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Feedback PvP Arena


This all is because the developers don't play the game as in my opinion they would not have enough brain power to play this game as that will be way to hard for them, they are also lucky i'm not on the board as i would have sacked them for doing such a terrible job actually they should have been sacked a very long time ago, let say when the made the decision to put in a Great Building called the Arc, then they put up something foolish like Guild battle Grounds, also a very unfair system there just like now with a PvP arena , even a blind person can see that this is not going to work.

thinking hard of stopping to play this game after 8 years bring it to the live servers like it is and you will see the long time players leave, as they battle to see how good they did in that battle and on the tower in the hood in multiple eras as they also play GvG
Yes, the possibility to buy extra attempts with supplies or coins or whatever, but not with diamonds ... of course : with manual battles and auto battle as second option ...
I can accept if they limited the amount of attempts / day you can buy with supplies or whatever and then for more you need to buy a few diamonds (first 5 and let it increase, or whatever) ...


When this goes live in my main city I am strong enough to beat any player - there will be no hard battles. If it wasn't for diamond spending which I won't do, I'd have a chance of topping the ranking.

What is the chance of coming first if you are in the Middle Ages, even if you pay diamonds?

In one of my other cities I occasionally win the HMA tower against 79 other players, but I'll be well down the rankings against tens of thousands of stronger players in the new system, even if none of them used diamonds.

Explain to me again how this an "improvement"? I must be missing something.


realy asking players so up front for diamonds is not going to work on most players but if they do it gradually like do the free ones then buy some with an other currency (not diamonds ) then buy with diamonds + add manual fights then am sure most would accept feature
going live with it as it is now would be a big error


EVery commercial INNO about FoE you see fighting forces and that was where they stend miles above the other click click clik games, but now we players getting not even normal fighting modes anymore.
We the players who really loved this game for all what it hat to offer we get kicked out in fever off this crab.Do not put the elvenar engine here FoE was there before en got so much more players.Inno you really dont now what going on with your own game for years we are loyal to this buggy game al we see are cosmetic changes
and engines what run on many other games put the devolopers at work for better game play not for cosmetics see it around you many games what arent that nice to look at got many many many players why gameplay never seen a question about what we like or what we want why not beta server more then good for such a thing.
Can go on and on my game fun runed by this new crab im so dissapointed about all off this never you listen to beta testers never you killed your own game.


Today's new announcement to remove the diamond spend cap is really astounding.

36 pages of complaints and not one was about not spending enough diamonds.

Does Inno really think that this is showing them listening to their customers? Could anything be more likely to increase players anger than this? Even if more changes are in the pipeline, how naive is it to announce this first? It beggars belief!
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Devs are not playing the game beside alpha testing. And they have someone above them - accountants. There is no more passion in Inno to deliver satisfying game experience - just well paid game experience. One thing I don't understand is they were already doing that, so why they stopped...?


Today's new announcement to remove the diamond spend cap is really astounding.

36 pages of complaints and not one was about not spending enough diamonds.

Does Inno really think that this is showing them listening to their customers? Could anything be more likely to increase players anger than this? Even if more changes are in the pipeline, how naive is it to announce this first? It beggars belief!

Noone could be that naive unless its intentionally..... i think we just got the finger from InnoGames, it sure feels that way.
Every unit has a value : units on the wiki
For example:


Early Middle Ages
Heavy Unit
+5 |
Modern Era
Heavy Unit
+55 |
+55 |

The matching system should take in account this value. For the defense army, it's easy (value of each unit). For the player, I think the system should be based on the value of the heavy unit of his age. This way, a player couldn't be matched with an opponent from a much higher era and there would be a real link between the fighting capacities of the armies.

Manual fight would be great but with a defense in two waves.


Echt jetzt, Kolonialzeit gegen Mars?
Die PVP Arena ist genau so, wie in den Events.
Gewinnen können nur die eine Menge Geld reinstecken , nichts für mich.


Noone could be that naive unless its intentionally.....
weird enough i do think this is intentional , but if it is they realy think their clients ( all of us ) are idiots
realy not best way to get your clients to buy diamonds
you need to be more subtle about it
in this format i don't think their PVP will be accepted by majority of players


But why don't we receive answers on questions ????
Can any of the mods explain to me why in my log there is never an attack on me showing , i saw picturs here were you see 240 and 120 points in the log by succesfull defending but i see none. I have 214att/1054def in my defending army that is about the same as everyone in the top 10 so i guess not everybody is winning against me.



Suggestion for Manual Battle... Mentioned by many folks.
Suggestion for fair matching (within ages and neighborhoods)... Mentioned by many folks.
Suggestion for PvP points to return (along with towers)... Mentioned by many folks.
Suggestion for greater rewards for the effort... Mentioned by many folks.
Suggestion for better timing of attempts (reduced to 1 or 2 hours a piece)... Mentioned by many folks.
Suggestion for more "free" attempts (10 full attempts instead of the 5 given)... Mentioned by many folks.
Suggestion for the removal of diamond limits for purchase of attempts... Mentioned by no one.

So, where did I read in the plethora of posts (36 pages I had read since the day I first saw of this) that players wanted the diamond purchase limit removed? Perhaps Inno (being a German based company) needed a better translator as the postings of players (minus the ones that are foreign; perhaps in there is where it was said) are in pure English in wanting the previous 6 listed suggestions (and others I might have missed but felt these are the most important) to be made happen.

If we have to jump through hoops to provide them feedback, perhaps they can at least throw a bone our way in respect.


recently tested egyptian settlement... these freaks have manual battles!! and most of the time need to go manually to win... this is a extremely annoying chore
while on PvP, only auto??
Inno got it all wrong, we want PvP on manual and settlement battle on auto (with some att/def bonus on diplo buildings, 'cause, yeah we can do auto in settlement but unless you want to lose all the army at once, don't go auto beyond easy)