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Feedback Spring Event

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


hmm well i was hoping to get a better daily special for the last 1-2 days, but same as christmas event, i have to use the event currencies for useless prices (crap Confectionaries) now i can get crap Gong's (one is enough) :(
but maybe i will learn it one day, that the last prices are never good


I'm very disappointed too. I used like 1000 diamonds here on beta to get 1 complete set and tbh i consider myself lucky. Other than that I got 1 rogue hideout, all the rest was crap.
On live servers i figured out I won't have enough lanterns to get the pond from 4th grand prize, so that meant i have to gamble at the chests for it.
With 3 cities on live servers, result is the following, all starting with ~700 lanterns after completing main questline and a few daily quests:
City 1: i opened only bronze chest (thought I'd listen to @BuraQ911 ;)), spent *all* lanterns and got it at the last try....math says i should have gotten it in like half... oh well...Now 5th piece is up (Emperor's entrance) and I got only 180 lanterns...

City 2 (main city): i opened only gold chest (had enough for like 6-7 tries), didnt get it. Spent all diamonds i had (~1000) which was another 3 or 4 attempts and got it on the last try. Again ....the odds of *not* getting it in 10 attempts are like 5%.... :mad:...Now Im broke with no diamonds and approx 180 lanterns left.

City 3: i was super lucky. Got the pond on 2nd try and emperor's entrance (today) on 3rd.

With only ~180 lanterns available in city 1 and 2, i can't afford to gamble for Emperor's entrance today. I can only hope it will show up once again by the end of event and gamble again. Not cool.

So bottom line is:
Event is super luck based. And even diamonds can't guarantee that we'll get the complete set. In ALL OTHER gambling events, the grand prize or whatever it's called has always been available to purchase with diamonds the next day (e.g. winter event). Now we don't have even that.
Shame on Inno for their greediness...I'm very very disappointed.


Last 2 days with Gong ????? THAT'S AN EPIC FAIL

I WAS missing the Entrance, now i will not get it, SO

Got one extra Gong in my first attempt today, would rather have had ANYTHING else, so i just deleted that Gong, the Gong i got at the end of the 1st quest line, and the Pond i used all my Diamonds and Lanterns to get, and the Rock is gone too. So thanks Inno for WASTING my time for 3 weeks. Luckily i have to endure 2 more weeks on live :eek:(


I see a lot of complaints about this event, and I want Inno to know that this is NOT applying to all players.

I think this have been an awesome event. The mechanics of the event are well known to all veteran players, so that´s not really innovative. However, the introduction of buildings which works best when placed together is genius.

How the buildings are obtained? Well, either the people writing here have been extremely unlucky, or they have squandered their lanterns on other things but won´t admit to it, or I have been very lucky. I play here and on all 4 servers of my country, and I have without using any diamonds gotten the full set here and on 3 of my country´s 4 servers. I´m 1 building shy on the last one.
I really have no problem with some degree of luck-factor in these events. If everybody was meant to get a full set, they should just hand it out after the first event-mission was completed. Pretty hard to make these things skill-based anyway.

There´s so many things mentioned by other players I really have to question. The deleting of an incomplete set. Why would you build 4 pieces of the set if you didn´t want them in your city without the 5th piece? Preparation for entering a new era? I have never heard that before. I can´t recall I ever had to prepare for entering a new era. Now we had to scout 2 Provinces if we wanted to complete all event-missions? So? If that´s to hard, you probably have fallen way behind on your research, so noone else to blame but yourself. If we have had to scout 3 Provinces I would still have completed all missions.

Inno, if you choose to run a similar event, you have my blessings and support.


There´s so many things mentioned by other players I really have to question. The deleting of an incomplete set. Why would you build 4 pieces of the set if you didn´t want them in your city without the 5th piece? Preparation for entering a new era? I have never heard that before. I can´t recall I ever had to prepare for entering a new era.

You don´t know how to play. How many diamonds give you Inno for sending the last message.

I´m waiting Innogames answers about this hoax, because everybody did the same effort and only some of us got the reward. Obviously, it is not useful for us to do the events.
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You don´t know how to play. How many diamonds give you Inno for sending the last message.

I´m waiting Innogames answers about this hoax, because everybody did the same effort and only some of us got the reward. Obviously, it is not useful for us to do the events.

I'm not sure what 'hoax' you feel there is. The event was partly based on chance. By it's nature of course not everyone will get everything. If they did it would be a giveaway, and there would be nothing unique about the set anymore.
This is true in any of our events involving chance, and is evident on the live servers where players are on more than 1 world. On some worlds they will have better luck, on others they will have worse.


Last 2 days with Gong ????? THAT'S AN EPIC FAIL

I WAS missing the Entrance, now i will not get it, SO

That was I thinking too. Its a punch in the player faces if they hope to get a chance for the last peace of the set.

@Lionhead, sure I can say... WoW great event I have some luck and 2 full sets, but I think not only of myself but also of others. I don't ignore the feedback of some Guildmates and friends. It's the feedback about a P²W Event.

The biggest mistake is the amount of Lanterns. For the first 30 Quest you can earn 420 Lanterns + ? about finish 20 Quests and 210 for the daily Townhall + ? for the login in 21 days

420 For the Quest
210 Townhall
~190 for the Trees in your city ((5x10, 5x5, 5x3, 5x1) x2 Login Bonus) I know some get less Laterns its only for example

= 820 Lanterns = only 7 trys for the Gold Chest and you need how much trys to get the granted price? 4 for the first and 6 for the second...

ok If you finish the additional Quest you can get again ~ 515 Lanterns for 4 trys to get anythink from the Golden Chest

4+7 Trys = 11 Trys + the Bonus of this trys (3x10, 3x5, 3x3, 2x1 = 56 Lanterns)

Complete 1391 Lanters for the Event : 120 for 1 Try = ~ 12 Trys without Diamonts and you can unlock only 2 granted prices


Complete 1391 Lanters for the Event : 120 for 1 Try = ~ 12 Trys without Diamonts and you can unlock only 2 granted prices

12 tries with a 25% chance of getting 2 buildings out of 5? Thats pretty great odds.
Perhaps some could get 13 or 14 tries, as chances are you could hit 200 Lanterns 1 or 2 times.


No wrong, I know some ppl. they dont get any of this buildings, with a chance of 25% percent, but Pagodas... and Blueprints. I have 3 Pagodas in stock too.


No wrong, I know some ppl. they dont get any of this buildings, with a chance of 25% percent, but Pagodas... and Blueprints. I have 3 Pagodas in stock too.

How can you say I´m wrong? It´s not a matter of opinion, it´s math.
12-14 tries with a 25% chance of getting 2 building ARE great odds. It´s not a 100% chance, so sure you know people who didn´t get a full set. So do I. But I know more, who did.


I have 140 active friends, only 43 = 30,7% have a full set of this Event and from this players I don't know how much Diamonts they spend. But some citys looks like this.



Checked the first 25 among my freinds, and 16 had a set = 64%. Maybe some of your friends didn´t opt for the set? Maybe some saved their Lanterns to go for SoK´s?
Your numbers and mine doesn´t change the fact that odds are in your favor. And it doesn´t mean everybody beats the odds.
Besides, I bet a great number of players didn´t put their Lanterns to best use. I´ve seen a city with 3 Sakura Rocks. You´ve got one for free after 4 tries in the Gold chest. Why would you then spend more Lanterns when the Rock was a daily prize?
Everyone should have learned how the pieces were collected here on Beta, and shared their wisdom among guildmates and friends on live servers. So count again among your freinds on your live server once the event is over there, and I´m sure the number will be higher than 30,7%
If they did it would be a giveaway, and there would be nothing unique about the set anymore.

So, if it is that "UNIQUE" as you call it, than explain to me how the #1 ranked player on Q world (live) has 12 unique sets (he or she obvously as more money than sense), and has enough (4/5 sets) for another 30+ sets. Once the piece he or she is missing rolls around in the daily prize, I'm sure he'll or she'll have more than that.

As Piohh pointed out it's a P2W event. Or it is really current INNO's cash cow.


So, if it is that "UNIQUE" as you call it, than explain to me how the #1 ranked player on Q world (live) has 12 unique sets (he or she obvously as more money than sense), and has enough (4/5 sets) for another 30+ sets. Once the piece he or she is missing rolls around in the daily prize, I'm sure he'll or she'll have more than that.

As Piohh pointed out it's a P2W event. Or it is really current INNO's cash cow.
May be there are some people with a great luck or with a big purse - I say nothing about them. It could be.
BUT... WHY I couldn't have only ONE?!!!
I played since 2012 when there was only Arvahall. There were never quests with open Final - always were prizes. Full prizes. Yes. you could not complete any events and not win the Great Prize, but if you finish all quests - you have it.
BUT - not in this one(((
I am very sad (((


My impression about event:
1.The unique set is a great idea,brings something different to the game and its pretty good
2.You could win other prizes too,good prizes like SOK
3.Missions easy for everyone to accomplish.
4.In theory good odds to win.

5.Impossible to win a full set without spending diamonds,and even so there's a chance to fail
6.In last chest the odds are misleading.The pagoda is way too frequent
7.They should give the players a chance to win the 2 pieces missing in the last days.Not repeat those who are already won


I see a lot of complaints about this event, and.....

Wow, where to start....

You say: "The mechanics of the event are well known to all veteran players"
Look at all the complaints, ALL the Veteran Player have been caught with our pants down, we have NEVER not gotten the Main Event Prize at the end of Quests, this time we've had 2 Quest lines, and without luck, you couldn't even complete the set, some even using squandering Diamonds, and if you look beyond YOUR luck, i think that you will realize THAT is the main cause for discontent.

You say: "or they have squandered their lanterns on other things but won´t admit to it"
YES: i did "squandered" my first 160 Lanterns on 2 attempts at getting a Hall of Fame on the very first day here on Beta, but then i realized that i would need them to get the last 2 buildings, and i hadn't had any luck, that was why i spent my last 2k diamonds to obtain the 2 buildings. The further i got in the 1st Quest line, the more i could gather that i would have to win the last 2 buildings. So now i didn't make the same mistake on Live servers, THAT'S why i am on Beta.
On Live servers i've had VERY different results, from getting the 2 remaining buildings in 3 attempts, all the way to: got the Pond yesterday on my last attempt, having 39 on one server and 70 lanterns remaining another, on both still missing the Entrance.

You say: "However, the introduction of buildings which works best when placed together is genius."
That we agree on, but why limit the set to unique, why not allow for personal preference, if i have to make it work.

You say: "If everybody was meant to get a full set, they should just hand it out after the first event-mission was completed."
That was what Veteran player were expecting, because that's the way it's always been, I guess we have learn't the hard way, that, that is no longer the case.. I guess we should be better at reading the Announcements here on forum. I will be studying the announcements in detail, to avoid going into the same trap once again.

You say: "There´s so many things mentioned by other players I really have to question. The deleting of an incomplete set. Why would you build 4 pieces of the set if you didn´t want them in your city without the 5th piece?"

Deleting the set was a very well considered choice, THIS is Beta, i do NOT have room for incomplete stuff, and i am NOT going to use 4 Store Building kits on them, having them popup right after packs in Stock, and i put them up in the first place, cos i was certain i would get a complete set, and wanted to see how it worked. Not working got me ticked off, every time my mouse passed over the Gong, and the +2 not being active was laughing at me, reminding me of this event, that feeling will never go away. Could have keep the Pond and Rock, to have good Happiness, but will do a couple Alcatraz levels, when i need it. Strategy. Same effect, no additional footprint.

You say: "Preparation for entering a new era? I have never heard that before. I can´t recall I ever had to prepare for entering a new era. Now we had to scout 2 Provinces if we wanted to complete all event-missions? So? If that´s to hard, you probably have fallen way behind on your research, so noone else to blame but yourself. If we have had to scout 3 Provinces I would still have completed all missions."

Are you serious? Do you not apply strategy when playing FoE? And can't you even imagine somebody having a different strategy than you? I stay back in time to build up Guild Stock and Era goods from GB's before moving on. Not having prepared for 2 Research a Tech's, having only 1 left, i halfway through had to decide if i would do the 2nd one or not, and decided to, as i had the Pond at that point. So i did the complete song and dance and had enough Lanterns gathered to get almost 2 more tries, if i needed i could do 40 lanterns i Diamonds and make it 2. I succeeded, and as a EPIC FAIL, the last two days i got to win a fragging GONG... Do you think THAT should be the building to be on the first page of MY STOCK? No way, it had to go.
Had i had the chance to get the last building i would have done 50 more provinces, but that didn't help me either.

So not only did they make me do something i wasn't ready for, i didn't get the prize, after having fragged up my Strategy. So now i am low on Current Age goods, and have to regroup and prepare to go to Next Age, way to fragging soon, as i had to reach a Tech that only left 4 in my age, needed Units for GE, and if the tendency to use 2 Research Tech pr event continues, i will have to change Age in about 2-3 months. On Live servers, i have found a solution to this problem, but that's because i am so far along. On Beta I've only been playing about a year. Racing along in the game is not my strategy, I'd rather enjoy the nice work the folks at Inno have done, but now they are starting to make me speed up, and wreck MY strategy. I can, and will now, react by critically opting to take part in coming events.

I've had apply some kind of strategy, with the amount of events over the last 2 years, and EVERY SINGLE ONE containing the Scout a Province, and Research a Tech. This time they took 2 of each, and i got nothing to show, and NO i do NOT consider 4/5 to be anything but junk, 4/5 of a GB gives no bonuses, i asked earlier if the building would return at a later date, no answer, so they had to join the place where junk go. I will survive, besides I hit the Eggs-ploit back last year, so i am not complaining about my general luck here on Beta. But I do feel I will be cheating myself out of the big work the do on the Events, and i guess it will be sad not to take part, and then again, you win some and you loose some.

But one thing you got ABSOLUTELY RIGHT:
IT IS ALL MY OWN FAULT, i didn't find out what i was doing, and how the "prize" really worked. I was the one playing the Event wrong, because the concept was completely new, as you no longer got the Main Event prize at the end. And that's my fault for not reading what the event was about, until i had "squandred" my first 160 Lanterns.

You can't win them all, so grats to the Lucky ones :) and sorry for being a bit longwinded :)


@ Lionhead... joking?

you need to spend little bit more time...

"Thats the result if I check the first 5 of my Friendlist so its 100% :rolleyes:"

My OF Neighborhood have 43%
My Guild have 31%
My Friendlist have 30.07%

246 Player and 84 of them got a full Set so ~ 34,15% and some of this players spend diamonts to get a full Set.

It's a EVENT not a Lottery
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You say: "The mechanics of the event are well known to all veteran players"
Look at all the complaints, ALL the Veteran Player have been caught with our pants down, we have NEVER not gotten the Main Event Prize at the end of Quests, this time we've had 2 Quest lines, and without luck, you couldn't even complete the set, some even using squandering Diamonds, and if you look beyond YOUR luck, i think that you will realize THAT is the main cause for discontent.

What mechanichs means is how the event works ie Daily prize, 3 chests of different value, trees outside your city grid, NOT the end result.

Are you serious? Do you not apply strategy when playing FoE? And can't you even imagine somebody having a different strategy than you?

I´m very serious. I do apply strategy when playing. My strategy is to adapt my play to what Inno seems to want from their players: Steady Progress. If you leapfrog through 90% of an era´s tech by using saved fp-packs and as a result you have to stay "locked" at 1 tech remaining before entering next era to build up goods stock personally and guildwise when you KNOW events comming up will contain research tech(s), I´m sorry to say, but veteran players only have themselves to blame.

and if the tendency to use 2 Research Tech pr event continues, i will have to change Age in about 2-3 months.

Maybe that´s just me, but 2-3 months should give a player plenty of time to build up goods stock.

On Live servers i've had VERY different results, from getting the 2 remaining buildings in 3 attempts, all the way to: got the Pond yesterday on my last attempt, having 39 on one server and 70 lanterns remaining another, on both still missing the Entrance.

Congrats on having won The Entrance since writing this. I can see a full set in your city on Cirgard, Denmark. And I see a whole lot of Wishing Well´s, Bazaar´s, Oasis, Tribal Squares and Goods-GB´s and Treasury-GB´s in quite high levels, so it doesn´t seem to me you´ll do that bad on goods-collecting.

EDIT: I seem to have misread your post. Cirgard must have been one of the 2 where you did get the remaining on 3 tries. Nevertheless, Congrats. That´s exactly the number of tries I needed to get the final piece - or in fact I was impatient, so I squandered 120 Lanterns when Champion´s Retreat was Daily prize, just to unlock the Main Prize, Sakura Rock. Btw, my results aren´t that different. I have obtained the full set on Arvahall, Brisgard and my main Cirgard, and I´m only missing 1 piece on Dinegu standing currently at 276 Lanterns and awaiting The Pond, which I missed as a daily prize the first time around.
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