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2014 Beta Wishes - 1 wish per tester

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date
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unfair fight,

In many neighborhood there are huge diffrences of level between players. For powerful players ther are nos risk at attacking and plundering theweakest player who cannot counter attack. I propose anytime a player plunder another one a forge point is granted from the attacking player to the attacked player, It should not prevent fights for player versus player tournament but It should give lessfrustation to players who cannot defend themselves fairly. Sorry for my poor english


a bit more of water?

Hi, thanks all for chance to play a beta of FoE, i wish to bring to the towns and cities more water, i mean a creeks and rivers..like a decorations and then build some cultural or productions buildings on them like a watermill, waterplants. just connect the lakes up the town with a lakes on south...i know some riverhouses a fishmarkets are allready aplicated, but...
And then u can build a port and trading, fighting, on the sea...just a wish.


So many to choose from lets go with this:

Stack unattached full health units in the army management window.

Reason: With the Alcatraz the number of unattached units makes loading, and using the current army management window really slow. The limit of 2000-2500 units you are putting in place is not wanted by many players and neither does it really solve the problem. There is major game lag and much inconvenience trying to use army management with only a few hundred units.

1)Stack full health unattached units of the same age/type to appear only once in the army management window.
2)The stack will have a counter indicating the number of units on the stack.
3)Do not handle units on the stack as regular single units, this greatly reducing the number of units the processors have to track, sort and display.
4)Clicking on the stack will move a single unit either into the defence army(displayed in blue at the start of the unit list like is currently done) or into the attacking army. Reducing the stack counter by 1.
5)Once off the stack the unattached unit would be treated just like the current units are.
6)Deselecting a full health unattached unit from defence or attack armies would move it back onto the stack, incrementing the stack count by 1.
7)Damaged unattached units would be handled as single units just as units currently are handled now, until they reach full health at which time the are automatically added back onto the stack.
8)All attached units and unattached stacks would display ahead of the damaged unattached units in the army management list.

1)Fewer individual units for the processes to track and compile.
2)Removes the need for a unit maximum.
3)Easier and faster army management to use.
4)Likely eliminates the need for the much and long demanded unattached filter.

Edit: I'm leaving this up as my wish however we have just been informed on the .en server that this won't happen because INNO's programmers don't know how.
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I wish you would make my life way easier if you would simply remove the 20 fps limit to the fp-bar.
You could create a slide bar or simply an empty field where i could type in, say, 350 fps. And then i can distribute that large amount to a single GB or to my technologies... instead of wasting half an hour going to the inventory, to my friends' GBs, etc.
And I would also wish you'd remove the 10 fps limit of the fps bar so one could not lose any fps at all :) Instead of keeping me in front of the PC so often, I'd rather sleep more than 10 hrs not fearing i'll have lost some fps :)
Since I started playing FoE an year ago, I haven't slept that long even in the weekend :(
You could do something to help us fight this addiciton you are so delicately and subtly taking advantage of ;)


My wish is a Treasury Goods trading system between guilds.


Turn on gifting but only for prizes won in the games, maybe only within the first 24 hours and maybe limited to fellow guild members.
We win so many prizes that we can't use and sharing with our guildies would be awesome...


Caelian - winter event


For me personaly i would consider changing gift's bonuses for some prizes.

Some decorations and buildings provide weaker bonus compered to building you can build yourself.

So my first wish is:

- change bonus for SOME buildings and decorations so the bonus will be better by at least 25% compering to building and decorations avalible.

And now i was thinking about gift opening and prizes.
now each day you can win diffrent prize, some are extremly helpful, simply helpfull, or useless.

So my idea is:
- Let there be 3 kinds of winter lotteries. Each one will have its own currency:
First Lotery - currency: Stars - prizes: Buildings of production: (houses - production - wishing well - shrine of knowladge) and new idea:
Santa's hut - how does it work? simply :) it gives 25% more population then current age building + (when motivated within winter event: it produces stars, and after the event it produces 1 Forge point when motivated

Second lotery: Currency: Snow flakes - this lottery provides all sort of decorations and small culture buildings (2x2) -in diffrence to First lottery due to fragile nature of snow flakes, player must spent them every day or snow flakes from yesturday will melt away :)

Third lottery: Currency Gifts ( gifts can be aquired only by spending stars from first lottery: each open Gift from first lottery gives 1 gift currency) Gifts can be stacked up like stars.
In this lottery playrs can win millitary-connected buildings for instance: Champions, Rogues, Signal tower, Medal Tower, Monastry, standard military buildings etc.
BUT to be able to take part in thurd lotery player must have at least 10 Gifts to spent for 1 prize.

thats it i think :)

i will accept any opinion given, exeot negative rage ones:)
Constructive Critisism is welcome:)


My wish list item is to give us the option to blow up the treasure-seeker's ship (or deactivate it). It can be a real PITA when trying to do something, then you have to close or stop what you are doing, accept his "treasure" then get him off the screen, then go back to what you were doing. A real nuisance, particularly if you are attempting to re-arrange your city for new/additional building placements.
Dear Team,

my only wish is to make the army management simpler (sorting, overview and scrolling). As like a Table or simpler menu.

Best Wishes, Health and Success from Gerhard to the great FoE Team for Christmas and the New Year


Dear Daddy Christmas
I have been very kind and I worked well at school all the time left me FOE game.
You have already given me a great gift: Automatic Aid button. I like it a lot. You want to give me a second, so here is my wish: I would like a log of actions around the guild treasury. Resources donations, siege armies placing and slots unlocks are listed here with the date and the actor.
But before leaving
You must cover yourself well
Outside you will be so cold
It's a little because of me
What I wish for is a complete change of the GvG map.

It is obvious that players have been get tired just sit and watch over the map.It is not fun any more,we are not mercenaries.
I would prefer to have a more personal map and through that map to help my guild.

My idea is each player to have a personal map identical to current GvG map.On that personal map all the sectors must have complete defence armies,so you will need 80 battles to take control over a sector.
It would be good if the sectors have military bonus.

There should not be any aggressive NPCs of type rocks and rivers only sector's NPCs.

To challenge players to put defences armies on conquered sectors appart the points of the sector additional points for each defence armie placed must be calculated.

I propose Bronze Era province to be added.An extra challenge for the players so as to be active on early ages provinces must be given.From Bronze to Progressive eras each player which conquer 50% of the province would get production bonus for the 4th good of the era and on 100% of the province for the 5th good.

Goods requirments for placing siege armies and unlock defence slots maybe can be reduse but I think if we leave them as they are now we will give more time deapth to the challenge.

All this of course will have a great impact to the PvP tournaments.My proposal for a better and more justice system is that the PvP towers cannot exist with their current form any more.There should be one single tower where each player gets rewards according to how active is on the map and the neighbourhood and not based on the points of each ballte.For example each player who won 1-50 battles can get xx medals from 51-100 xxx medals and so on.

How all these will have an impact on my guild's level ?
Each player will have a personal level familiar to the one guilds have at the moment.Through a mathimatical process the personal level of each player will provide points to guild's level.Of course current level of each guild should remain.

I now all this sound "crazy" but on the other the skies are "open" those days and maybe a wish can be true !!!!!!


Monthly Special

I wish there was a special buy each month, not just for diamonds coins also.Put a different item up each time maybe new ones that have not been seen before, only chance to get them.


I wish that unattached units were separated from attached units in the army management..
thank you


Merry Christmas,

Plz separate the unattached from attached troops. If you can do healthy from unhealthy that would be great too, but unattached and attached would be awesome. Thanks


Goods buildings: Possible to have more good boosts... Plenty things done for Fighters no really for Producers... I am ready to pay 200 diams to add one for the last age and arround 100 for the first age. Sorry for my English.


An UNDO button. To counteract the accidental removal of a road or building because I didn't realize the $ cursor was active.


Wells of desire

I wish it could motivate the wells of desire and being motivated handed or double award or other prize of the delivering every 24 hours


My one wish for this Christmas, lovely FoE people, is that you can set your own aid preference. I don't mean across the board like diamonds are set on x amount for each world, but individually for each world.

That be me one piece of treaaye for t' seasons festive wishes.


My wish would be for an easier selection of unattached troops eg. if you have 100's of unattached troop from alcatraz but only have 4 from building it can take ages to find them and when in battle can be a pain
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