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great building


can anybody tell why is it that i did not receive the supposed prize for contributing FPs in the leveling GB? I am fairly certain I saw that there were supposed to be some reward adjacent to my name. and please don't tell me somebody else contributed better that kind of booted me off the race because I made sure I was monitoring up to the last leveling point. is it the same as medals? always delayed?


can anybody tell why is it that i did not receive the supposed prize for contributing FPs in the leveling GB? I am fairly certain I saw that there were supposed to be some reward adjacent to my name. and please don't tell me somebody else contributed better that kind of booted me off the race because I made sure I was monitoring up to the last leveling point. is it the same as medals? always delayed?
I won two times. First time there came up a message that i won(I was online and collected sth.) Second time there was no message and I had to reload game to get the medals. The rest goes to ur inventory. (I was online but had open another tab on browser)


thanks much serpens66. at least now I would know if it was indeed working or some KB warrior is merely power trippn. thank you brother.


11) You can obtain the same BP part multiple times (indicated by x2, x3 etc in the template). Those parts are lost once you construct the GB.

This is not entirely true. While those leftover blueprints are of no use currently, they are still in your inventory and yes, there will be uses for them coming soon. As I don't yet know when "soon" will be, I will not reveal any further details for now.




This is not entirely true. While those leftover blueprints are of no use currently, they are still in your inventory and yes, there will be uses for them coming soon. As I don't yet know when "soon" will be, I will not reveal any further details for now.



Thanks for the info. As it stands now, the duplicates do get lost though once you build the respective building, they're not visible in the inventory. Also, when supporting e.g. the Statue of Zeus of a fellow player and you end up in a rank that rewards blueprints for that building, if you have constructed the Staue of Zeus yourself already, those blueprints are not awarded currently and are lost as well.

"uses for them" .... lemme guess: Trading? ;-)
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They get "lost" in the literal sense then - that you can't see them any more. They are still part of your account though and, once we do get the additional feature on the way, will be available for you to use (even those that you are collecting right now but just don't see).

I will have to check the edge case of helping in construction of a GB you already have though.




Here's a small summary of what we've gathered so far regarding Great Buildings, thanks to Anwar for permitting me to post this:

Click Me!
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Yes - and you'll be glad it's only 10 levels because the forgepoint requirements to levelup are quite demanding - you'll have to decide: Tech tree or Great Building....


Yes - and you'll be glad it's only 10 levels because the forgepoint requirements to levelup are quite demanding - you'll have to decide: Tech tree or Great Building....

In my country sever, most of players in my guild finished tech tree(map and quest too), GB need many points, but this return some points, for example 65 in level 6.

I hope, GB solve a problem with time between new ages, but we can finish GB too fast.


I do wonder however if 11) is not over the edge, causing too much grief and resignation in the end......

11) It makes diamond use mandatory, since you can find blueprints for duplicate parts. Sure, it can be done without diamonds, but odds of that are theoretical.

Assuming there's 1/9 chance of finding each piece and it's not affected by whether you already own that part, it's quite simple probability equation to calculate how many blueprints in total you have to find the have all 9 pieces. Best case is of course 9 blueprint findings, worst case is you need to find infinite amount of blueprints (You keep getting same pieces, and never the missing ones)

A little math homework would be to calculate the average case.

Of course it is complicated by the fact that there are 2 GB's per age.

Edit: Wonder if there's anything affecting which buildings BP's you get in the same age.
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A little math homework would be to calculate the average case.

As I have done that calculation already I'll spare you the work and tell you that the average number of parts to complete a set is 40. That's if you don't care whether you get building A or B. If you are looking for a specific one the number is higher of course.




.......the average number of parts to complete a set is 40. .......
What's the average number of same age buildings you have to plunder/motivate/polish in order to get one part of any GB of that age? And what are the worst case scenarios for both calculations?


I won't reveal the percentage chance involved in gaining a blueprint, especially as it is not static and subject to change, sorry.

Regarding worst case scenarios - well, as it is a completely random chance, the absolute worst case scenario is infinite, of course. It's like rolling a die, in theory you could keep rolling forever before managing to roll a specific number.




Ok thanks, I was afraid you'd say that, even though I was hoping you'd mention a cap. Looks like I'm on a good way to infinity then ;-P


As I have done that calculation already I'll spare you the work and tell you that the average number of parts to complete a set is 40. That's if you don't care whether you get building A or B. If you are looking for a specific one the number is higher of course.



If the odds of getting which ever BP are random, then the odds are much less than 1/40. They are 1 in 1068.

Anyways wondering about the "military" and "defence" bonuses. Military means plus percentages for both attack and defence for units I assume? Does it apply only for the units which are same age the GP is from, or all military units? And the defence bonus, does it mean the troops in defence when your town is being attacked have that bonus or does it mean your units have defence bonus like that in all fights?

Anyways whatever it is, GP unlocking seems way over the top unbalanced with normal vs diamond users and those military bonuses when stacked get just crazy.
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