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Feedback New Challenges await you!


I just started my city 24 days ago so I do not have any of these buildings. Seeing Rival and the opportunity to obtain some fully upgraded event buildings or even just the base building fully upgraded to help me out made me very happy. However, now I happen upon this "quest" to exchange items in the antiques dealer. There are MANY people testing beta in IA and do not plan to age up. I am one of those players. There should ALWAYS be an alternate task to complete for those without the antiques dealer to be able to complete the quest and obtain the reward of said quest. Sooo this is BS that I won't be able to fully upgrade the autumn vineyard because of this. INNO needs to fix this and offer an alternative to this quest so folks in IA are not screwed out of the upgrade........:mad:
I too was happy in IA. The next age for me is HMA, I liked that one and I can make trebs via py-r8. So, I will build enough goods in EMA, then make the move to HMA. For recruit units, I cashed in with the units reward, actually worked out nice, finish quest and get some needed units.


i have 4 worlds that are in iron age and in 1 of them i have the base level 1 building, in 1 i also have 1 upgrade and in the other 2 i have 2 upgrade kits, we lose on 2 selection kits and 1 golden kit ( and the calender winter reward) so actually i can stay in ia for the 3 worlds


I said I started 24 DAYS ago.... Not 24 hours.

OOPS - Nevermind! LOL

Narrator: Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Man 1: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird.

Woman: It's a plane.

Man 2: It's Superwoman!

Narrator: Yes, it's Superwoman, strange visitor from another planet who came to FoE with powers and abilities far beyond those of just regular players.. Superwoman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in her bare hands. And who, disguised as Constance Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the FoE way.

And now another exciting episode in the adventures of the Foe Forum~.
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There is someone that "equationalizes" the value of the items being pushed in RIVAL with the steps for the gratification of owning them in 2 days of time. These items normally take weeks to acquire - via slogging through an event, setting timers, dropping tiles, or collecting shamrocks.

What if people stopped playing the events for the weeks of time they take..., and just focused on getting stuff in 2 days, via Rival?

Seems like a better deal....

They're offering 3 PREMIER buildings and a GOLD league kicker for 2 days of intense work. Seems like if you were to prepare your city and mind for such an adventure, you'd be onto something....
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Questline "A" (production & troops)Questline "B" (GE negotiation)Questline "C" (GE fighting)Questline "D" (fp, goods & AD)
Quest: Delete 2 units AND Finish 15 times 15 minutes production
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 2 encounters by negotiating
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 2 encounters by fighting.
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Buy 10 Forge Points.
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Recruit 5 units from your age AND Finish 15 times 4 hours production
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: Defeat this large army. Same as platform 38: 1st 4 Heavy + 4 Artilery - 2nd 3 Heavy + 2 Artilery*)
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 4 encounters by fighting.
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Spend 150 Forge Points
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Delete 4 units AND Finish 20 times 4 hours production
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 4 encounters by fighting.
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 6 encounters by fighting.
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Donate 650 (CA) goods to guild treasury.
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Recruit 8 units from your age AND Finish 10 times 8 hours production
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: Defeat this very large army. Same as platform 49: 1st 3 Light + 3 Ranged + 2 Rogue - 2nd 3 Light + 3 Fast + 2 Rogue
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 8 encounters by fighting.
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Buy 20 Forge Points.
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Delete 5 units.
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 6 encounters by negotiating
Reward: 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit
Quest: Complete 10 encounters by fighting.
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Spend 200 Forge Points.
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Recruit 10 units from your age AND Finish 10 times 24 hours production
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: ** Defeat this very large army. Same as platform 50: 1st 6 Fast + 2 Rogues - 2nd 4 Light + 4 Heavy
Reward: ?
Quest: ** Win 10 battles without losing.
Reward: ?
Quest: Exchange 2 item in AD
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Quest: Finish 20 times 24 hours production
Reward: 1 Laboratory of Monstrosities Selection Kit
Quest: ** Complete 8 encounters by negotiating.
Reward: ?
Quest: ** Win 12 battles without losing.
Reward: ?
Quest: Exchange 4 item in AD AND Donate 650 (CA) goods to guild treasury
Reward: 1 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Finish 30 times 24 hours production
Reward: 1 Thundering Laboratory of Monstrosities Golden Upgrade Kit
Quest: ** Complete 10 encounters by negotiating.
Reward: ?
Quest: ** Win 15 battles without losing.
Reward: ?
Quest: Exchange 6 item in AD AND Spend 300 Forge Points
Reward: 1 Vibrant Autumn Vineyard Golden Upgrade Kit

* One artilery from previous era.
** I don't have confirmaiton on those quests mission

  • 8 quests: 1 Sinister Laboratory of Monstrosities Silver Upgrade Kit
  • 16 quests: 1 Rustic Autumn Vineyard Silver Upgrade Kit
  • 24 quests: 1 Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid Silver Upgrade Kit
  • 32 quests: 1 Santa's Spectacular Showtime

  • 8 units are produced by Vibrant Sunflower Oil Press
  • 10 units are produced by Royal Bathhouse level 6

Quest prior to this one was 20 battles without losing



I think this challenges should be more balanced. This are my critics of this mini challenge:
- It appeared late on my pc
- It was not accessible from my mobile device (perhaps because even the qi is not accessible)?
- All this battles without GBG are a pain and if I should have already have done the battles in the neighborhood I would have been in troubles, same with GEX.
- The AD is a no go for every newer player (as are the steep FP requirements)
- The AD and the units from age create a deadlock even for players willing to advance in age. If I go from IA to EMA I will be able to get to the AD but I will lack the ability to recruit units from my age. Or no AD or units from your age OR the age before.
- The 24h productions are to many. Without the possibility to rush supplys there is no chance to complete it. Newer player don't have this items and the number of productions required prevent even the use of diamonds to complete productions.
--> you deliberately exclude new players from being able to complete and will loose many who overextend in the first quests, burning precious ressources only to find them completely blocked in the latter parts of the challenge. If I was a new player in such a situation I would simply quit the game.
Two problems:

The task window is so small I had no idea there were 4 simultaneous tasks at one time, the window is only big enough to show barely one at a time. If I'm on a full size monitor, why does the task window not scale to size to show more tasks with a bigger window? This is ridiculous. There needs to be a better way of displaying tasks even if it means getting rid of the task window and putting the tasks around the city or somewhere where the whole thing can be expanded to view. Get rid of the text, nobody needs or wants to be insulted in this game, just get rid of all the task giver RP texts, people only care about what they have to do and it exacerbates the amount of clicking in the task scrolling grind. There needs to be a better solution here.

I don't know about anyone else but I don't make 30M medals every 2 weeks to be doing all these GEX rivals and buying literal millions of medals in attempts to get 64 done in 2 days. The amount of medals rewarded in the game especially in SAT where its only 3 ***ing thousand medals on a 500% shateu bump per task is total nonsense. The only way to get a lot of medals quick is to take pretty much #1 slot on a level 100+ gb, which dont come around very frequently for the average player. Why even bother taking slots 4 and 5 for 10 medals when I need millions??? I just took a #3 slot and it'll give me 4k medals with my ark bonus, I'd have to take literally thousands of GBs to make even a million medals. Even though people poo-poo on medals, it is still one of the worst rewarded elements in the game. No I'm not building a gaea.


I don't know about anyone else but I don't make 30M medals every 2 weeks to be doing all these GEX rivals and buying literal millions of medals in attempts to get 64 done in 2 days. T

48 hours = 48 attempts
+ 8 at the start
+ some from reward chests

with luck: no medals. or
only be a few thousands medal for the rest if the whole 2 days are used

I did all yesterday (Titan) and it costed me less than 2 million medals

48 hours = 48 attempts
+ 8 at the start
+ some from reward chests

with luck: no medals. or
only be a few thousands medal for the rest if the whole 2 days are used

I did all yesterday (Titan) and it costed me less than 2 million medals
To quantify luck:
  • There is about 1.3% chance of getting no extra attempt at all
  • The avarage extra attempt per run is 10.8


60 fights without loosing with only the neighbours to fight against? Does anyone assume that is feasible?


I'm still a recent player, but all in all, this was for me a nice (very) short event.
The rewards are really nice (+100 forge points a day for 4 buildings) and worth bleeding a bit rushing the quests.
A bit of preparation will be useful.
And if you do not have finish all supllies production or many mass supply rush, well then... good luck for the spectacular showtime... :rolleyes:

On a side note, the release of this event with no GBG was a bit of a difficulty. Will this be the same on live servers?


60 fights without loosing with only the neighbours to fight against? Does anyone assume that is feasible?
not if you just attack them
because suddenly you lost a fight

but a player could attack all neighbors before such rival
and then write down which one he would lose and then skip those
but that would need to be done after every neighborhood change

PvP arena would be better to know before the fight who you could beat


60 fights without loosing with only the neighbours to fight against? Does anyone assume that is feasible?
That's why I did as much of that as I could on Guild Expedition, because I know the chances of hitting the neighbors and losing somewhere within that is reasonably high. But covering most of it in Guild Expedition gives a better chance on the win 25 fights on just neighbors

I agree the Rival isn't entirely doable in Iron Age. Fights are difficult without PvP Arena, and Antiques Dealer isn't an option until later in the Ages