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Feedback Space Age Titan


One note on this is that 2k goods a day will not be "exceptional" for long. I expect 10k+ goods per day to be being approached by some players within a year from collection alone - collection you could keep some of in SAT after you leave.
Hear ya, my guild goods production is over 8,725 per day so that will start getting eaten away so I can produce more current age goods. But I don't see 10K current age as feasible since 5K of my guild goods comes from great buildings.

And...okay 10K goods/day = 298 days. 66% faster for the exceedingly exceptional and uber rare player. Big deal. :/ Let's face it Inno made a "hard" limit without overtly making a hard limit on these GBs.
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Perk Creator
Hear ya, my guild goods production is over 8,725 per day so that will start getting eaten away so I can produce more current age goods. But I don't see 10K current age as feasible since 5K of my guild goods comes from great buildings.
New event buildings are the key. Most impressive (so far) is the feta farm producing 30 goods and 20 tgoods in just 6 squares. If you managed to tile your SAT city in these it'd actually be closer to 15k goods and 10k Tgoods per day. And it makes FP and provides attack too. You can swap some of the feta farms for golden goal gyros to balance your army stats a bit better and make almost the same amount of normal goods but lose some tgoods.

That's probably not realistic for much of anyone on a whole-city scale, but other event buildings have been producing large amounts of goods too. And we haven't seen them slow on the power surge being provided to event buildings yet, so it seems likely there'll be many more buildings that are at least as good, if not better, in the events to come.


Folks are reporting that SAV Power Dragons are the way to go - nope just as bad of losses/wounding per round. SAT drones? I've built up 2K of them but they drop like flies as well.
Give SAJM fast unit a try. With my stats (~3500/2500, lvl158 AO) they seem to work better, if not much better than the SAT units. Only exception is when there are not fast units in other side of the battlefield, than arti+rogue combo works the best. I've just replaced the SAT fast unit building with the SAJM one, gotta produce those units...


Okay, so when do we start giving the feedback that SAT is the absolute worst GbG/fighting age? I mean the OVERWHELMING 200+ pages of feedback? Where can we put it that it will actually get listened to?

My guild is filled with SAT players posting that they are out of troops and can't do anymore GbG today. It's downright depressing. These are people with L80+ Traz and event/settlement buildings that produce troops. Several of them don't even participate in GbG on a daily basis. What gives?

I had nearly 10K Grenadier's when SAT came out and now I'm down to 4,952. That's my losses over 3 GBG weeks. Really? This is ridiculous. Way to make an age that punishes players for playing.

Folks are reporting that SAV Power Dragons are the way to go - nope just as bad of losses/wounding per round. SAT drones? I've built up 2K of them but they drop like flies as well.

I get that GbG needs tweaking, but to punish just one age as a way to reduce participation? Just not getting how that helps the game long term.

Then the next two things set to come out are UI changes that are steps backward and "Let's help new players get to FE (or whatever other age was mentioned) much cheaper and easier than before?" Is Inno just looking to push all their senior players out? How much more obvious can you make the milking of new inexperienced players plan be?

This game is still set to punish players for moving up in ages too fast, so make it cheaper to hurt yourself? What a GREAT idea! Yep! You are now stuck here....thanks for your money now leave since it will be two+ years until you can do GE64 for a guild!
You have to change units very often. After 1-2 fights. Unfortunately, I have no better advice for you.


Give SAJM fast unit a try. With my stats (~3500/2500, lvl158 AO) they seem to work better, if not much better than the SAT units. Only exception is when there are not fast units in other side of the battlefield, than arti+rogue combo works the best. I've just replaced the SAT fast unit building with the SAJM one, gotta produce those units...
SAJM gliders do about as good as SAJM grenadiers- can move a bit further along (sometimes) in attrition, but as far as losses go they are on par with grenadiers.

I'm working with a 2637/2305 attack boost and this is a joke.


SAJM gliders do about as good as SAJM grenadiers- can move a bit further along (sometimes) in attrition, but as far as losses go they are on par with grenadiers.

I'm working with a 2637/2305 attack boost and this is a joke.

I have 3700/3700 and I usually have to change after 3 fights :)
Give SAJM fast unit a try. With my stats (~3500/2500, lvl158 AO) they seem to work better, if not much better than the SAT units.
if you are using units from lower ages than titan, the AO is obsolet.
So why should it work better without AO-boost and lower Keen Eye? I tried it already at the begin of SAT the result was not better.


Give SAJM fast unit a try. With my stats (~3500/2500, lvl158 AO) they seem to work better, if not much better than the SAT units. Only exception is when there are not fast units in other side of the battlefield, than arti+rogue combo works the best. I've just replaced the SAT fast unit building with the SAJM one, gotta produce those units...
Yes and no, gliders are good, till 70 attrition, after that You have to swap to drones to keep higher attrition.
Also Arctic Orangery is equal to zero using SAJM against titan since You can't use it with lower units.


Has anyone found a good layout for colony with Experimental test side and Chemical cleaning plant? It should be 4 of each, with full life support.
For a moment I thought I have done it using 12 Spicy Titan restaurants and 1 Hot chocolate bar for life support and 22 heated residence, but then I couldn't put one Heat batteries anywhere which were needed for full support. There is 10 squares space, but not as a single 3x3 area
Has anyone found a good layout for colony with Experimental test side and Chemical cleaning plant? It should be 4 of each, with full life support.
For a moment I thought I have done it using 12 Spicy Titan restaurants and 1 Hot chocolate bar for life support and 22 heated residence, but then I couldn't put one Heat batteries anywhere which were needed for full support. There is 10 squares space, but not as a single 3x3 area
If you eliminate the life support you can fit in 6 Experimental Test Sites and 5 Chemical Cleaning Plants supported by 31 Heated Residences. It will cost more supplies and coins to produce goods with zero life support but a city with a solid foundation is able to handle it without a problem.


If you eliminate the life support you can fit in 6 Experimental Test Sites and 5 Chemical Cleaning Plants supported by 31 Heated Residences. It will cost more supplies and coins to produce goods with zero life support but a city with a solid foundation is able to handle it without a problem.
My city produces about 41M-46M coins and 11M-14M supplies, but I still feel somewhat uncomfortable to do stuff with such a great expenses. Seems to be a bit unfair that a colony with some other producers can do it easily.

Deleted User - 57457

That's since the dawn of the game. Causing debates even about Bronze Age good's fair trade ratios. As stone uses a larger footprint compared to for example wine. The colonies are kinda a soft reboot of this ancient debate/unfairness
My city produces about 41M-46M coins and 11M-14M supplies, but I still feel somewhat uncomfortable to do stuff with such a great expenses. Seems to be a bit unfair that a colony with some other producers can do it easily.
Daily, it costs 33MM coins and supplies to run 11 goods buildings on 24hr productions without life support. You're fine on coins but light on supplies. If I were you I'd probably consider adding levels to my HC or re-build LoA to close the gap. It shouldn't be too difficult.


Daily, it costs 33MM coins and supplies to run 11 goods buildings on 24hr productions without life support. You're fine on coins but light on supplies. If I were you I'd probably consider adding levels to my HC or re-build LoA to close the gap. It shouldn't be too difficult.
I have LoA -could upgrade it. But my city makes about 1300 Titan goods daily acc to Foe helper, maybe more if BG doubles some. Wondering if it pays to waste so much supplies for goods in the colony
I have LoA -could upgrade it. But my city makes about 1300 Titan goods daily acc to Foe helper, maybe more if BG doubles some. Wondering if it pays to waste so much supplies for goods in the colony
This is a decision that only you can make. If you are not in a rush to level up the Titan GBs then maximizing your Colony production wouldn't be a big priority. I have Hydra and Centaurus near level 50 and Pegasus at 25. I don't know when the next Era will launch but I want these 3 GBs as close to 80 as I can get them so I don't have to hold off on getting out of SAT. Your goals may be different.

Zio Dyhos

It is very likely that we will not have attack and defense GES again for quite some time as good as these offered by the age of titan, I think there is even another building that provides troops since these from the new era are especially bad and die with very easy, even having good attack levels and having these new GES at a good level, they are useless, they die very quickly.