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Tomorrow Era


So the good news is, that the old posts about the boni are wrong and we have one new bonus, at least. Curious about the other GB :)


OMG does that men we get the tomorrow era in two weeks on February 26th? And what did the programmer do wrong, this building is not from the Early Middle Ages if they could build those things a houndred years ago we would live in space now.


Just looking off of the level 1 stat, the bonus is underpowered right now imo. Shouldn't it be almost as powerful as any other goods-producing GB? (The FP bonus is likely going to be the same as the Inno Tower/CDM/HS since it's one FP the first level.)
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As you can see, the screenshot shows something under development. Some infos are missing (description) or wrong ("late middle age"). So I think that the amount of "1" is a placeholder for the new bonus. The FP should be right already.
The way the new bonus is described, in my view, seems to suggest it will stay one random good of the aided building -- but as levels go up, the number of how often this bonus can be collected will probably increase in which case I hope it will be at least one time per GB level!


lvl1 - 1
lvl2 - 3
lvl3 - 5

Alright, that's actually rather good! ^^

Now, I'm almost hoping the giant Ferris wheel's rubbish so that I may concentrate my efforts. That aaand I don't fancy my city looking like a big funfair. ;-)
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Still a bit iffy imo. at this pace (+2 every level) we'll maybe hit 21 or (I'll say 25 to be nice) at level 10? Remember this is a 6x5 (a bit smaller than a CE goods building when considering the population space required) but produces about the same though (and don't forget it's pretty much your choice of which age), and you spent at least 1750 goods to build it which means it'll take at least 2 months to pay for itself in goods (assuming we're obtaining TE goods the whole entire time) and around 2 years to make up for the FP cost (both goods and FP cost based on CE values).
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@Octa LXXI : what requirements ? Need same goods as SOFIA. It`s in Early Middle Ages.

Now disappear that building :)


I want to thank Shadowss for sending the pictures

and here the earlier pictures for you a little bit larger




  • tower1.jpg
    63.7 KB · Views: 408
  • tower2.jpg
    65.7 KB · Views: 396


Hey guys, anyone who has spent diamonds to construct the tower can send in a support ticket to request a refund.


If anyone out there knows something about the bonus of the other GB, please share your info! If you want to keep it close than send me a PM. THX so much!!!! :)


How about Wire/Packaging and Porcelain/Luxury Materials as the 4th and 5th good?


Funny, all but the Nutrition Research Lab claim they are boosted with gold :p Also, if it's following the same theme as last era, the populations will likely change if they were to add a happiness boost


Translucent Concrete sounds to me like like glass is used...so HMA bonus goods.Thus the goods might be:
Ferroconcrete -> Translucent Concrete (bonus good Glass)
Packaging -> Papercrete (bonus good Brick)

Nutrition Research & Preservatives both have to do with edibles, so that would suggest the bonus goods Salt and Dried Herbs coupled with Convenience Meals and Flavorants. I cannot really figure out which combination is right, but I think Dried herbs goes with Flavorants:
Flavorants -> Nutrition Research (bonus good Dried Herbs)
Convenience Meals -> Preservatives (bonus good Salt)

Only Smart Materials left:
Luxury Materials -> Smart Materials (bonus good Rope)

Well, that's my 2 cents.


If the Portuguese server has Tomorrow Era building information available, presumably they may also have info on the Great Buildings somewhere as well?
I can't find anything at all on their forum about GBs though :(


I honestly don't know what is going on with the Tomorrow Era buildings, but I will focus in arguing a bit about what's to come and what's to produce.
I don't think another Era is to come, as the GvG map has space for two more provinces, and as you have forgotten (or as I could have been misguided) the last one (West to the Iron Age one) is a province for all Eras, who's seiges are paid with medals instead than with goods. As all Eras haven't been released yet, I think that, while they prepare the TE, they will also be preparing the TE's GvG province and the All Ages province (all this asuming there is said province).That being said, there wouldn't be anymore eras after this oncoming one (to be totally honest I don't want this next era to be the last. I REALLY expect a new dawn, as was said before).
Now to the production issue. Everyone has followed the first interestingly evidenced premise of the Colonial Age required goods. I'm not sure if that's accurate. If one follows the history of refined goods one sees that for Modern Era goods (boosted by the Bronze Age), Colonial Age goods are required; for Post-Modern Era goods (boosted by the Iron Age), Industrial Age goods are required; and for Contemporary Era goods (boosted by the Early Middle Ages), Progressive Era goods are required. Ergo, this would mean that for
Tomorrow Era goods (boosted by the High Middle Ages), Modern Era goods are required, making that Modern and Colonial goods.
The two premises were correct, but incomplete, one saying CA goods were required and the other estipulating for Early and High Middle Ages boosts.
I just wanted to unite these hypothesis, because maybe some ( like me, after reading 12 pages of messages :p :rolleyes: ) were misleaded.
About the GB's, the "Wishing Well" seems to be the Dynamic Tower's base, doesn't it?, hehe. I don't really know.
Anyhow it was interesting (very really) to see all this. You've blown me away with those pictures... :eek: wow...
Haha, cheers, Yang10.

P.S.: About the World Map: I don't know what it will be of it, I really enjoyed the lost empires theory, and would like new story lines (like the one that gives you the Monastery) to discover the foggy territories of almost ALL maps.
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