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Feedback Summer Event 2023


Balance changes will likely be coming. After all, it's beta. Reading back through recent events, all of them received balancing changes while being tested here. I expect this one'll be no different, especially with it being technically 'new' this year.


In anniversary and wildlife it was/is possible to get the main building fully leveled if you play well (and can wait), the difference here is that it's purely based on luck, with extremely poor odds. I expect there to be some changes to make it possible here as well.
Yeah, exactly. I just finished the anniversary with 4123 points without diamonds. So yeah, if you knew what you're doing, it was possible. Although by the league numbers it seemed that some 70-80% of players didn't reach the 3750. (I tried to explain my colleagues on live how to play it, but some of them too have failed. Nevertheless, thanks for the analysis. I THOUGHT that without the 14 "stars from presents" it would be difficult, but to see it mathematically proven to be nearly impossible is eye opening.
We can hope for rebalance, that's all we can do...


you expect that there would an useless reward
but FP and goods would always be something useful :p

for non-paying players it takes away one other reward (and even useless it can be sold for a few hundred dealer coins)
Then sell the Lvl 1 to the Dealer. Alternatively you can keep it untill next year's event and you will need one DS less.

if those players need it then put it into the event pass prizes :rolleyes:
To this I would totally agree.
It makes more sense in the Event Pass but apparently the devs simply do not want to put it there, no matter how often they get this feedback. So personally I just shrug my shoulders and accept it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My problem in this event is that I'm bored. Apart from the quests, all you have to do is click randomly on blue tiles to find what you are looking for (key or other)
In the previous events at least it was necessary to do a minimum of reasoning to try to succeed and be satisfied.
Meu problema neste evento é que estou entediado. Além das missões, tudo o que você precisa fazer é clicar aleatoriamente nos ladrilhos azuis para encontrar o que procura (chave ou outro)
Nos eventos anteriores, pelo menos, era necessário fazer um mínimo de raciocínio para tentar obter sucesso e ficar satisfeito.
But summer events have always been like this, without much difficulty.


But summer events have always been like this, without much difficulty.

No. Players who always stick around, used to win in the summer event.
I mean, you needed some sort of effort to win.
It may not have been fun for everybody, but it wasn't a nothing to do kind of boring.

Long ago, most of the events in FoE were this type... not really anything to do except the quests (can be done in minutes).
But then, big players came up of playing events in many many worlds.
There was wishing wells as a reward, and establishing a diamond farm had good effect on the main world(s).

Now, playing events in non-main worlds is quite meaningless, (not completely but pretty much so)
due to that getting WW got much harder. And so, simple, easy and boring type of events just ends up being boring now.

OK. Last winter event wasn't boring as this one.
Since doing daily quests for calendar keys meant something even when you were not aiming to complete the calendar.
Because of a "cut" in 14-star prize, in this event, daily Qs are totally nonsense, where going for the calendar is close to impossible.

All we do is do some Qs, check out the daily, and click several times if you find a desired daily.
You don't even have actual choice (everything is random), so it is worse than the former spring event.

Retired Guy

Been trying to put my finger on why this event is SO boring.. there's no interaction, no thought required,. nothing.. .. Complete the rush quests, then each day, get your 20 doubloons, take those and 10 (distribute your stash over the event for best odds) from your rush quest stash, and select 3 map squares, listen to the ring tone.. and you're done ! About the most exciting thing is getting the "shuffle" ! I like the theme, but the mechanics and interaction are terrible, maybe that's what folks want in the summer, but I'll take a St Paddy's, or Wildlife event any day..

Beta King

what is new to boost for attacking army ?
I have plenty of them in my inventory
and a building already produce fragments of it (Golden Orrery)

we need attack boost for defending army

the attack boost for attacking army item should be changed to attack boost for defending army item
the defense boost for attacking army item is new. no need to change that
I disagree most everyone I know on my live is not wasting any space on Defense stats. We are all negotiating the last level with ease. So stripping the atk/atk and def/atk from buildings and making them worthless for everyone that isn't going to change their entire city to accommodate the last level of GE once per week is a bad idea. Make the Defense stats stack on top of the attack stats in GBG then we can talk about making everything attack for defense.
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Beta King

I REALLY dislike hiding things behind a paywall espescially since INNO switched from the premium currency to straight up RL Cash.

I don't mind having the OPTION to get something instantaneously and have made use of that option in the past. But the feeling that you are a 2nd class player because you don't spend money is just steadily creeping in.
I support the efforts to decrease "Free" diamond income but that event pass BS is just an abomination.
True the event pass really does seperate the men from the boys. Like the the old saying "if you want to play, you have to pay".

Beta King

It's unfortunate that FoE slowly became such a dreadful P2W game; putting so many improvements and new buildings behind paywall lately has become really annoying. All the goodwill generated in over the decade, now down the drain... :(
Hopefully, it will be possible to obtain at least some of the current premium offerings more freely sometime in the future... ;)
Don't count on it!

Beta King

with all the testing stuff I feel currently kind of tired. To much to test/evaluate in to short frequency. I guess next thing to test is a next age. I dont want to hurry through stuff anymore and giving adequate feed back. Thats my first impression. We just had easter and lvl 5 and wildlive event on beta whilst birthday event running on live servers in parallel. Where is the settleing and calming down to really focus on strategies and changed surcumstances? I am close to skipping this event. I lost faith and power. Maybe I am simply to old and to exausted and ill right now. I would maybe invest some real money but one can not have a real overview of cost vs investment. No real time to evaluate investments as when you just last minute think about spending money, stuff is already done and next event/change is waiting around the corner
I am really getting tired!!!!
Really they need to shorten the events to 15 days each then have 2 every month to coincide with social security checks at the first of the month and then the 15th of the month to squeeze the maximum amount of cash from all the players.


The event is currently not balanced well enough, only a small percentage of players will be able to get the 280 progress required during the event.

Currently, you can get:

* Starting: 20
* Quests: 67*10 = 670
* Logins: 32*10 = 320
* Milestones: 50+50 = 100
* Total: 1110 Doubloons

The "14 Stars" option has been removed, and picking up key fragments doesn't give you back doubloons either, so you get back far less from the minigame than you did from the winter event. In winter the amount you could spend was around x1.36 the starting amount, in summer that's down to around x1.17. This means that with 1110 starting doubloons, you can spend just below 1300 doubloons, for 130 opened tiles, which equals 260 progress on average. That's 20 away from the 280 that is required. Using the simulator I made for the winter event (updated with summer event changes), I get the following distribution of players, with the red line being the required amount of progress. According to this, only 2.2% of players will be lucky enough to the to 280 progress.


This clearly needs to be improved. I think increasing daily quest reward to 15 doubloons and updating the doubloons from incidents to be in line with the winter event would be enough. That would give a 93.66% chance of getting 280 according to my simulator, with incidents to cover the rest.

hooray Mooingcat posted.... let the changes begin!!! ;)

they can start with the "free" prize bar changes that are needed
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1st prize, Lvl 1 building, Perfect
2nd prize, Lvl 1 Govt Bldg, Opposite of Perfect, Rubbish! that belongs in AD
6th prize, Lvl 1 building, WTF

similar thing last event, what is going on lately.

at 380, where another Lvl 1 building is located, that is actually Perfect spot for a 2nd lvl 1 base building! So thats good, we now know math can still be accomplished by the prize layout team.

change 2nd and 6th prize please... Goods, Fps, one-up, reno, ...i don't care just change it to something that isnt useless. and for the trolls that will most likely say, "well that for the players that buy the $15 bonus bar"... well try again, cause they aren't enough Upgrade kits in the Bonus for that. If you buy the bonus bar you still cant get a complete 2nd building until the Lvl 1 building prize at 380.

the prizes are very poorly spreadout in this event.
for the recent posts about of the prizes, look forward to Prize #6 ;)
seems "logical".
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