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Spoiler 2023 Hero/Fellowship Event


Forge of Empires is and will always stay free to play. I can assure you of that.
Just because optional features are introduced does not mean you ever have to pay to progress. You can always do that for free.

I doubt that.
If every events is like the summer 2023 from now on,
new players would never have any chance to progress, if they do not pay.


Community Manager
I doubt that.
If every events is like the summer 2023 from now on,
new players would never have any chance to progress, if they do not pay.
Could you please explain how these 2 things correlate? I can't quite follow.


Could you please explain how these 2 things correlate? I can't quite follow.

I'm saying that all you can do in the summer event was to login without use of diamonds.
I'm wondering if it was a solitary case, or a trend.

(I know that it is a trend here that alpha test is not working well. Recent events are being "adjusted" too often after released in beta.)


Forge of Empires is and will always stay free to play. I can assure you of that.
Don't claim something you don't have the power to guarantee friend.

What if the owners of the game tomorrow decide they're going to do something like this? What would really stop them from doing this? Nothing, least of all you.

And if your best argument is that this wouldn't make sense considering the type of game, objectives or target audience, then save your time, because as far as I know, everything seems impossible until it becomes reality, and for a long time InnoGames has not been known for making sense.

Deleted User - 57457

What if the owners of the game tomorrow decide they're going to do something like this? What would really stop them from doing this? Nothing, least of all you.
The only thing stopping them doing so is cash flow. Probably the vast majority either rage quit or simple can't continue to play as they lack financial resources to do so or they simple straight up refuse to pay. Personally I know that the day they'll lock the entire game behind a paywall or subscription based paywall, is the day I'll deem FoE to be a discontinued game.

Deleted User - 244520

For these type of games the F2P+"micro"transaction model works much better than making the game available only for money (probably not a 1-time payment but montly/yearly subscription). I'm not an expert, but when I look at other games, that's pretty much the standard. Companies go for $$$, if a subscription-type model would be better, they would do it in a blink of an eye.
For these type of games the F2P+"micro"transaction model works much better than making the game available only for money (probably not a 1-time payment but montly/yearly subscription). I'm not an expert, but when I look at other games, that's pretty much the standard. Companies go for $$$, if a subscription-type model would be better, they would do it in a blink of an eye.

if inno wants to know that about FoE, then they should do a mandatory poll that is displayed the next time you log in. with options "YES i support pay-to-play-only if it gets rid of multi accs and annoying spammers", "NO, keep it the way it currently is", and lastly "I DO NOT CARE". if more than half of the accs click the YES button, then so it will be, otherwise, stop whining about it :)

Edit: and if you feel that new players are hindered by this, let them start first on a "neutral" world and play there with only new players, and when they reach the end of the (limited) tutorial, let them join a world of choice with that starter account. this way, you will have no annoying spamming of troll accounts that were just created to unlock chat feature so that can insult/annoy people with it, or otherwise start over (again) from scratch, or delete those accs if they are not used anymore. Diamonds and premium features should be removed from these neutral "tutorial" worlds, obviously.


Spoiler Poster
A pass specific infoscreen was added together with infotext, which mentions just rewards, so most likely no event currency as speculated. And also some placeholder gem packages.







Forge of Empires is and will always stay free to play. I can assure you of that.
Just because optional features are introduced does not mean you ever have to pay to progress. You can always do that for free.
Yes I've always played free and thank Innogames for it. Remember it is everyone's choice whether they want to pay or not. Some do as they can afford to which helps keep people employed.


The content will still be there, but maybe f2p players will have to get used to getting everything a year later. With enough patience you can be on a healthy new schedule that allows you to get new stuff every event; but it'll be last year's stuff mainly.
I know that some will find that unacceptable, but it is what it is.


Spoiler Poster
Just updated the spoiler post - suspicions are confirmed, StPat got revamped.

The new building could be a "Guildhall" or a "Mercenary Guild"