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Feedback Summer Event 2020


Quest 20: Scout a province or defeat a large army.

Some of us early age players can do neither of those.
Scout a province quests are easiest early in the game. Later on if you're not anticipating how far ahead you can comfortably scout before you reach a problem it'll take much longer to recover for map quests. Now would be the perfect time to look at the problem and decide how you're going to manage your map going forward. One option is to leave a province unscouted when you move forward on the map so you if you do reach a spot you're outmatched you have a unscouted province in a easier area to fall back on during events.

How difficult a Large Army is will depend on if you're willing to manually fight. 8 ranged units are amazing in manual fights. Early in the ages you can easily beat Large Army using only ranged units and no boosts if you're manually fighting. If you auto battle you'd have to use an entirely different strategy as the ranged units would need support and they wouldn't hold back out of range of the opponent. 4 heavy with 4 artillery can do fairly well on auto. Depending on the enemy unit combination you're up against you may need to change the combination you're using on Auto

Reduce the building payout for us, but give us a chance to finish the event.
By not completing the event you've already got a reduced building payout. What exactly would you like to see implemented that'd allow you to have a reduced payout, complete the event and not reduce the payout for anyone who is able to complete the quests in the same age?


Does anyone think you can get to the 9th level of the building without spending diamonds? Suggestions are welcome, thank you, because I have detected a doubloon deficit close to 80.

Lady FB

I am in BA and have completed all the "start up" quests. I am now to the daily quests in the 2020 event. For the quests that required fighting I used special units I won on the "wheel" and then used diamonds to revive them if I had any special ones that died like my champion or my colorguard. Though some of the quests were difficult, I did not find them insurmountable. I did have to ask for assistance a few times from my guild mates - and they provided it whether it was advice or goods.


The rewards on the wheel is real boring all through the day. people don't roll it and don't refresh it. Inno must put some more exiting rewards to get it rolling.


Can you please add the possibility to turn the animation of the background off. Some might find it funny but I really am getting sick because of it. If it was a normal event with daily specials it would be just one or two horrible days in the event but with the wheel you have to look often which gold prize is on.


Can you please add the possibility to turn the animation of the background off. Some might find it funny but I really am getting sick because of it. If it was a normal event with daily specials it would be just one or two horrible days in the event but with the wheel you have to look often which gold prize is on.
Thank you for the feedback, this has been passed as feedback to see if there can be an option to switch off.


Thank you for the feedback, this has been passed as feedback to see if there can be an option to switch off.
really hope it will be done, haven't played beta world since I feedbacked it last week because of it.
Yet on the bright side, will be a good excuse to quit the game once and for all if this animation can't be turned off on live servers...


In a normal Event the with the exception of the 20 Forge Points (50 Forge Points when Daily Special) all the Gold Prizes would appear at some point as a Daily Special.
Thank you for the info. I will wait for good ones. : )


It would be really great if we could get a feedback on the shortage of dublones. Right now I am solving Quest 42, meaning I will retrieve til the end 38 dublones from the Quests. Unfortunately I need to go up 5 times or 100 Steps which means round about 50 dublones. So far I got 2 dublones from the incidents and I am watching out for every incident. With 14 days left I am not convinced to get the missing 12.
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I just spent/wasted all my remaining Doubloons (15) to win 1 damn upgrade for The Ship by spinning the wheel, and i got NONE... the level of how lame this event is = SUCKS COMPLETELY.
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the chance to win the gold prize on the wheel is 1:27 - 1:30, minus if a someone from your NH spin too :)
And increasing with each unlucky spent doublon. Sometimes I got to refresh wheel and got gold from 1st attempt some other times spent about 20 doublons on 1 wheel until I get gold prize


up until now I got not one lousy dublone from incidents suggesting I have to spend diamonds to finish the building.
Yeah, I am hearing the same. In my guild, the answers so far are:
* a few in the first days, nothing since 2x
* one every other day
* one per day
* nothing 2x
So it seems to be about a 5% or 10% chance to have one in an incident. Which means some peoiple will have none, and at best half can complete the building. I hope we get a few extra dubloons for the last few quests. Though it is better to have dubloons earlier during the event, and not at the end, since you may not get good chances / prizes at the end.