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    Please ensure a translation in to English is provided if your post is not in English and to respect your fellow players when posting.

Discussion Forum Improvements

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If someone shared a comment in other language instead of English, either perform auto translate to English or give link/icon/button to translate in the forum itself for the comment viewing member.


Swore this was in feedback. Anyway - I know that the idea to put announcements on the knowledge base isn't directly related to forum improvements but no idea how else to give this feedback:

I do not appreciate the fragments of announcements that we are now getting. Please post it fully in the forums. I am not interested in bookmarking every announcement from the knowledgebase to refer to it during beta testing. It is absolutely mind numbing that we have to get a partial announcement here now and then click to go to another site. I get that the same is being done in Discord which is strange as well since the entire announcement should be posted there as all that excellent formatting juber and several other players came up with recently was done originally in discord if I recall correctly.

Bottom line is not appreciating all the extra site traveling for a simple announcement.


In the New Ideas section is it possible to sort them so that all new Ideas are at the top, followed by forwarded, rejected and Do not Suggest. Some of the new ideas are not noticed as forwarded rejected and do not suggest are above them
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