for the soul. congrats you have "Jumped the Shark" with this move. You must realize the majority of players have been serving Face and Gate up to the AD processor for years now. Come on.... know your game. Play it. Learn it.

The only way you can possibly redeem yourself is by making the Face and Gate a level 3 with a big ole bad ass boost to the stats...and I said possible for the other players who don't read full statements ...you know who you are ;)


Baking Sudoku Master
Lot of unbelievable rewards and what they try to impose, getting one and only reason as per my understanding. Now, Inno can get money from players on the events through premium pass also. Hence, doing all worst things on GE and GBG ( like removing 0% attrition), players will keep huge expectation on events and if event buildings satisfy little above the average needs of player, then player might opt for premium pass like anything. Slowly getting confusion on removing the tree of silence, since if any building is extra tempting and gave for free, it will be termed as human error and nerf will followed immediately. Making hard to get diamonds and expecting players to spend money on premium pass which didn't give any diamonds. Calculative mind set to make the game players thinking money spending is good choice in the game. It's my observation and not the facts.