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  1. Discussion Pay to finish mission

    I mean the use of diamonds
  2. Discussion Pay to finish mission

    What do you think about event missions having an option to pay to complete that difficult mission with increasing value or limited to 1 to 3x, would that be interesting?
  3. New Idea Missing server marking

    I know it's just a detail but there could be a marking of which server I'm selected on, just like on the computer.In the cell phone version, it does not indicate which server is accessing
  4. Discussion difficulty of events

    Quando tive essa ideia o evento não foi fácil, devo ter cometido um erro mas aparentemente é fácil porque não olhei para o servidor onde estou começando mas sim para aquele que estou há mais tempo .
  5. New Idea building reforging item

    Gostaria de deixar a ideia de um item que altera a transformação final do item caso o jogador queira mudar a estratégia da cidade. Exemplo: escolhi mais ponto de forja e agora quero mudar para mais ataque. Essa ideia é para construções que possuem mais de 1 opção de escolha ou combinações de...
  6. Do Not Suggest New great building

    sorry.so you can't suggest anything
  7. Do Not Suggest New great building

    New great building, effect increases special item rewards by 10% (value for example) at level 80 for every "X" daily collection. Example: For attempts to collect different rewards in a special diamond-type building, it gives 10% more chance than the normal chance for this type of...
  8. Discussion difficulty of events

    I wanted to give an opinion on the event because I realized that it is very difficult for new players or those starting a new world, it is technically very difficult to complete missions due to the high costs and difficulty of the missions. Would it be possible to make any changes to favor new...
  9. Discussion New island next to the City

    I know this colony but it cannot be turned into a diamond farm or buildings
  10. Discussion New island next to the City

    Would it be a great idea to have a new location to put new buildings or limit a certain type of construction to a new piece of land? It could liberate the island in a certain advanced era.
  11. Rejected Guild Item Shop

    The game could have a store for the guild where points obtained must be used to purchase items. But for these items to be added to the store, goods from the guild's stock must be consumed. This encourages guild members to participate in group activities knowing they can exchange points for rewards
  12. Rejected Vacation Mode

    I don't know about you, but I think there is a need to access the city of some players in the guild due to lack of time with work to do something like GE impulses. The guild I join is small and we depend a lot on each other and it would be a cool way to help while they don't show up, it would be...
  13. Do Not Suggest "GE passive" or implement into the game pack forge points

    For example, by adding 100 forge points we could transform into 10 packages of 10 forge points
  14. Forwarded Send offers easily

    It would be great if, when sending offers for goods in the tab, the window didn't close and you could send several offers without clicking on the attachment again.
  15. Do Not Suggest New great building

    2 new building boosts: Increases maximum FP bar by x% and reduces FP cooldown.