Ok. This is not an city bulding game in its initial form. 90% of the construction menu is a vestige.
Well arguably it could be that no regular building has any permanent part of maximum performance and efficiency cities. The only regular stuff from it could be roads. It however does not mean that FoE isn't an city building game but rather evolved due how well event buildings became and how common they've became due to the plentiful events. In that regards it's just sad but true. Just another side effect of power creep in event buildings and the common place of events.
The event buildings beforehand where outperforming regular buildings but didn't do really anything regular buildings couldn't. They where just more efficient at it and thus outperforming them. Due to power creep event buildings became better and more overpowered to the point players can't ignore how good they are and planning around them. While they are still somewhat rare, especially up on introduction and levelling up them slowing the proces by a bit. Event buildings are simply so common due to the many events at an annual base. Correction due to there being almost no time between events is the influx of event buildings common enough and they are good enough to ignore regular buildings.
I see your city is built up by 3/4 with production buildings. But this is not the ability to plan in the context of FOE. Rather, the opposite is true
It's my Beta city, an shadow of what it could've been but I've pushed it through with an wildly different philosophy than my main city in the live server. I've advanced with my Beta city while running an experiment. Trying to advance with mostly regular buildings and as least GBs and event buildings as possible. Nowadays I'm just too busy in real life to bother putting the time and effort needed for my Beta city to grow into an more productive and easier to manage city. As I've designed it into what it is now it's just designed to deal with ridiculous produce X production 999 times. So, yeah what you trying to pointing at and formulate as lacklustre planning as signs for lacking the ability to properly city plan, is rather misinterpreted of the thoughts behind it but it was impossible for anyone but me to know my thoughts and plans behind my Beta city anyways. Resulting in what it ended up looking. I know that an experimental city doesn't look like what most aim at but I can ensure you that it does an good job for what its been designed for.
I meant with planning in advance and city planning I meant my main city. Which is not really on an very regular base but rather when I see fit. That city is more in line with what you would expect and described. Though not an maximum performance city. It's a very different city than my Beta city. Best example is planning for chain buildings, like Pirate's hideout for my main city and multi level event buildings like golden crops for example. Both are places in an part where they look best and fit in well. While most buildings in my main city except a few decorations providing benefits in some way I value most. In my Beta city as you can see its rather hastily placed, lacking planning and thoughts of their placement. Which is in sharp contrast with my main city. As I mostly using Beta to test, explore space ages and testing upcoming events and event buildings.