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Discussion Summary of my ideas for the game


seeing Jubers thread how to make GBG better, i thought i would also post my ideas to make the game better and also enhance the endgame.

I had posted these ideas a long while ago on the ideas forum but neither were allowed to be suggested there.

A couple of months ago, someone sent me a message though, that i could post my ideas here instead. Thats why im doing it now.

Here are the 3 ideas that i had thought out

Idea 1: The technology center

What is it?

it would be end game content.

It would be an upgradeable structure at the edge of the city (much like the castle-system) yet it would be something completely different.

In order to upgrade it to Tier 1, a player must

- own a complete set of 9 blueprints for every GB in existence (no exceptions, he must have each set of blueprints complete)

- have goods from every existing age

- have a certain amount of forge points

If a player matches this requirement, a red button would appear above the structure, and when hes pressing it, his sets of each GB’s blueprints and the goods from each era and the forge points would be consumed and then combined into the Tier 1 Technology Center.

Once the technology center has appeared, it can be upgraded to higher tiers, the requirement for the next tier would again be:

- a full set of BP’s for every existing GB
- even more goods from every age
- even more forgepoints

What would be the stats of the tech center?

The technology center could reward alot of different things, though one had to divide the rewards into categories:

- the good old stuff such as attack / defend boosts and what not

- new things that aint covered by GB‘s, such as 1% up to 20% reduction to FP costs for GB‘s, that could come handy when one levels a very high GB

(ok for that the GB calculators need to have a new line being added to them where one can put up the level of their technology center, and i just came up with this as an example of what could be done)

- or head onto a completely new path and make the rewards pure cosmetic. every couple of levels the technology center would unlock a cosmetic.

- Or mix category 1 and 2 and on top of it, every level unlocks a chance to obtain a cosmetic:

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the tavern

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the merchant

Uncommon / rare / epic Skin for the Expedition Ship

jungle skin / desert skin / mountaneous skin / fiery skin / astro skin for the landscape that is surrounding the city

another possible reward could be (as a secondary or third passive reward): an elite unit, which is a slightly stronger version of the players age units.

Inno could name it

Elite-*insert name of the normal unit from the age of the player*

and give it a different color, to minimize the effort needed to realize it, because every age needed its own elite units.

The alcatraz would not affect the technology center. There would be no daily output of elite units. It would rather work like a casern, where you can unlock a certain amount of slots, and when a player produces an elite unit they could choose which one (heavy or light infantry, sniper, artillery or tank). If an elite unit dies, one has to produce a new (the time to produce one would be several hours up to a day). Elite units cannot be manually healed or restored with diamonds. They can only heal over time.

every 3 levels the technology center would unlock an additional slot.

how would it look like? I dont know, but maybe it could be designed similar to the castle system. Each tier it would look a little better and more gigantic.

Idea 2: Specialist slots for GBs

Do you think it would be cool if each great building got slots added to it, to put specialists in? (let's say 10 or 20 slots per GB)

Where would one get the specialists?

In events, of course, as a rare reward, e.g. if one opened a pumpkin in the helloween event, a specialist could drop as a very rare reward.

What values would specialists have?

There would be different categories of specialists, and different rarities of specialists:



the rarer, the better values


- Scientists which give one, two, three, four, or five (depending on the rarity) additional forge points when harvesting the GB - they could only be placed into science-related GBs (like hagia, cape, orangery etc)

- Military strategists which provide a small boost in attack power if they are put in an offensive battle-related GB (they could only be placed there) such as zeus, aachener, terracotta etc. the rarer they are, the higher the bonus.

- engineers who could only be placed into goods-related BGs, they would provide a few goods of the current age when collecting the BG, and the rarer the specialist, the more goods

etc etc

other specialists could be:

- medals
- bonus on coin production
- production bonus
- defense buff for the defending army
- defense bonus for the attacking army

(secret hint to the devs: a collosseum with 10 slots, each filled with rare, legendary or mythological specialists, could very well be worth to be placed in a city - at least if the collosseum would count as a battle-related GB :D )

Idea 3: Tavern-Expansion: The gladiator games

1. What is this?

a) The basic concept

The gladiator Games would be a challenge between guilds, including its own league system.

Gladiators would be hired in the tavern with tavern silver.

There would be different types of gladiators that could be hired. A player can hire as many gladiators as they want, as long they have enough tavern silver.

Once a player has hired at least 8 gladiators, he can put them into a team of 8 gladiators and then initiate a fight against the member of an opposing guild.

b) The units

(units can die ofc)

heres a list of possible gladiators that ive thought out (ive not thought them out very thorouhly though, its more a rough example of what types of gladiators could be hired)

Eques: Extremely robust (robustness scales with the player's combat values), heals other friendly gladiators, but cannot deal damage itself. The higher a player's attack power, the more the Eques heals.

Murmillo: Extremely robust, strengthens the attack values of your own gladiators, but cannot deal damage. The more attack power a player has, the higher the bonus granted by the Murmillo. The more Defense Power a player has, the more resilient the Murmillo is.

Agitator: Extremely vulnerable, can stealth in certain terrain, can cause an enemy gladiator to defect. The higher a player's attack power, the higher the chance of capturing an enemy gladiator.

Thraex: Extremely vulnerable, can stealth itself in certain terrain, can detonate itself. The higher a player's attack power, the greater the blast radius and blast damage (you know, gladiator games are not necessarily antique stuff)

Hoplomachus: Extremely vulnerable. Can spot enemy hidden gladiators. The higher a player's defense power, the higher the chance of detecting hidden gladiators. Bonus damage against hidden gladators

Retiarius: can place booby traps. The higher a player's defense power, the more damage booby traps will inflict on the opponent. The Retiarius can also fight, is particularly robust and strong in close combat.

Pontarius: Can disable enemy booby traps, and can also fight. The higher a player's defense power, the higher the chance of detecting and defusing enemy traps.

2. The frame-work

a) league system

Gladiator Games would essentially be fights between the members of guilds, which would be implemented as a league and would start over and over again seasonally. However, guilds could rise and fall in leagues. The gladiator games would be cross-server.

b) Which players can participate?

Anyone who has researched the required technology. I would place the technology for this in the late Middle Ages.

c) How would the framework for gladiator games look like?

Each guild would be put in a group with several other guilds, let's say 10 guilds per group.

The groups would be formed by the total combat strength each guild and by the number of members, i.e. the game would

- just before the start of a league, determine the total combat strength of each player in a guild by adding the combat values of his attacking army and his defending army, it would look like this:

attacking army 1000% attack power
attacking army 500% defense

defending army 150% attack power
defending army 500% defense

Makes a total of 2,150 Total Combat Power

- the total combat strength of each player in a guild would be added up (of course not counting those players who are not yet unlocked for gladiator games) and thus a total combat value of a guild would be determined, for example 30,000 guild total combat power

- This guild would then be pooled with other guilds that have roughly the same overall combat strength and roughly the same number of members.

- if there were no comparable guilds - for example if a small guild has already risen a long way and therefore only stronger and larger guilds are available within the group pool, then this guild would just be put together with stronger and larger guilds.

The same applies the other way around

3. The fights:

In order to initiate a gladiator fight, you would have to provide eight gladiators. Of course you should also provide 8 defending gladiators (similar to your own defense army or the PVP Arena).

If a player does not provide defending gladiators, he would automatically lose a defending battle.

There would be a whole range of different Gladiators, each with their own pros and cons, and only a maximum of two of each type could be fielded, so a team would always consist of at least four different Gladiators.

4. How would the fights go?

a) Units can only be lost when attacking - similar to plundering or the PVP arena.

b) How many league points can be won for a successful attack or a successful defense is calculated by the combat value of both players involved. If you (being the attacker) field a combat value of 5.000 andtje defending player has only 500 points of combat value, you could win only a few points.

d) can you choose the player you attack? Of course not. That would be random. But you can choose the guild whose players you want to attack, see next point.

e) Can you choose the guild whose players you attack? Yes. However, you can only choose the guild. Which player of the target guild you meet is then random.

But each guild can only be attacked a limited number of times per day. The number of players in a guild participating in the duel determines how often the guild can be attacked. If it can no longer be attacked, you have to choose another guild. Until just no more guild can be attacked. In that case you have to wait for the next day.

f) How many attacks can you initiate per day?

That would be similar to the pvp arena.

One attack would become available per hour. However, you can only stack up to a maximum of three attacks (then you have to attack again if you want to stack more attacks).

you could buy extra attacks with tavern silver or diamonds.

g) could one withdraw from a fight?

sure. But the smaller the difference to the defending player's combat power, the higher the league penalty points that your guild receives for this lost battle.

h) Rewards

they would have to be adequate so that it would be fun to participate in the guild duels.

i) would large guilds be at an advantage compared to small guilds?

i tried to compensate for this on the one hand with the group allocation and on the other hand with the number of maximum attacks that a guild has to endure based on the number of its members. because they can attack more often when they are larger, but they can also be attacked more often.

However, a beta would have to be used to find out how the ratio of the number of players to the maximum number of attacks on a guild would be fair.

Ad hoc, five attacks per day against a guild guild per guild member seems appropriate to me.

ie a guild of 20 members would have to endure a maximum of 100 attacks per day.

but since I can't test that, it's just a purely fictitious number.
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Perk Creator
Without giving an opinion on your ideas which could be axes of reflections, I would prefer that Inno repairs what is broken or dilapidated rather than adding new things which will be quickly exceeded like the rest.
Personally I'm not looking to be busier on the game, but what is already available is really useful or usable.


Well, I am not interested in your proposals, since most space in your post is again "how to kick ass and even more defeat smaller and weaker". And when it goes to the rewards, you have nothing to propose, so it is bullying for the sake of bullying - not competition, since when you are a trader or someone who strictly puts defences in GvG, you will weaken your guild by not having tons of attack/defence boost...


Well, I am not interested in your proposals, since most space in your post is again "how to kick ass and even more defeat smaller and weaker". And when it goes to the rewards, you have nothing to propose, so it is bullying for the sake of bullying - not competition, since when you are a trader or someone who strictly puts defences in GvG, you will weaken your guild by not having tons of attack/defence boost...
Now that you mentioned it, there was a time in 2012 that a player had a discussion with us (I was playing US Arvahall at the time before coming to Beta) in wanting a guild vs guild war. In that time, if I remembered correctly, this feature was supposed to pit the members of one guild versus members of another guild. He also went as far as stating that the winner of such battles would also plunder the defeated. In that time, it was before PVP was locked for the baby cities that it needed to be unlocked.

We told him that it would be impossible to have such because it would mean in making the game easier by defeating the weaker guild members and preventing them to grow, and that it would make neighborhoods pointless. Yeah, like having a Colonial Age city with CA troops going after someone who is in EMA, IA, or any of the lower ages.

Long story short, he got mad, left guild, and vowed to hit everyone in it. He would hit those in his hood that was part of our guild, and of the lower ages than him, but I waited until he shows up on my block to attack him in return and plunder his spoils. When global chat was first released (and the CMs were monitoring it by sometimes visiting/chatting), he would badmouth me and the guild, but I don't care as I kept on him for until he was shifted to a new neighborhood.

When I came back to playing, I had seen that GvG was all about placing defensive armies for certain ages, and a mix for the all ages one. I had also seen that GBg was a mad scramble to gaining tiles so they can get points. And I was here when PVR/PVB Arena was made, sent out of town, and made a return that only had us going after those one age below, the same age, and one age above in terms of opponents. So, I don't see how in wanting another "feature" is going to benefit since we pretty much got our bases covered. To me, it sounds like another gimmick that is going to be rushed that will have more problems.



Well, GvG and GBG require tons of resources, like neverending flow of goods from all eras, rouges or IA troops for sieges in medal era GvG... That makes even small guildmates important in the big guild.

While this proposal is based strictly on tavern (and that is unimportant, it is quick to build) and attack /defence boost. That is not quick to build and not wanted at all by some - while they can be important link in GBG or GvG success chain, they are just burden here... Not balanced at all.

And PvP is actually not chasing after only lower ages players - you won't gain the last milestone with that strategy, you just have to beat those at least your age to accomplish that. Without the last milestone PvP is better not played at all, waste of time.
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And PvP is actually not chasing after only lower ages players
Back when it first started, everyone in the neighborhood was fair game. Even one can attack any BA or SA player and plunder them.

Inno had made many changes since the time I had left to the time I had return.


Back when it first started, everyone in the neighborhood was fair game. Even one can attack any BA or SA player and plunder them.

Inno had made many changes since the time I had left to the time I had return.
When new world is opened (or new account, of course), the good strategy for PvP (as it's quite reliable source of various resources for little towns, which lack everything) is to give up every fight - you will get the reward for trying nonetheless. But when the world is established and ones town is no longer that small, one look to gain rewards offered monthly. And there is no point in trying if one's not going after final reward, just waste of still precious troops. On the other hand, if ones city is bursting with army boost and close to endgame experience - PvP is waste of time, appealing only to those who are over-ambicious and still have patience to attack neighbours. That is PvP strategy summary for ya :)


But, of course, I am reffering to PvP Arena, not PvP meant as attacking neighbours - hence may lay difference in our views. I get what you say, but maybe you don't get what I was talking about, since I haven't laid that difference right away, I am sorry for that :)


I am with @DEADP00L on this one when I say that the things on this game that needed to be fixed/improved is up to 10 years overdue.

On a different game, I had suggested something THAT nearly became a reality. If you liked Mad Max movies, you will know the meaning behind my user name. For a space game, it was a planet that hosted a lot of PVP-style venues. There would be 1v1 live battles as well as the 2v1, double team, corp (as in guild) vs corp, or alliance/faction vs alliance/faction. It was a really big hit among the players that the developers decided to make a feature (kind of similar to the PVB/R Arena we got here in the game).

However, that reality was short lived due the fact the developers put in things that doesn't even make sense and/or broke the feature (for others that had that problem). A lot of support tickets were generated since its release, but nothing was done. One by one, the players stopped using the feature, and would often contact me via FB Messenger to see if I can set up matches like in the old days, to which I did until the game was no longer in service.

Your idea sounds novel, but I don't want Inno to make it a mess just because they have to rush it to the players. They got a lot of things to take care of FIRST if they are to be redeemed (that feedback thread went stagnant) in the eyes of players.



what do you think about my proposal about the specialist slots for Great Buildings?
Well, if they would be obtainable through events only - I won't really bother with them, because that would be another game of luck (and I rarely am lucky) and it would lessen chance to win daily prizes. And I am only for daily prizes in event, since I don't buy diamonds and cannot afford to spend 22-25k every month to get second main building (not that they are that great either lately - so daily prizes seems more worthy in comparison).

And we already have something similar ingame, emissaries in townall. I couldn't care less about them and they really make no difference in total output in my city.

But if you worked some on that first idea, with something similar to Castle system - I like those things to work on, it takes time and goal and kind of strategy, and rewards are not that bad... I would be into it, I think.
I am with @DEADP00L

On a different game, I had suggested something THAT nearly became a reality. If you liked Mad Max movies, you will know the meaning behind my user name. For a space game, it was a planet that hosted a lot of PVP-style venues. There would be 1v1 live battles as well as the 2v1, double team, corp (as in guild) vs corp, or alliance/faction vs alliance/faction.

However, that reality was short lived due the fact the developers put in things that doesn't even make sense and/or broke the feature (for others that had that problem). A lot of support tickets were generated since its release, but nothing was done. One by one, the players stopped using the feature, and would often contact me via FB Messenger to see if I can set up matches like in the old days, to which I did until the game was no longer in service.

was it entropia universe?
Well, if they would be obtainable through events only - I won't really bother with them, because that would be another game of luck (and I rarely am lucky) and it would lessen chance to win daily prizes.

the resason why i had put specialists into events was because if inno doesnt see an opportunity to have players spend more diamonds inno would never consider a new game concept to be realized
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And when it goes to the rewards, you have nothing to propose,


I could name alot of rewards but i thought id better not. but since you asked for it, ill go for it:

The technology center could reward alot of different things, though one had to divide the rewards into categories:

- the good old stuff such as attack / defend boosts and what not

- new things that aint covered by GB‘s, such as 1% up to 20% reduction to FP costs for GB‘s, that could come handy when one levels a very high GB

(ok for that the GB calculators need to have a new line being added to them where one can put up the level of their technology center, and i just came up with this as an example of what could be done)

- or head onto a completely new path and make the rewards pure cosmetic. every couple of levels the technology center would unlock a cosmetic.

- Or mix category 1 and 2 and on top of it, every level unlocks a chance to obtain a cosmetic:

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the tavern

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the merchant

Uncommon / rare / epic Skin for the Expedition Ship

jungle skin / desert skin / mountaneous skin / fiery skin / astro skin for the landscape that is surrounding the city



I could name alot of rewards but i thought id better not. but since you asked for it, ill go for it:

The technology center could reward alot of different things, though one had to divide the rewards into categories:

- the good old stuff such as attack / defend boosts and what not

- new things that aint covered by GB‘s, such as 1% up to 20% reduction to FP costs for GB‘s, that could come handy when one levels a very high GB

(ok for that the GB calculators need to have a new line being added to them where one can put up the level of their technology center, and i just came up with this as an example of what could be done)

- or head onto a completely new path and make the rewards pure cosmetic. every couple of levels the technology center would unlock a cosmetic.

- Or mix category 1 and 2 and on top of it, every level unlocks a chance to obtain a cosmetic:

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the tavern

uncommon / rare / epic skin for the merchant

Uncommon / rare / epic Skin for the Expedition Ship

jungle skin / desert skin / mountaneous skin / fiery skin / astro skin for the landscape that is surrounding the city
See, that I like :) I really like the idea of skin for the landscape, I would work towards it. After all, I look at it for a couple of hours daily. I would not pay for it with real money, but as an free addition to the game - why, yes, indeed. That would make game more interesting and personal - Inno mustn't forget that newbies look at ours cities to spend money and be like us. And they look for our opinions, not theirs.

I like your way of thinking, apart from tavern fights :)


Or maybe that center could be a place to implement this much needed but ever unnoticed boost for collecting things earlier - like 1 minute less for level. I think it would be much valued not only by regular players but also for hard plunderers, that would add a twist in that department...

And it wouldn't be easy to obtain, with all requirements: "plans of all GBs, all eras goods", that would certainly make Notre Dame plans precious like they never have been. More I think of that, more I like it. Good job :)
@Finkadel thanks for your input, you made me think some more of possible rewards, one could be (as a secondary or third passive reward): an elite unit, which is a slightly stronger version of the players age units.

Inno could name it Elite-*unit* and give it a different color, to minimize the effort needed to realize it, because every age needed its own elite units.

The alcatraz would not affect the technology center. There would be no daily output of elite units. It would rather work like a casern, where you can unlock a certain amount of slots, and when one produces an elite unit they could choose which one (heavy or light infantry, sniper, artillery or tank). If an elite unit dies, one has to produce a new (the time to producenone would be several hours up to a day). Elite units cannot be manually healed or restored with diamonds. They can only heal over time.

every 3 levels the technology center would unlock an additional slot.